So Disingenuous It Hurts

Am I talking about Amy Klobuchar's answers on the Global Solutions questionnaire or am I refering to Pelosi's and Reid's statement on a "new direction"? The answer is C; all of the above. Let's first examine Amy Klobuchar's most egregious answer in the questionnaire:
6a. Do you believe that an independent bipartisan commission should be set up to investigate U.S. interrogation policies?


Yes. I've always believed in leading by example, we must ensure that the example we set for the world meets the highest moral, ethical and legal standards. Torture sets a bad example and puts our own troops in danger as a result. Furthermore, torture is ineffective, it produces faulty intelligence that may undermine our domestic security.

6b. Would you be willing to call for its creation publicly?

Does Ms. Klobuchar think that the legislation currently pending action before Congress is inadequate? Or is she saying that Democrats support endless investigations into this administration in hopes of creating a favorable political climate for 2008? Or is this simply what her Nutroots fringe puppetmasters demand of Democrats these days?

This raises other question like:
  • How would Ms. Klobuchar's policies would make us safer if she isn't willing to let the CIA use their most effective (productive?) interrogation techniques? and
  • Is she pandering to Global Solutions for a campaign contribution or if she agrees with them?
It's hypocritical that Ms. Klobuchar would say that she "always believed in leading by example" in light of her secretive behavior during this current scandal. If she believes in "leading by example", why hasn't she fired all of her staffers that viewed the stolen Kennedy advertisement? Wouldn't that be seen as handling lawbreakers "without fear or favor"?

In fact, wouldn't answering the many questions about what happened set a good example of forthrightness? Wouldn't that prove that she's got nothing to hide? You can't set a better example than that.

Now let's look at the Pelosi-Reid statement:
Yesterday's release of three pages of the National Intelligence Estimate that state plainly that the Bush Administration's failed strategy in Iraq has increased the threat of terrorism and made America less safe lays bare the need for a Congress that won't simply rubber stamp failed White House policies.
How much longer will Democrats try peddling this nonsense? As I posted here, there's more in the NIE's key findings that strengthens President Bush's belief that staying in Iraq makes us safer than strengthens Democrats' claims that it's making us weaker.

While it's aggravating listening or reading this stuff, the upside to it is that it's destroying their credibility on the most important issue of our generation, which can't help them this November.

Posted Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:52 PM

August 2006 Posts

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