April 8-10, 2020

Apr 08 00:46 Larry Kudlow, Steve Mnuchin: Let's re-open the economy
Apr 08 09:16 Gov. Tim Walz's incompetence
Apr 08 11:49 Adam Schiff leaks again (It's really bad this time.)
Apr 08 19:22 Made in China still means junk

Apr 09 01:09 Gov. Walz's faulty criteria
Apr 09 09:12 Gov. Walz's strange explanation
Apr 09 20:55 The dog that hasn't barked

Apr 10 00:59 The tyranny of the experts
Apr 10 13:07 Mary Franson, GOP vs. Tim Walz, DFL

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Larry Kudlow, Steve Mnuchin: Let's re-open the economy

By morning, if not faster, it's virtually certain that the MSM will intentionally mischaracterize the Trump administration's plans for the economy. That's how they roll. The key to understanding the administration's plans, look no further than Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's quote .

In a statement to Fox News, Mnuchin said "The president is very much looking at how we can reopen parts of the economy. There are parts of the country, like New York, where obviously this is very, very concerning. There are other parts of the country where it's not."

Kudlow added "The president would like to reopen the economy as soon as he can, and we are planning internally,' adding that the spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus is what will determine when the economy can be reopened. 'I am hoping : we're only a few weeks away from a reopening. We'll see."

In other words, President Trump isn't planning on opening the economy by opening NYC a week after Easter. The thought that the administration is planning this suggests that there's some thoughtfulness involved. Larry Kudlow has helped build some pretty dynamic economies in his career. Why shouldn't we think that he's capable of rebuilding the economy another time? It'd be one thing if we were asked to trust someone for the first time. That isn't the case this time. Mr. Kudlow helped build the original Reagan economy that created 20,000,000 jobs.

This is exciting news on the COVID-19 front:

"Everybody who knows me knows that I am very conservative about making projections, but those are the kind of good signs that you look for," White House task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci said during a televised briefing on April 6. "That's the first thing you see when you start to see the turnaround."

The COVID-19 virus, aka the Chinese Communist Party virus, isn't to be taken lightly. Still, there's increasingly positive sign appearing daily. At some point, it's time to unleash this economy again. It was creating millions of jobs. Wages were rising at 3.1%. Unemployment was at 3.5%. There isn't much chance it'll pick up right where it left off. Still, there's no doubt that it won't perform well again. This isn't the Obama administration asleep at the switch this time.

Dr. Fauci answers when we'll return to normal during this briefing:
[Video no longer available]
Like the title of an old book, "normal is a setting on a dryer." There's no question that it'll take awhile to forget this virus. Some of the dire predictions won't happen, either.

Still, there's lots of stuff that we'll learn from this virus, including whether we should've shut down the economy like we did. The easy answer is that we should've shut it down but that position is losing popularity due to the fact that we're realizing that many of our decisions were guided primarily by fear. Fear, aka panic, isn't the best basis for policy-making.

Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2020 12:46 AM

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Gov. Tim Walz's incompetence

It's likely that Minnesota DFL Gov. Tim Walz will start undoing the damage he did when he issued his initial stay-at-home executive order . At the time of his first EO, Gov. Walz relied on a model that "is premised on modeling performed by state and University of Minnesota public health experts. According to the modeling as reported by the Star Tribune, 'up to 2.4 million Minnesotans could become infected with COVID-19[.]' Further, 'researchers roughly calculated that 74,000 Minnesotans would have died if no community mitigation measures had been taken, including limitations on crowd sizes and closing schools, restaurants and bars.'"

At the time, Gov. Walz was mostly driven by panic and poor analysis. As I write this, 34 people have died in Minnesota who had COVID-19 . Notice that I didn't say that 34 people had died of COVID-19. I said that 34 people who had been infected by COVID-19 had died. That's a distinction with a significant difference.

Further, there wasn't much of a chance that Minnesota would do nothing to protect themselves. In other words, Gov. Walz shut down the state because he panicked. Now, he's trying to take credit for Minnesota limiting the spread of COVID-19. The truth is that the mitigation techniques were proposed by President Trump's task force. Gov. Walz simply went along with their recommendation.

At this point, Minnesota is just 73,966 deaths short of the model's prediction. Even with mitigation measures in place, we're still 49,966 deaths short of the model's predictions.

As of this morning, there have been 1,069 confirmed cases of people catching COVID-19. Admittedly, that number might be a bit low. Still, 1,100 confirmed cases isn't justification for shutting a state down for 2 weeks.

If Gov. Walz wants to take credit for shutting down the state over COVID-19, he'll have to explain why a) he panicked, b) his Department of Health got things so badly wrong and c) the U of M got things so badly wrong. Further, the Star Tribune has omitted the 74,000 figure from its reporting other than its first article. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Star Tribune is protecting a DFL governor. That's what they do. That's what they've done for a generation. We would've been better off had Gov. Walz shut down the Strib than shutting down the state.

Walz issued the stay-at-home order, which ends Friday, based on modeling by the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Health that was pessimistic in certain assumptions. The governor praised that modeling for predicting that the current social distancing would make a difference , but the reality of the outbreak has played out differently in Minnesota in some key ways.

The model predicted 50,000 Minnesotans would die after getting infected with COVID-19. That's a far, distant cry from the 34 COVID-19 deaths we've had in Minnesota. I could've done as well throwing darts.

Here's a question for Gov. Walz and the DFL: how many deaths would've been prevented had Gov. Walz's EO just called for social distancing and avoiding crowds of bigger than 10? Would it have been 34 or more? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2020 9:16 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen Leisen at 08-Apr-20 12:48 PM
Hindsight is always better than foresight. Of course, it's an enigma, and is totally unhelpful in a pandemic. Walz is not the smartest bulb in the bin. He is merely occupying the office of Governor by doing the minimal to make life safer and easier for our citizens.

By now it is obvious that President Trump is correct to begin the process of opening up the country to capitalism again. As for the staying at home practice, wearing masks, etc., the public ought to be able to use some common sense. Instead of everyone isolating him/herself from society, why not recommend that those who are vulnerable self-quarantine - or at least continue to keep themselves safe by less mingling with others at this time. Wearing a mask when in public is not so difficult when your health is at risk. Why should younger, healthy persons be forced to quarantine themselves too? I say we reverse the rules to apply to those who are most vulnerable, not to the entire society.

Adam Schiff leaks again (It's really bad this time.)

It isn't overstatement to say that Adam Schiff is the most prolific leaker in Congress. Just when you thought he couldn't stoop to lower lows, Schiff proves that theory wrong. This time, Chairman Schiff criticized Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell for rearranging the ODNI without the Intel Committees' permission.

Specifically, Chairman Schiff said "Grenell was 'pursuing organizational and personnel changes' in ODNI 'without consulting and seeking authorization from Congress and in a manner that undermines critical intelligence functions.'" It's awful that Schiff would say that. It's worse, though, that he'd leak the letter before sending it to its official recipient.

Before moving on though, it's important to tell Schiff that Ambassador Grenell has the authority he needs to make changes because President Trump named him as the Acting DNI. He doesn't need Schiff's permission because he doesn't take orders from Schiff.

Grenell shot back with his reply:

Schiff is a partisan hatchetman. He should be stripped of his security clearance forthwith. Further, he shouldn't be part of any oversight committee from this point forward. Thankfully, President Trump is draining the Swamp:
[Video no longer available]
Good riddance.

Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2020 11:49 AM

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Made in China still means junk

The phrase 'Made in China' still means what it meant 40+ years ago. It still means that you're buying junk. Forty+ years ago, it meant junk. Then Nixon went to China and businesses started thinking that they'd make tons of money selling their products to China, which was true. Then people started thinking that they'd democratize China and that China would become a democratized nation of capitalists.

That part failed miserably.

That leads us to today's China news :

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister tested positive for Coronavirus late last month, was hospitalized over the weekend, then was transferred to an intensive care unit early this week after his symptoms worsened. He has been sickened by a highly-transmissible virus that originated in China, whose government lied, suppressed data and covered up crucial information over the course of critical early weeks -- leading to a global pandemic -- and their deceit persists to this day. With that as a backdrop, the British government is demanding a refund after becoming the latest victim of defective anti-Coronavirus medical supplies:

The UK is demanding a refund on this Chinese trash. (The sound you hear in the background is Chinese credibility collapsing.) Meanwhile, US innovators are creating new technologies that astonish people with their reliability. (The sound you hear under your feet is the ground shifting as the US reestablishes its marketplace dominance.

When Japan rebuilt its economy, it rebuilt by making quality products. When China entered the world market, it kept building crap for most things. This article highlights how much China's stock is dropping:

In a blog post on Monday, John Bell, the coordinator of coronavirus testing for Public Health England, said that none of England's 17 million antibody kits -- including the ones bought from China -- have performed well. "We see many false negatives and we also see false positives," he wrote. "...This is not a good result for test suppliers or for us."

It's clear that US products are higher quality than China's products. That's especially important during a health crisis. Each test, each product is important. Lives hang in the balance with each test. That isn't something that you can 'roll the dice' on. That's something that you've got to nail each time, every time.

Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2020 7:22 PM

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Gov. Walz's faulty criteria

It's time for Tim Walz to start making smart decisions. Right now, that isn't happening. This op-ed , written by Senators Jim Abeler, John Hoffman and Scott Jensen is a little outdated but it's essential reading, especially for Gov. Walz and Jan Malcolm, Gov. Walz's Health commissioner. That's who it's written to.

In the article, Abeler, Hoffman and Jensen wrote "some of the tools employed fighting COVID-19 are creating needless harm to our citizens' mental and financial well-being, while providing no benefit in the fight. And they are also putting the over 100,000 Minnesotans with a disability at great risk when next year's budget shows billions in shortfalls."

Later in the article, the meat of the article, I'd argue, they wrote "A small insurance company in Anoka is open, since it provides financial services. Next to it, a hair salon with a single chair is shuttered by executive order. The insurance agency will be able to pay its rent and property tax on a home. The hair stylist with the salon may never open again."

What's the sense in that plan? Is Gov. Walz that ignorant? There's a better way:

So now, let us define "safe" vs. "unsafe" sites instead of "essential" vs. "nonessential" functions. If a site is generally safe, let it remain open or reopen. Let the solo hair stylist remain in his or her hair salon. Let the golfers golf. Let the cabinet builders build.

Gov. Walz, why would you keep places closed that don't need closing? If you look at charts of the state that show where most COVID-19 deaths happened, you'd notice that they happened in nursing homes. Wednesday morning, I wrote that, as of that moment, 1,069 Minnesotans had gotten infected by COVID-19. Why on God's green earth did we need to shut down Minnesota's economy? First of all, COVID-19 is lethal for people with previous health situations or older people. If they're healthy 50-somethings or 40-somethings, the chances of getting ill are virtually nil. Why shouldn't golfers be golfing? Why shouldn't homebuilders be building homes? If a restaurant practices proper social distancing and tells customers to practice proper hygiene, why not let them open? This paragraph is key:

This will cause no impact on the fight against COVID-19, but it will greatly aid in the financial recovery, and it will markedly improve many people's mental health.

This is frightening:
[Video no longer available]
The key phrase from Sen. Jensen in the video is "fear is a great way to control people." Bingo ! Think about the control that Gov. Walz seized when he shut the state down. There was a better way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Social distancing and frequently washing your hands could've done everything that shutting the state down entirely did.

That's the dirty little truth Gov. Walz doesn't want you to discover. That's the truth that Jan Malcolm can't afford for Minnesotans to discover. If Minnesotans find that out, they'll start questioning whether Gov. Walz is telling the truth. They'll start questioning whether Gov. Walz's solutions are that effective. (Hint: they aren't.)

Gov. Walz failed in his first test. That's because he isn't a thinker or visionary. He's a follower, as most legislators are. This isn't surprising since legislators don't run things. They're the bloviators. If something fails, someone else cleans up the mess.

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:09 AM

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Gov. Walz's strange explanation

Apparently, Gov. Walz wants his legacy to be for needlessly shutting the state down. In that respect, he's similar to Gov. Dayton, except that Gov. Dayton's shutdown was from a budget shutdown. They're similar from the standpoint that both were avoidable. Gov. Dayton eventually caved without getting what he wanted (tax increases).

Tim Walz is getting solid support from the DFL. They aren't arguing with him needlessly shutting down the state until May 4 . Here are the opening 2 paragraphs of the Strib article:

Gov. Tim Walz is extending a statewide stay-at-home order to May 4 to push the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic into the summer - and to buy time to allow hospitals to stock up on supplies and researchers to develop tests and treatments against the new coronavirus.

The existing two-week stay-at-home order has already put Minnesota on a trajectory for a lower rate of cases than states such as New York and Louisiana, where hospitals have struggled with a surge of severely ill patients, the governor said. Even so, projections suggest the state will either run short or barely have enough intensive care hospital beds, ventilators, masks and protective equipment for doctors and nurses to weather the expected caseload.

The truth is that there were 5 more COVID-19-related deaths yesterday. 4 of them happened in nursing homes. Further, "projections" have been virtually worthless, both here and nationwide. Relying on them is as reliable as throwing darts.

That doesn't mean that COVID-19 isn't serious. It is. It's just that we can avoid COVID-19's worst without shutting down Minnesota's economy. This is another story of the dog that didn't bark. What Gov. Walz hasn't talked about is how well we'd be doing by just practicing proper social distancing.
[Video no longer available]
This is disturbing:

The new order will expand that list and allow some workers to immediately return to jobs that don't pose obvious risks of spreading the virus. Walz mentioned landscapers, for example, and said that he would be reviewing other businesses during the next month that also could reopen under certain conditions.

Those are jobs that shouldn't have been halted in the first place. It's most likely that, in his first crisis, Gov. Walz either panicked or blew it. Further, he hasn't been well-served by his staff. Here's an example:

"We're not predicting a certain number of deaths will happen or won't happen with these scenarios," said Jan Malcolm, state health commissioner. "It's directional. It's all about helping us understand which levers have the biggest impact. And what the model confirms : is that the biggest levers really are building up ICU capacity and isolating the most vulnerable."

How does sheltering-in-place impact nursing homes? Here are the things for which "Minnesotans may leave their residences":

  1. Relocation to ensure safety, such as relocating to a different location if your home is unsafe due to domestic violence, sanitation, or reasons related to essential operations.

  2. Health and safety activities, such as obtaining emergency services or medical supplies.

  3. Outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking, running, biking, hunting, or fishing.

  4. Necessary supplies and services, such as getting groceries, gasoline, or carry-out.

  5. Essential intrastate and interstate travel, such as returning to a home from outside this state.

  6. Care of others, such as caring for a family member, friend, or pet in another household.

  7. Displacement, such as moving between emergency shelters if you are without a home.

  8. Moving or relocation, such as moving to a new home or place of residence.

  9. Voting, including all local and state elections.

  10. Funerals, providing that no more than ten attendees are gathered and strict social distancing is enforced.

  11. Tribal activities and lands, such as activities by members within the boundaries of their tribal reservation.

It's apparent that Gov. Walz isn't paying attention to the people. There are more signs that they're ignoring his warnings.Apparently, Gov. Walz wants his legacy to be for needlessly shutting the state down. In that respect, he's similar to Gov. Dayton, except that Gov. Dayton's shutdown was from a budget shutdown. They're similar from the standpoint that both were avoidable. Gov. Dayton eventually caved without getting what he wanted (tax increases).

Tim Walz is getting solid support from the DFL. They aren't arguing with him needlessly shutting down the state until May 4 . Here are the opening 2 paragraphs of the Strib article:

Gov. Tim Walz is extending a statewide stay-at-home order to May 4 to push the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic into the summer - and to buy time to allow hospitals to stock up on supplies and researchers to develop tests and treatments against the new coronavirus.

The existing two-week stay-at-home order has already put Minnesota on a trajectory for a lower rate of cases than states such as New York and Louisiana, where hospitals have struggled with a surge of severely ill patients, the governor said. Even so, projections suggest the state will either run short or barely have enough intensive care hospital beds, ventilators, masks and protective equipment for doctors and nurses to weather the expected caseload.

The truth is that there were 5 more COVID-19-related deaths yesterday. 4 of them happened in nursing homes. Further, "projections" have been virtually worthless, both here and nationwide. Relying on them is as reliable as throwing darts.

That doesn't mean that COVID-19 isn't serious. It is. It's just that we can avoid COVID-19's worst without shutting down Minnesota's economy. This is another story of the dog that didn't bark. What Gov. Walz hasn't talked about is how well we'd be doing by just practicing proper social distancing.
[Video no longer available]
This is disturbing:

The new order will expand that list and allow some workers to immediately return to jobs that don't pose obvious risks of spreading the virus. Walz mentioned landscapers, for example, and said that he would be reviewing other businesses during the next month that also could reopen under certain conditions.

Those are jobs that shouldn't have been halted in the first place. It's most likely that, in his first crisis, Gov. Walz either panicked or blew it. Further, he hasn't been well-served by his staff. Here's an example:

"We're not predicting a certain number of deaths will happen or won't happen with these scenarios," said Jan Malcolm, state health commissioner. "It's directional. It's all about helping us understand which levers have the biggest impact. And what the model confirms : is that the biggest levers really are building up ICU capacity and isolating the most vulnerable."

How does sheltering-in-place impact nursing homes? Here are the things for which "Minnesotans may leave their residences":

  1. Relocation to ensure safety, such as relocating to a different location if your home is unsafe due to domestic violence, sanitation, or reasons related to essential operations.

  2. Health and safety activities, such as obtaining emergency services or medical supplies.

  3. Outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking, running, biking, hunting, or fishing.

  4. Necessary supplies and services, such as getting groceries, gasoline, or carry-out.

  5. Essential intrastate and interstate travel, such as returning to a home from outside this state.

  6. Care of others, such as caring for a family member, friend, or pet in another household.

  7. Displacement, such as moving between emergency shelters if you are without a home.

  8. Moving or relocation, such as moving to a new home or place of residence.

  9. Voting, including all local and state elections.

  10. Funerals, providing that no more than ten attendees are gathered and strict social distancing is enforced.

  11. Tribal activities and lands, such as activities by members within the boundaries of their tribal reservation.

It's apparent that Gov. Walz isn't paying attention to the people. There are more signs that they're ignoring his warnings.

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020 9:12 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 09-Apr-20 05:08 PM
What better way to blow $1.5 billion in over taxation than shutting down the state, doling out the money how you see fit instead of giving it back to taxpayers, and then coming back to the sheeple and saying you need more money. Never let a crisis go to waste.

The dog that hasn't barked

Forgive me if I've missed it elsewhere but I think that there's an important question that journalists haven't asked Gov. Walz. Specifically, why hasn't anyone asked him, the U of M and the Minnesota Department of Health a third alternative. In this video, Gov. Walz opens by talking about 2 scenarios: no mitigation and significant mitigation:
[Video no longer available]
Apparently and based on his actions, significant mitigation meant shutting everything except grocery stores and pharmacies down. I'd argue that there's a third option that wasn't considered. Specifically, I'm talking about practicing proper social distancing, frequently washing your hands and limiting crowd size without shutting down stores. How many lives might've been saved had that option been picked? Might it have saved as many lives as option 2, aka the significant mitigation option?

State Sen. Andrew Mathews thinks it's more than possible. Sen. Mathews thinks it should be happening :

Most people are still shopping at major stores like Walmart during this time, showing there's no reason more businesses can't safely re-open to help employees, families, and small business owners stay afloat. Several small business owners have already described to me the safety plans they will implement if they're allowed to re-open. It matches point-by-point to Governor Walz's description of what he wants to see before opening other businesses.

Sen. Mathews' plan is filled with common sense. Perhaps, that's why Gov. Walz didn't think of it? It would take integrity to admit that he'd made a mistake. Is that why Gov. Walz hasn't admitted that?

It's time that Gov. Walz starts thinking this crisis through. This crisis won't be solved with Gov. Walz's cookie-cutter approach. Gov. Walz's approach has cost too many small businesses their livelihoods. We can't afford smooth-sounding idiots running the state. We need people who think things through and nail the solution the first time. That isn't Gov. Walz.

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020 8:55 PM

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The tyranny of the experts

Supposedly, following the experts is the safest path for politicians. I say supposedly because the 'experts' are wrong so often that I consider following them to be just as foolish as trusting conventional wisdom. FYI- trusting conventional wisdom is exceptionally foolish.

Gov. Walz is considered a trustworthy person, mostly because he's been a public figure for a lengthy period of time. Joe Biden is considered a moderate because, other than his gaffes, he'd been a moderate until he met Barack Obama. While Gov. Walz isn't as buffoonish as Biden, there's little that he's gotten right in his political career.

Biden and Walz benefit from the fact that they're both Democrats. That automatically means that they're protected from scrutiny. Recently, Biden admitted that President Trump's decision to halt travel with China was the right decision. The MSM didn't criticize him even though he'd originally called President Trump a racist and a xenophobe:

President Trump got criticized mercilessly for his decision. Dr. Fauci eventually insisted that he'd made the right decision. Few people disagree anymore -- including VP Biden.

The 'experts', starting with Nancy Pelosi, howl each time President Trump talks about opening the economy. Here's a question for the so-called experts. When is the right time to bring people back to work? What needs to happen before it's safe to open the factories, restaurants, grocery stores and hardware stores? Here's a question for Gov. Walz: why is it ok to let a tax preparer in Anoka do business but a hair salon right next door sit empty? Why can a Walmart be open for grocery shopping but Piggly Wiggly be subject to Gov. Walz's EO?

In this video, VP Biden positively touts the World Health Organization, aka the W.H.O.:
[Video no longer available]
That's another set of experts that Democrats frequently tout. They're just China's puppets. They're as corrupt as the Chinese. They say whatever China tells them to say.

President Trump is a leader. Yes, he takes tons of criticism from 'experts' like the W.H.O., Nancy Pelosi and Sleepy Joe Biden but his decisions have mostly been right the first time. You can't say that about Biden or Pelosi.

Posted Friday, April 10, 2020 12:59 AM

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Mary Franson, GOP vs. Tim Walz, DFL

Yesterday, DFL Gov. Tim Walz extended his foolish shelter-in-place order until May 4th. As I talked about in this post , Gov. Walz didn't ask the right questions. If he'd asked the right questions, he would've asked what would've happened had Minnesotans had just followed the CDC's guidelines without shutting down businesses.

State Rep. Mary Franson just sent out her weekly e-letter to her constituents and various members of the media. I happen to be one of those media people who have gotten her e-letter update. This week's e-letter update talks quite a bit about Gov. Walz's decision. Here's part of Rep. Franson's e-letter update:

Dear Neighbors,

This week, the governor extended the Stay at Home order for several more weeks, until May 4th. I have heard from many of you whose lives have been turned upside-down by all this, and I want you to know that legislators have been pushing Governor Walz's administration on a daily basis, asking for exemptions, flexibility, and common sense. If a business can safely operate, while protecting the health of its employees and customers, they should be allowed to do so.

I am extremely frustrated that Gov. Walz has so far decided against sharing the modeling data that he is basing his decisions on. Minnesotans want to work together to keep their neighbors safe, but they also deserve transparency in the decision-making process. If this administration is going to continue affecting the lives of every Minnesotan with these sweeping orders, they deserve to know what information those decisions are based on.

First, Rep. Franson is right in saying that Gov. Walz should share with the legislature the model's assumptions. Next, Rep. Franson is right in insisting that Gov. Walz's plan be based on flexibility and common sense. Thus far, the DFL plan has lacked those traits.

I can believe that it's highly frustrating for Rep. Franson and other Republicans because Gov. Walz and the DFL, who ran on the issue of transparency during budget negotiations, has been as transparent as a rock. Further, Gov. Walz's has acted like an autocrat. He hasn't talked with legislative leaders about what he's about to do. The DFL hasn't shown an interest in discussing what's needed for Minnesota's health.

Considering those things, it isn't surprising that Minnesotans (statewide) are turning on Gov. Walz's autocratic rule. Rep. Franson isn't the only Republican who isn't thrilled with Gov. Walz's decision-making :

"I do not approve of the Governor's unilateral decision to continue the order to shelter at home until May 4th," Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka tweeted Thursday. "We have to get on with our lives."

Gov. Walz is a cold-hearted jackass. Check this out:

"My heart breaks for the people who are worried for their economic well-being, but you can't get frustrated, go on a hunch and throw caution to the wind and pretend like our neighbors' lives are somehow disposable," Walz said.

Walz and the DFL have done nothing except play hunches. The experts' initial projection was 74,000 Minnesotans dying from COVID-19. At the time I write this, that projection is just off by 73,950+. In other words, I could've done better throwing darts at a dartboard. Assuming that shelter-in-place is the only option for staying safe is stupid. Here's what Gov. Walz is thinking:

Seriously? Gov. Walz is expecting 5,000 people in ICUs this June? What type of idiot thinks that? That's frightening on a Biden level. How does Gov. Walz defend his statement, considering Sen. Gazelka's information. Finally, there's this:
[Video no longer available]
Within the DFL, it's apparent that common sense is common. There's definitely a shortage.

Posted Friday, April 10, 2020 1:12 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 10-Apr-20 05:56 PM
Hey, that's what the so called experts told him so what was he supposed to do, think for himself?

While I didn't hear it from Walz himself and I'm taking a lot of liberty to paraphrase what they said, the morning show on 1130 AM said that Walz said that there might be one good thing to come of this and that people will start believing in global warming because of the science that has gone into predicting the virus and social distancing, or something along those lines. To that I say no, it makes me even more skeptical of global warming because the science has been so wrong about the virus. Garbage into the model and garbage out.

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