April 2-11, 2019
Apr 02 01:54 Lucy Flores vs. VP Biden Apr 02 14:25 Examining the special counsel law Apr 08 03:05 The Democrats' border indifference Apr 08 20:29 Democrats are unfit for leadership Apr 09 19:02 Democrats' immigration clown show Apr 10 02:39 The DFL thinks we're ATMs? Apr 10 11:14 Ilhan Omar, Democrat liar Apr 11 02:50 Democrats debate reparations Apr 11 19:34 Ms. Pelosi, you've gone off the rails
Prior Years:
Lucy Flores vs. VP Biden
For years, when Joe Biden inappropriately touched, hugged or kissed women, Democrats, aka the #MeToo Party, told the rest of the US that that was "just Joe being Joe." Now that he's considering a presidential run, coupled with the untimely onset of the #MeToo movement, it's time to come clean about "Joe being Joe."
The inescapable truth is that Vice President Biden is that he's more than a little creepy. This isn't "Joe being Joe." This is Joe being a disgusting old man. I'd be surprised if the male readers of LFR wouldn't flatten him with a single punch if he did to their wife or girlfriend what he's apparently done to lots of women in DC.
(CNN)Joe Biden is facing the first crisis of his yet-to-be-official, front-running 2020 Democratic presidential campaign. An allegation by Nevada Democratic politician Lucy Flores that he once made her feel "uneasy" by smelling her hair and kissing the back of her head forced the former vice president's team into damage control mode over the weekend.
Democrats made a bad situation worse by letting Biden get away without saying anything. This guy's a pervert. Period. I wouldn't trust him around women if my life depended on it. Here's why:
At least he isn't a groper like Al Franken.
Posted Tuesday, April 2, 2019 1:54 AM
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Examining the special counsel law
Now that 'The Day' (according to Jerry Nadler) has arrived, it's time to examine whether Attorney General William Barr should release the Mueller report without redactions or whether parts of the report shouldn't be seen by Congress or the public. Put differently, should the Attorney General follow the law or should he listen to Chairman Nadler?
That question seems to tie Democrats in knots. Jerry Nadler wants everything released, including Grand Jury testimony, national security sources and methods and information about ongoing investigations. In this report, Manu Raju said that "precedent had been set by the Ken Starr report." It's worth noting that the Starr report was governed by a totally different law with different requirements.
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The Starr report was required to publish grand jury testimony. The Mueller report was required to keep grand jury testimony out of the report except if a judge ruled that testimony was allowed into the report.
The special counsel law is well written because grand jury testimony is, ultimately, one-sided in favor of the prosecutors. The people testifying aren't cross-examined. Defense witnesses aren't usually called, either, to present both sides of the story.
Ultimately, House Judiciary Committee Democrats will be able to point to the witnesses' testimony. Republicans won't have anything to point to. Does that sound fair? I don't think it's fair. I don't think it's even close to fair.
For that reason alone, grand jury testimony shouldn't be included.
Finally, isn't it interesting that Rep. Nadler argued against full transparency when the report involved Bill Clinton?
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Posted Tuesday, April 2, 2019 2:25 PM
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The Democrats' border indifference
Until recently, Democrats only pretended to care about border security. When Jeh Johnson emphatically stated that we had a crisis, the argument shifted -- kinda. Sunday morning, Maria Bartiromo interviewed 'moderate' Democrat Elissa Slotkin:
Let's be clear. Democrats haven't proposed serious legislation that would stop the border crisis. We've heard Democrats say that they're serious about border security. That's BS. Democrats haven't written, much less pass, legislation that would change US asylum laws or other immigration laws that essentially lead to open borders. This segment of Steve Hilton's Next Revolution is must viewing for anyone that's serious about stopping illegal immigration:
Pay special attention to what Thomas Homan and Sara Carter say about the laws that Democrats have passed since retaking the majority in the House. That's proof beyond all doubt about the Democrats' unseriousness on border security.
Here's a prediction. The next likely action ICE will take is to round up illegal immigrants who've had their first asylum trial. When that happens, I predict that Democrats will call President Trump and all other Republicans heartless. Next, they'll insist that 'this isn't who we are' as Americans. That's progressive spin. It's exactly who we are as a nation. Democrats don't believe in enforcing laws. Republicans do, though not enough of them. (Think Chamber of Commerce as Republicans who don't believe in the rule of law if it means cheaper labor for them.)
Posted Monday, April 8, 2019 3:05 AM
Comment 1 by Chad Q at 08-Apr-19 05:41 PM
Neither side is serious about reforming immigration policy because if they were, the GOP would have done it 2 years ago and the dems 10 years ago when they had complete control. We are only being given lip service by the GOP as Trump seems to be the only person serious about anything.
Democrats are unfit for leadership
If anyone thinks that Democrats are fit to lead this nation, they're either stupid or lying to themselves. Jeffrey Toobin is a perfect example of progressive stupidity. Check this out:
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Toobin is right that Kirstjen Nielsen was put in an impossible situation but not because of President Trump. Secretary Nielsen was put in an impossible situation because obstructionist Democrats, aka Resistance Democrats, refuse to fix America's broken immigration laws. George Soros has dumped tons of money into the Democrats' campaigns coffers to push his open borders agenda.
Democrats don't care about keeping people across the nation safe. If they did, they would've written and passed immigration laws that would've fixed the laws that are currently broken. (Think about the asylum law and the appropriations bill that's funding the Department of Homeland Security this fiscal year.)
That appropriations bill is the heart of the Democrats' open border agenda. ICE agents have reported that they aren't able to deport 3-time DUI felons who entered the US with a minor. That's already happened. What's also happened is that criminal aliens with convictions for smuggling drugs can't be deported if they enter with a child.
These things are in the appropriations bill that Democrats shoved down our throats. How can anyone read these things, then think that Democrats are fit to lead? Only an idiot would think that.
Let's be perfectly clear about this. Republicans better get together and clean out the 'moderate' Democrats that got elected to the House in 2018. They're the ones that've given us these horrible laws.
PS- How can you be a moderate while voting for bills that permit criminal aliens to stay in the US if they just bring a child with them? That's the definition of an open borders activist.
Posted Monday, April 8, 2019 8:29 PM
Comment 1 by Janet Beihoffer at 10-Apr-19 03:53 AM
These statements are flat out lies. The separation not only was done under DEMOCRAT Obama and the media totally ignored it under Obama. Democrat Obama did not have to deal with the enormous increase in people trying to get into the USA.
A key question - how many of these children are used by non-parents? by criminals to get into the USA?
Democrats' immigration clown show
If anyone has paid attention to the US House of Representatives this year, they'd know that the new Democrat majority has been a total clown-show. With immigration turning into a legitimate crisis, Nancy Pelosi has done her best to do nothing to fix this crisis.
Today on Outnumbered, airhead liberal radio talk show host Leslie Marshall gave a "shout-out to my Governor Gavin Newsom" for taking a trip to Guatemala to supposedly try and fix the problems in the Northern Triangle country. What a farce. We've (the US) been trying to fix various Central American nations seemingly forever. Bill Clinton once noted that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. (Personally, I'd argue that it's the definition of stupidity but...)
I'd further argue that the Newsom trip is a distraction from House Democrats doing nothing to fix immigration. They've done nothing to fix the problem. In fact, Democrats pushed through a bill funding DHS that made things infinitely worse. The appropriations bill contained language that prevents ICE from deporting criminal aliens if they show up with a minor.
That's a cute way for Democrats to say that they're for increased border security while making the border less secure. What voters need to know is that we must change the laws. People coming from Central America currently can't be sent home if they come in 'family units'. It doesn't mean that they actually have to be families. They just have to say that they're families.
Next, we need the law to make no distinction from illegal aliens from Mexico or from Central America. If they cross US-Mexico border, DHS should have the authority to immediately deport them. Period.
Finally, people who care about securing the border need to grow a spine. Democrats will accuse us of being racists. Coming from people who hate the US as currently configured by our Constitution and our laws, I find that rather rich. It's time to tell Democrats -- emphatically -- that they're fired and that their time in the majority sucked.
Progressive judges in the 9th Circus don't help, either:
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It's time to stop this insanity. If you care about the Constitutional United States, you'd better be working your ass off to defeat idiots like Angie Craig and Dean Phillips.
Posted Tuesday, April 9, 2019 7:02 PM
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The DFL thinks we're ATMs?
I'm not surprised that the DFL House wants to raise taxes again. After reading this article , though, I'm getting a bit upset that they think taxpayers are just their personal ATMs.
Republicans in the House better vote unanimously against these tax increases:
Democrats in the Minnesota House proposed a tax bill Monday that would raise $1.2 billion in new revenue, largely from big business. DFL leaders stressed that the money is needed for education, health care and other new spending plans. But Senate Republicans oppose the tax increases and are digging in for the fight ahead.
House Speaker Melissa Hortman, DFL-Brooklyn Park, said public schools have been underfunded due to Republican-backed tax policies, including recent federal changes, that she believes favor the rich. "Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations have exploded income inequality, and our tax bill works to restore some fairness," she said.
I'm sure there's a polite way of putting this but I won't say this politely. Thanks to the DFL's tax policies, Minnesota is no longer competitive.
When Gov. Walz told us that the state of the state is strong, he lied through his teeth. That's BS. People of all age and income groups are leaving Minnesota. They aren't just leaving for retirement. They're leaving because the DFL has run the state's economy into the ground. Why would people start or expand businesses knowing that they'll have targets painted on their backs virtually immediately?
This is the chief thief this time:
It's time to fire her in 2020.
Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2019 2:39 AM
Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 10-Apr-19 08:41 AM
Just got a note from my DFL legislator, and I quote "The Minnesota Values Budget invests in all of us so our state can work better for everyone no matter where you live." So, paying a lot more in taxes is GOOD for us? For ALL of us? Wow. I guess words mean nothing in the Delusional Fools & Loons Party.
Comment 2 by Chad Q at 10-Apr-19 05:27 PM
The people who actually pay taxes in the state need to pony up even more of our hard earned money so we can keep paying for those who don't pay a dime.
And since when have schools been under funded? There will never be enough money for the DFL to piss away on school's. Science talks about getting pictures of the first blackhole. Hell we in MN have seen the blackhole of education for about 30 years.
Comment 3 by Nick at 12-Apr-19 07:20 PM
Minnesota doesn't have anywhere near the taxes Illinois does. Here in Illinois, currently there's a flat income tax rate. Also, they tax groceries and prescription drugs. IL is currently complete democrat control, and the Dems here want to put a progressive tax on the ballot and tax the people on the number of miles they drive each year. Add on top of that, numerous toll roads in the state. River Grove, a Chicago suburb has the highest sales tax in IL at 11%. The schools in IL are a mess, teachers can strike just about anytime they want and the property taxes keep going up every year. The average property tax for someone that owns a house in one of the Chicago Collar counties ranges between $4000-7000 per year. IL has been in debt since 2002 and they have a pension crisis. I believe it's only a matter of time that state declares bankruptcy.
Comment 4 by Nick at 12-Apr-19 07:23 PM
Top Outbound States
So, we know were Americans are moving to, but which states are they moving away from? Out of the 18 total outbound states, here are the top five that experienced the highest percentage of outbound moves:
Hawaii (62 percent)
New York (61.8 percent)
Illinois (61.7 percent)
South Dakota (60 percent)
Wyoming (59.5 percent)
Comment 5 by Chad Q at 13-Apr-19 07:34 AM
MN is #5 in overall taxes while IL is #8 so we got you beat Nick. :(
While IL may have complete democrat control, the GOP here in MN is about as bad as the democrats so having a split legislature is not as good as it seems. Either way, both states suck and it is only going to get worse because there's nothing stopping them.
Seems odd that people are moving out of SD and WY when those are 2 states that don't have state income taxes. Maybe it's a jobs thing but SD should be thriving right now.
Ilhan Omar, Democrat liar
There's no polite way of putting this so I'll just say it bluntly. Ilhan Omar, the Democrat representing Minnesota's Fifth District, is a liar. In this video, she said that "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."
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That's an easily discredited statement:
CAIR was co-founded in 1994 by Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber, all of whom had close ties to the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was established by senior Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook and functioned as Hamas' public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. Awad and Ahmad previously had served, respectively, as IAP's Public Relations Director and President. Thus it can be said that CAIR was an outgrowth of IAP.
By the time 9/11 happened, CAIR had already defended Osama bin Laden. They were offended by a billboard in Los Angeles calling OBL a terrorist.
I'm sick and tired of Rep. Omar (and other Democrats) lying to protect their special interest allies. Saying that CAIR was founded after 9/11 is ridiculous. It took less than a minute to find the proof discrediting Rep. Omar's statement.
Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:14 AM
Comment 1 by Chad Q at 10-Apr-19 05:28 PM
Such a disgusting human.
Democrats debate reparations
This year, it's been fashionable for the Democrats' presidential candidates to talk about paying reparations. This was especially true when they paid homage to Al Sharpton last week:
At the end of many of their speeches, Sharpton asked them point-blank if they supported Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee's legislation in the House that, according to its press release, "seeks to establish a commission to also examine the moral and social implications of slavery."
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who began with a longer response to Sharpton's question about the bill, offered a playfully curt "yes, I'm gonna pass it!" when pushed by a shout from the audience to simply tell the crowd: "Yes or no?"
While these Democrats willingly worshipped at Al Sharpton's altar, their inactions speak louder than their words.
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This article highlights the Democrats' collective depravity on the issue of modern day slavery :
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said the sheer number of people crossing the southwest border illegally - most of whom are families and children hoping to seek asylum - constitute a humanitarian crisis. In fiscal 2018, almost 400,000 people were apprehended by Border Patrol after illegally crossing the border. 'So it [asylum] has created a draw. And so when that happens, you have dead bodies all throughout the southern border. It's really sad to see this. Not only that, but you have a third of the women being sexually assaulted,' Crenshaw told The Epoch Times.
Two-thirds of migrants traveling through Mexico report experiencing violence during their journey, including abduction, theft, extortion, torture, and rape, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which has been providing medical and mental health care for migrants and refugees in Mexico since 2012.
The article continues:
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin Mcaleenan said last year that his agency's intelligence and interviews put the numbers even higher. "That scale represents a humanitarian crisis, in my humble opinion," Crenshaw said. "But whether you call it humanitarian crisis or not : it's just completely unsustainable."
Democrats that have time to grandstand on the issue of reparations but wouldn't co-sponsor legislation that would shut down modern-day slavery happening at our southern border.
These Democrats' priorities are totally screwed up. They'll pander to a former con artist for a handful of votes but they won't lift a finger to stop modern-day slavery. The next time Democrats start lecturing Republicans, Republicans should simply question why they haven't lifted a finger to stop modern-day slavery. I'm betting that'll shut Democrats up.
Posted Thursday, April 11, 2019 2:50 AM
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Ms. Pelosi, you've gone off the rails
Yesterday, after AG Bill Barr testified, calmly, that spying did occur , Democrats started howling as if he'd said something controversial. I'm betting that the vast, vast, vast majority of LFR readers found that statement to be totally uncontroversial. Andy McCarthy certainly didn't find it controversial:
In his testimony Wednesday before a Senate Appropriations Committee subcommittee, Attorney General William Barr made statements that were so clearly correct, they should be no more controversial than asserting that the sky is blue. The fact that they are causing consternation is what should alarm people.
What planet are these Democrats from? Better yet, what solar system were they brought in from? There's no question that the FBI surveilled people within the Trump campaign. That isn't questionable. At least, it wasn't until someone set Nancy Pelosi's hair on fire:
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Ms. Pelosi said that she trusts Mueller but doesn't trust Barr. That's interesting since Barr and Mueller are working on the redactions together. At this point, my first reaction is to question Ms. Pelosi's intellectual honesty. This week , Ms. Pelosi has insisted that she's the arbiter of what's un-American, unpatriotic, etc. How is a person who's spent the past 40 years shuttling between San Francisco and Washington, DC (except for the occasional fundraiser at Harvey Weinstein's place in New York or Los Angeles) qualified to determine who displays these qualities and who doesn't?
Democrats that think that they'll hold the House in 2020 don't appreciate just how toxic Ms. Pelosi, AOC and Ilhan Omar are in Rust Belt Swing districts.
Posted Thursday, April 11, 2019 7:34 PM
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