August 11-12, 2019
Aug 11 01:56 Democrats cheer for US failure Aug 11 11:38 Tim Walz's environmental sellout Aug 11 14:03 Ken Martin's unhinged diatribe Aug 11 22:26 AFSCME: leadership vs. rank & file Aug 11 23:16 Dems, the politically insane party Aug 12 08:27 'The Hunt' is canceled Aug 12 11:19 California's constitutional chicanery
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Democrats cheer for US failure
I've been writing for months that today's Democrats are anti-American. This article provides verifiable proof that I've been right all along. It provides quotes of major media personalities that aren't shy about touting their Democrat credentials cheering for America's failure.
How sick is that? Bill Maher, a man who used to be funny about a generation ago, agreed with "NBC News correspondent Richard Engel." Engel said "Short-term pain might be better than long-term destruction of the Constitution." Maher replied "Right. Thank you very much."
First, what the hell is Engel babbling about? What did he mean when he talked about the "long-term destruction of the Constitution"? Aren't Democrats the political party that believes that the Constitution is a "living, breathing document" that's forever malleable to fit their policy goals? If Democrats aren't that party anymore, when did they morph into strict constructionists who think fighting for principles like the presumption of innocence, separation of powers and federalism is a politician's highest calling?
Further, I've yet to hear a single Democrat explain how President Trump is trashing the Constitution. The next time I hear Democrats cite a specific example of President Trump trashing the Constitution, it'll be the first time. That isn't the same as hearing Democrats using the phrase "constitutional crisis." Any blithering idiot can use that phrase. For a week+, Democrats used that phrase what seemed like once every 10 seconds.
These Democrats, starting with but not exclusive to Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff, rattled that phrase off constantly on CNN and MSNBC. Of course, each time these Democrats regurgitated that line, media personalities like Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Rachel Maddow either nodded in agreement or just accepted it as Gospel fact.
Now that's a shock, isn't it? People need to stop looking to these idiots for information. Lemon, Cuomo, Scarborough, Brzezinski and Maddow are idiots. Mika's father was the worst NSA in US history, best known for his failings during the Iran Hostage Crisis. Lemon would be a late-night TV talk show host if he wasn't so scatterbrained. Scarborough was a congressman and a flake. Cuomo failed at the family business. Maddow is known for this:
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But I digress. Returning to the initial story, it's clear that the Democrats' hatred of anything Trump is causing their judgment to be impaired. Why would voters pick a candidate whose hatred of a sitting president is so great that these Democrats are rooting for failure?
Democrats that cheer for failure so they can win elections are sick people. They aren't leaders. They're parasites. For this group of Democrats, winning is everything. Making America great isn't high on their priority list whatsoever.
How sick is that?
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2019 1:56 AM
Comment 1 by Chad Q at 11-Aug-19 07:10 AM
Everyone lost their mind when Rush said "I hope he fails" when talking about Obama's agenda and now you have progressive/social democrat after progressive/social democrat cheering for the demise of the entire country just so Trump loses in 2020. Everyone from every socioeconomic group is much better off under Trump than they were during 8 stagnant years of Obama/Biden. And if they want to talk about trashing the constitution, they need to look no further than Obama's executive orders that no one challenged because they were afraid of being called a racist or the courts looked the other way. Then there's Obamacare. Any and all executive orders Trump has signed have been challenged and most overturned as a result.
The left is becoming more and more unhinged everyday and the MSM is fueling their craziness.
Tim Walz's environmental sellout
I didn't realize just how much Gov. Tim Walz had bought into the DFL's anti-mining agenda until now. According to this article , Gov. Walz has gone the full Al Gore on environmental stupidity.
Awhile back, Gore was in town for "the Climate Reality Leadership Corps training at the Minneapolis Convention Center." Gore said Walz is helping Minnesota change the energy landscape, saying "What's happening here in Minnesota represents some of the best of what's happening all across the country. If Washington is not going to lead, Minnesota will."
The 'leadership' that Vice President Gore is talking about is anything but leadership. It's Democrat stupidity running rampant. During his presentation, Gov. Walz was interrupted by protesters who oppose the Line 3 Pipeline. When they were shut down, Gov. Walz tried winning their trust. Check out the video in this tweet:
Protesters disrupt Gov. Walz speech.
- FredMelo, Reporter (@FrederickMelo) August 2, 2019
Check this out:
Walz said even a head of state has to work in concert with lawmakers - and Minnesota is the only state in the nation where control of the legislature is divided. " We want to move to a totally carbon-free Minnesota ," said Walz, noting that the Republican-controlled state Senate has refused to hear a DFL-led climate bill modeled after aggressive plans in California and Hawaii. "We don't have the Senate."
Gov. Walz's betrayal of his southern Minnesota farming roots is complete. He's wholly owned by the environmentalist wing of the DFL. Long ago, the DFL sold out totally to the environmentalists. Further, the DFL doesn't deserve its name because the Democratic-Farmer-Laborer Party has become the party of socialists. The DFL has abandoned farmers and laborers.
It's impossible to picture a farm in a carbon-free environment. The protesters that interrupted Gov. Walz's speech are protesting the Line 3 Pipeline. The DFL has already tried stopping the PolyMet and Twin Metals projects. They stopped the Sandpiper Pipeline project. If they won't support those types of projects, how can the DFL credibly call themselves pro-labor?
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California's once-great agricultural land is virtually worthless. They're blaming it on climate change but it's mostly attributable to foolish policies pushed by environmental activists. The last thing that Minnesota should want is to become a cold California. That isn't anything that any state should aspire to. California is quickly becoming the capitol of homelessness, illegal immigration and rat infestation.
Tim Walz isn't from southern Minnesota anymore. He isn't pro-farmer. He isn't pro-gun rights anymore. He's quickly becoming the most progressive governor in Minnesota history.
The sellout is complete.
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2019 11:38 AM
Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 11-Aug-19 01:50 PM
I am trying to envision a carbon-free Minnesota. Are the MN DFL and Governor Walz actually endorsing and promoting Minnesota as a northern Saharan desert? All plant life requires CO2 to live and to flourish. So will we be living in a land without any vegetation?
Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 11-Aug-19 04:55 PM
Shame on you, Gretchen. You introduced science & logic into a scientific subject. The DFL prohibits that. LOL
Comment 2 by Janet at 12-Aug-19 11:43 AM
DFL along with the rest of the socialist Democrats & other left of center entities want to control our lives. One key to that control in Minnesota is stopping mining. It's that basic.
Leftist Ds use climate change as an excuse. It will result in a very Poor MN. Remember, MN feeds millions of Americans & other nations. Climate changes all the time. The arrogance of some who think 4-5% of the world's population going to zero carbon is disgusting and futile.
Ken Martin's unhinged diatribe
Anyone that thinks that Ken Martin, the DFL State Party Chairman, is controlling his faculties is kidding themselves. Either that or they're part of the Twin Cities media. Matt Dean retweeted Martin's diatribe . After reading Martin's diatribe, it's difficult to think that he isn't a lunatic. Read Martin's statement, then tell me he doesn't sound like he's leading the DFL off a cliff:
I am not shocked, I am not surprised, I am not grief stricken. I am pissed, I am angry and I am disgusted that this is what our country has become. @TheDemocrats @DemStateParties @MinnesotaDFL #stribpol #mnleg
- Ken Martin (@kenmartin73) August 4, 2019
Yikes! Reading his diatribe, I count too many lies to count. For instance, Martin insists that President Trump is "destroying this country." Seriously? Martin apparently hates prosperity because this is the best economy of my lifetime.
Further, Martin ranted this:
The occupant of the White House, Donald Trump, has through his words and actions, given rise to hate speech and violence throughout this country- he is a White nationalist, racist, homophobic, zenophobe [sic], who is destroying our country.
That's a lengthy list of accusations. Notice that Martin, or any other DFL politician for that matter, hasn't offered even a tiny morsel of proof to substantiate this wild-eyed diatribe.
That isn't to say there's nothing noteworthy in Martin's diatribe. Martin hasn't figured this out but it's what's actually wrong:
If these shootings were perpetrated by black or brown men, you could bet would have acted by now. However, it seems that our leaders are ok not acting because white people killing people from marginalized communities.
Martin just accused the entire Republican Party of being racist. In his attempt to score political points for the DFL, he threw 40+ percent of Minnesotans under the bus. What a disgusting little man.
When did it become ok to say this? Zero blowback from the press. This is inappropriate, and nutty. Martin should apologize, but he won't do that and the cheerleaders in the press are happy to pile on.
- Matt Dean (@repmattdean) August 11, 2019
Good question, Matt. I didn't know that it had become acceptable. That being said, I agree with you that the Twin Cities media will fall all over themselves attempting to protect the DFL chairman's reckless remarks. In fact, a quick Google news search on Martin's name for the past week shows zero results. It doesn't get much more silent than zero coverage.
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2019 2:03 PM
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AFSCME: leadership vs. rank & file
Apparently, AFSCME leadership doesn't think it needs to represent its members . Apparently, AFSCME leadership thinks it just needs to do whatever the Democrats tell them to do. I'm fairly certain that AFSME's leadership is misreading the situation badly. Here's what's shaping up to be a helluva fight:
This month, 19 Democratic presidential candidates gathered in Las Vegas to court the union vote at a forum hosted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the country's largest public-sector union. Some candidates took this opportunity to plug their plans for a government takeover of the nation's health care system, which AFSCME supports.
But labor unions should be careful what they wish for. Union workers currently have some of the best health benefits around. "Medicare-for-All" would take those benefits away and leave union members with long waits for poor-quality care.
Democrats are treading on slippery turf. If AFSCME leadership sides with the Democrats, especially if their nominee is Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, they'll lose union rank-and-file members. Unions negotiated for Cadillac plans while not pushing hard for bigger pay raises. This wasn't accidental.
If the Democrats' presidential nominee pushes Medicare for All, they'll lose lots of votes from public employee union members. President Trump doesn't have to win a majority of the AFSCME or SEIU vote. He simply has to cut into the Democrats' margin of victory with those voters.
I've said for years that the worst thing that could happen to unions, especially public employee unions, aka PEUs, isn't defeat. It's political irrelevance. If you think that Democrats court the union vote because of some deep kinship with their union brethren, you haven't done your homework. Democrats court unions, especially PEUs, out of political necessity. The minute that PEUs stop producing sufficient margins of votes, they'll get thrown under the bus.
That's what's happening now with coal miners, steel workers, construction unions that build infrastructure like natural gas pipelines or other important infrastructure. Notice how progressive elitists treat Trump's army of coal miners. Remember this?
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Democrats care about their extremist agenda far more than they care about unions. That's why Democrats won't hesitate in throwing unions under the bus for the opportunity to implement Medicare for All.
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2019 10:26 PM
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Dems, the politically insane party
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. I've finally found someone who's gone public with an opinion that I've preached for more than a year. In this post , Powerline's John Hinderaker highlights a post written by "James Kunstler", who "runs a site called Clusterfuck Nation. [Warning: strong language to follow.]" Kunstler is described as a man who "is, or was, a liberal. But he isn't crazy, and today the issue isn't conservative vs. liberal, it is sane vs. insane."
Saturday night, I spoke with a good friend about presidential politics. The first topic I mentioned was candidates passing what's been known for a generation as the 'Commander-in-Chief' test. Essentially, that test means whether you can picture that candidate as this nation's Commander-in-Chief. If the candidate can't pass that test, he's usually finished. Either that or they just don't run.
I told my friend that, in my opinion, there's a new qualifying (disqualifying?) test which I've nicknamed the 'Are you nuts?' test. With this year's crop of Democrat candidates, I'd eliminate two-thirds of the candidates immediately. Can you picture Bill de Blasio, Eric Swalwell, Marianne Williamson, Corey Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Robert Francis O'Rourke, Jay Inslee, Tom Steyer, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Hickenlooper, Seth Moulton, Steve Bullock, Wayne Messam or Andrew Yang passing the Commander-in-Chief test? I can't picture some of those candidates passing a test to become City Dog Catcher, much less picturing them passing the CoC test. But I digress.
If the Left were a person, it would be in a locked ward by now on twenty milligrams of haloperidol QID. But we gave up on mental hospitals decades ago. So, the Left is on the loose out there in streets, threatening to 'stab motherfuckers in the heart' one moment and ululating against gun violence in the next.
Pretty soon, America might have to start asking: what exactly is "progressive" about going insane? I think we're getting close to answering that, and the answer is: nothing. The Left has managed to drain the meaning from the word "progressive." We will not be able to take it seriously for generations to come (if there are any generations to come).
This isn't surprising. In fact, it's quite predictable. That's how we reach tipping points like this:
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Democrats don't have substantive ideas. Democrats have rants, ideology and pet peeves masquerading as substantive ideas. That doesn't mean that they're qualified to govern. When Jerry Nadler announced that they'd opened an impeachment investigation, did serious investigators take him seriously? I'm not a serious investigator and I didn't take it seriously. I saw it as his desperate attempt to gain access to information that he's been denied before.
The last time Democrats retook the majority in the House, they held that majority for 2 terms. This time, Democrats will hold it for half that amount. Democrats will hold it for 2 years , not 2 terms. They haven't earned the privilege of a second term in the majority. They're too nuts to govern.
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2019 11:16 PM
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'The Hunt' is canceled
On Saturday, Universal Pictures announced that they were cancelling the release of 'The Hunt'. The announcement is being treated as a huge victory for conservatives. It isn't. It's little more than a temporary appeasement.
In their announcement, the Universal spokesperson said "the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film : we understand that now is not the right time to release this film." That's the most wishy-washy statement I've ever heard. It's downright disgusting, to be honest.
There isn't a good time to make that film. It's everything that's wrong with the anarchist left. I see this as nothing more than treating a symptom. The underlying disease is kept intact. Hollywood still thinks of Trump supporters as Deplorables. Democrats criticize President Trump for his incendiary rhetoric. How isn't this 100 times worse?
Democrats, especially the Antifa Wing of their party, hate deplorables. It's been impossible for elitists to hide their contempt for conservatives. What is Hollywood doing to fix their underlying contempt for conservatism? What is Hollywood doing to fix our chaotic southern border? Hollywood hasn't shown any interest in stopping the sex trafficking that's running rampant these days.
These are things that Trump's supporters care deeply about. While President Trump calls for unity, Democrats have praised division and hatred. To be American, we need shared priorities, shared interest in being virtuous and a belief that, while working together, there's nothing that Americans can't do.
People from other parts of the world are welcome here as long as they come by our rules. Bum-rushing an overwhelmed border, then applying for asylum, isn't how we create a society that helps each other, pulls for each other and builds great things together.
The Hunt has been cancelled but fixing Hollywood is still part of America's to-do list. Hollywood's 'Hate America First' mentality must stop ASAP. Tolerating the left's hate-filled attacks is unacceptable.
Posted Monday, August 12, 2019 8:27 AM
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California's constitutional chicanery
When it comes to constitutional chicanery, California can't be beat. Let me rephrase that. When it comes to constitutional chicanery, California can't be beat, except in court. In this instance , it'll get beaten like a drum.
Harmeet Dhillon lays out what's happening when she writes "No one, not Congress, not the president, and certainly not a state government, may unilaterally change the requirements to be president of the United States without first amending the U.S. Constitution." Then she writes "The U.S. Constitution is very clear as to the requirements to run for president: one must be a 'natural born Citizen,' 35 years old, resident in the United States for 14 years. That's it."
That didn't prevent California's Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom from signing a bill that attempts to add additional criteria to the Constitution through making new state law . It's nothing but a PR stunt. That doesn't mean action shouldn't be taken. That's where Harmeet's law firm comes in:
On behalf of the Republican National Committee, the California GOP, and three Trump-supporting Republican voters in California, my law firm filed for a preliminary injunction in federal court to block this unconstitutional law before it can interfere with the 2020 presidential election. The president and his campaign have done the same.
Good for her. Good for them. It's what I'd expect from California Democrats. It's what I demand from Republicans.
[Video no longer available]
Posted Monday, August 12, 2019 11:19 AM
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