September 9, 2008

Sep 09 02:11 Shrum: John McCain is George Bush...Trust Me
Sep 09 10:13 Democrats Spinning Wheels On All Fronts
Sep 09 10:51 Democratic Panic, Part II
Sep 09 14:39 Kirsten Powers' Indictment of the Agenda Media
Sep 09 20:09 Pelosi Sends Hoyer Out to Wave White Flag On Energy?
Sep 09 20:38 Palin Truth Squad Announced
Sep 09 20:56 Liveblogging the Primaries

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Prior Years: 2006 2007

Shrum: John McCain is George Bush...Trust Me

I read the opening paragraph of Bob Shrum's op-ed and knew immediately what it was about. John McCain is the gray-haired version of George Bush..blah, blah, blah. Here's the opening of his op-ed:
It was appropriate that the Republicans convened in the city named for Saint Paul. For on the road to the convention, John McCain had a conversion experience worthy of the saint, transforming his lobbyist-run, insider campaign into a full-throated appeal to cultural populism. The combination of purple anti-Washington rhetoric and blue-collar melodrama will henceforth be known as "Palinesque." The question now is whether this hit show has enough gas to run until November.
the message is easily discernible: John McCain rails against Washington corruption on the campaign trail but the brains behind the campaign are Washington corruption brokers. It's a storyline that won't find a home this election, though the Democrats will attempt to make it stick.

The thing that's dooming that storyline is the fact that people have memories. They remember that John McCain was President Bush's biggest adversary at the start of his administration. Tons of ink was used describing what a thorn John McCain was in George Bush's side.

What Bob Shrum doesn't want you to notice is the transformation liberals have made regarding John McCain. They used to revel in the fact that he caused President Bush to make adjustments that he didn't want to make. Howard Fineman made a handsome living writing articles for Newsweek highlighting the differences betwee President Bush and Sen. McCain.

Now Bob Shrum, the ultimate Democratic insider, wants us to think that John McCain thinks like President Bush? That ain't gonna happen in this or any other lifetime.

Finally, in the fifth paragraph, Shrum makes this contrary admission:
McCain, of course, does have a claim to the anti-Washington cause. But he has also been in Washington for decades. He needed a running mate like Palin to escape his hopeless casting call to a third Bush term and to restore his status as a maverick determined to change the old politics.
Perhaps Mr. Shrum can admit that the Bush administration fought John McCain on the so-called torture bill, too? It's possible but I'm not holding my breath waiting. Shrum's admission is likely to arrive the day after they start handing out ice skates for the lake of fire and brimstone.

This points to the Democrats' biggest tactical problem this election: they've gotta act like they believe the stuff that they're peddling. That's as difficult a proposition as drawing two cards to finish an inside straight flush.

Forgive me if I don't take that seriously.

Little Bobbie Shrum's mouth didn't stop there. Check out this bit of wishful thinking:
However much the Republican base hoots and whistles, Palin may not become their Miss November; she's been a runner-up before. By November, voters may conclude that health care, jobs, and war and peace matter more than ice fishing, dog sleds and a pack of kids. As for McCain's oft-told story of his admirable steadfastness as a POW, that was four decades ago. He is the prisoner of the Republican right wing now. And, unlike the North Vietnamese, they've broken him.
Shrum obviously wasn't listening to Thursday's speech, which isn't surprising. His rant isn't based on facts. It's based on his perception, not reality. During his acceptance speech, Sen. McCain admitted that the North Vietnamese broke him. Had Shrum wanted to be accurate, he would've paid attention. That isn't his intent. His intent is to attack, ignoring the facts if that's what's necessary.

Democrats are always talking about how Republicans are ignoring "the issues." That's nonsense. Democrats think that this set of issues is what's driving things. It isn't. Domestically, drilling is the most important issue. PERIOD. That's just reality. On that issue, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are badly on the wrong side of the issue.

"War and peace" are indeed important but Sen. Obama looked like a deer in the headlights when Russia invaded Georgia. That's what forced him to pick Sen. Biden. Sen. Obama was on the wrong side of the surge, too. That's why he's failed to pass the Commander-in-Chief test. Issues matter but that's only after you've passed the Commander-in-Chief test.

It's just that simple.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 8:02 AM

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Democrats Spinning Wheels On All Fronts

Tom Bevan has a great post over on the Time-RCP blog about the misguided attacks against Sarah Palin. He prominently cites Juan Cole's delirious article . Here's the title and subtitle of Cole's article:
What's the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists? Lipstick

A theocrat is a theocrat, whether Muslim or Christian.
Here's the central thesis of Cole's article:
But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts.
This is just another bit of proof that Democrats are unhinged. Unlike 2006, though, their unhingedness will get highlighted to the fullest extent possible.

It's wrong to think, though, that the Democrats' foolishness is only directed at the GOP presidential ticket. That's only their latest round of foolishness. The Democratic majorities in Congress have been botching things since they retook the majorities in the House and Senate. Speaker Pelosi's gavelling shut the House without letting a vote on a real drilling package went over like a lead balloon.

My point is this: While it's true that 'journalists' like Juan Cole have hastened and deepened the Democrats' slide, voters haven't been inspired to have confidence in the Democrats' leadership. Quite the contrary. They've registered their disgust with job approval ratings that rival Vladimir Putin's popularity with Georgians.

The cancer that the Democratic Party must eliminate is the Nutroots/anti-war crowd. They're badly out of touch with America. To be sure, there are people who oppose this war. They're the shrill minority. They aren't close to being the majority. In 2006, people voted Democrat because we weren't winning in Iraq. It's different in 2008 because people see that we've made great progress.

The other point that can't be ignored is that the Huffington Post and Daily Kos have rallied the activists. They aren't appealing to independents in an attempt to expand the party. Their scope is limited because of their dogmatism. When they ran Joe Lieberman out of their party, they ran lots of like-minded people out, too. They're just one of the key targets of the McCain-Palin ticket this fall.

Lieberman Democrats and disenchanted suburban women who supported Hillary will remember that Gov. Palin praised Hillary and Geraldine Ferraro in her introduction speech. They'll remember Joe Lieberman being given a prominent speaking role at the Republicans' convention. Those voters will appreciate the fact that the GOP, while being a principled party, isn't the dogmatic party.

Don't think that won't play well in Scranton, PA, Columbus, OH, Richmond, VA and the UP in Michigan.

That's why the Democrats' bus is in worse shape than it appears.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:15 AM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 09-Sep-08 12:24 PM
One more reason for the Democrats to be worried. In 2006 the Republicans weren't excited and depressed. So depressed they either didn't vote or voted Democrat.


Democratic Panic, Part II

Richard Cohen's column is further proof that the Left is getting more unhinged each day. His worst indictment against Sen. Obama is that he hasn't figured it out that he's being swiftboated. Well.
Not, anyway, the Obama who appeared Sunday on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos. That Obama was cool, diffident, above it all, unflustered, unflappable, unexcitable and downright unexciting. These "uns" ran on, a torrent of cool that frosted my flat-panel TV and had me wondering if, as a kid, Obama ever got a shot in the mouth on the playground, he'd glare at the bully...and convene a meeting.

Stephanopoulos vainly tried for some genuine reaction. In choosing Palin, did John McCain get someone who met the minimum test of being "capable of being president?" Everyone in America knows the answer to that. They know McCain picked someone so unqualified she has been hiding from the media because a question to her is like kryptonite to what's-his-name. But did Obama say anything like that? Here are his exact words: "Well, you know, I'll let you ask John McCain when he's on ABC." Boy, Palin will never get over that.

And how about this silly business that she's qualified for the presidency because she's commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard? Another softball. Another slow one, right down the middle. Obama reared back ... and told Stephanopoulos that those questions should come from the press: "It's going to be your job and ... "


What Obama does not understand is that he is being Swift-boated. The term does not apply to a mere smear. It is bolder, more outrageous than that. It means going straight at your opponent's strength and maligning it.
It wasn't long ago that Sen. Obama was able to transcend race and partisanship, produce tingles in the legs of certain parts of the media and, for all their frothing, might possibly have walked on water at some point. That Obama disappeared long ago, approximately the time he made that disastrous speech at the SF fundraiser. If it didn't disappear then, it certainly disappeared when the Wright tapes surfaced.

Mr. Cohen is right in asking if he'd fight if a schoolyard bully bloodied his nose. Sen. Obama's unwillingness to descend from his theoretical world to answer the questions of mortals is reminiscent of Mike Dukakis' answer in 1988. Here's the question Gov. Dukakis was asked:
Governor, if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?
Instead of giving a visceral response, Dukakis launched into an answer from a theoretical and policy-based reply. He was finished after that.

Like Dukakis then, Sen. Obama's supporters wanted to know that he'd fight for them. They wanted to know that, at minimum, he'd go down throwing haymakers. Instead, he's telling his supporters that he'll go down with his nose bloodied and his fists at his side.

Over the weekend, a liberal blogger commented that Joe Biden could throw some punches. At the time, I said that it wasn't a question of whether he'd throw punches, that it was a matter of whether they could take punches and respond with force.

It's apparent that that question was answered.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:54 AM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 09-Sep-08 12:26 PM
Great here's a problem. Even the people who think they got a problem don't realize the problems. The writer who is criticizing Obama thinks Pallin isn't qualfied. Um Richard she's more qualfied than Obama. That's part of the problem that Obama has.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Kirsten Powers' Indictment of the Agenda Media

I've posted a couple things applauding Kirsten Powers' recent columns ripping her Democratic brethren. This morning's column is the hardest-hitting of her anti-far Left columns. Here's what jumped out at me from this morning's article:
Meanwhile, the media lit up in all their cultural-elite splendor.

Alaska? they sneered. It has the population of Las Vegas! Funny how the coastal elite only sneers at red states with small populations. Howard Dean hailed from a blue state with almost the same population as Alaska and was a national phenomenon and front-runner for the presidency. Joe Biden's Delaware has a similarly small population, but no mocking was forthcoming there.
Kirsten Powers has just highlighted the media's bias. There isn't any better barometer of how biased the media is than this. This is proof that she's mad as hell and she isn't gonna take it anymore.
Evangelicals will never vote for a woman who works! they declared. This from people who've likely never met an evangelical in their lives. They could barely contain themselves when they found out Gov. Palin's daughter was pregnant, so sure were they that evangelicals would hang her from the highest tree. When evangelical leaders expressed support, there was a palpable disappointment that Palin or her daughter wasn't branded with a scarlet letter.
The people who've declared this don't know diddly about Christians. I suspect that they're utterly clueless about conservatism in general.

The bottom line in all this is that Democrats have slit their throats by attacking Sarah Palin in such a foolish way. This isn't dissimilar to Hillary's inept attacks on Sen. Obama. It took her a couple months to figure out how to attack Sen. Obama. By the time she did, Sen. Obama had essentially wrapped up the nomination.

That's what happens when you're hung up with identity politics.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 2:40 PM

Comment 1 by Don at 23-Oct-08 06:11 PM
Kirsten Powers don't know of her but sounds like she is as thorough and factually correct as Ann Coulter, which means minimal at best. The key is Alaska being a state that taxes the rest of the country through oil excise taxes which results in Alaska residents paying no income tax and actually getting a check back every year. Particularly when you add a windfall profits tax like Palin. Tuff to gain executive experience when you don't have to actually tax the people to raise money. Read the results of her superficial, uninteligent 10% across the board cut in spending. Republican here, turned Independent voting for Obama/Biden not McCain/Bush

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 23-Oct-08 11:26 PM
Don, Voting for the most unqualified presidential candidate in American history doesn't cast you in a good light.

If you paid attention to Gov. Palin's explanations for why she believes what she believes, you'd cut past the arguments you just made.

As far as Kirsten Powers, she's one of the most intelligent liberals around. Ms. Powers has been consistently right about the media's coverage of Gov. Palin.

Comment 3 by Josh at 24-Nov-08 04:55 PM
Don, Alaskan here. Just wanted to comment on your post. Up here we believe that you shouldn't throw stones. You call Palin's plan "uninteligent" and claim that it's "tuff" to gain executive experience.........I have a suggestion for you, next time you an attempt at a post on any website, break out your dictionary and learn how to spell, you cast your ignorant vote and now I'll cast mine.........your one dumb SOB!!! You probably spent too much time watching "Imus", keep your hands and nose out of Alaska's business, when my gas drops below $2.00/gallon, I'll send my check to you, until then, don't complain about me getting my money. Oh, another piece of information that you forgot.....Alaska doesn't have a deficit. Look it up, I appreciate you driving a vehicle, these "oil excise taxes" taste great............IDIOT!!

Pelosi Sends Hoyer Out to Wave White Flag On Energy?

Instead of waving the white flag of defeat herself, Nancy Pelosi sent Steny Hoyer out to wave that flag on the drilling issue. Here's what the Hill is reporting:
"[Republicans] will have the opportunity to offer their alternative, yes," Hoyer said in response to a question about how the energy bill will be introduced. "We understand that their motion to recommit will be their Republican alternative."

The move is a dramatic departure from Democrats' pre-August recess strategy, in which they brought up each of their energy bills under suspension of the rules and, in doing so, avoided having any votes on Republican measures calling for offshore drilling. But by embracing this strategy, Democrats also failed to get the two-thirds majority necessary to pass the majority of their energy bills.
I'm still cautiously optimistic because Democrats might still slit their throats on this. I'm also wary that the House bill won't get a hearing in the Senate. If that happens, vulnerable House Democrats will have essentially gotten a free pass to vote right in time for the election. That boat won't float, though. These vulnerable Democrats didn't vote for against the closed rule. They didn't sign the discharge petition that would've allowed a vote on the American Energy Act.

Vulnerable Democrats shouldn't get away with a free vote. Republican challengers should ask why they didn't buck their party's wayward leadership and fight for their overburdened consituents. If these Democrats were advocates for their constituents, they'd fight for them.

They didn't fight for their constituents.

One party fought for the American people. That's the Republican Party. That's indisputable.

One party fought to jumpstart the economy by lowering gas prices. That's the Republican Party. That's indisputable.

One party sided with workers OTR truckers and family farmers by fighting for increased drilling. That's the Republican Party. That's indisputable.

Democrats only adopted a pro-drilling plan after they got criticized frequently after returning to their districts. Even then, their plans weren't enough to actually significantly increase supplies, which is what's needed to bring longterm price stability.

CNNMoney is reporting that things aren't totally rosy with House Democrats:
Rep. John Peterson, (R-PA), who developed a bipartisan energy bill in July, said rank-and-file lawmakers were getting fed up. "There's great consternation on the Democrat side," Peterson said, noting that his colleagues across the aisle hadn't yet been provided with details of an energy package. "Nancy Pelosi is close to a dictator."
Hearing that Nancy Pelosi takes a dictatorial perspective to her responsibilities isn't news. It's like finding out that Bill Gates made money last week. If she wasn't of a dictatorial mindset, Republicans would've had the opportunity to offer their amendments before Ms. Pelosi's gavelling shut the House for their traditional August recess.

It isn't surprising that they're still working out the details of the bill either. The envirnutters in safe districts are probably raising a stink about opening up any part of the OCS. I'm betting that there's some heated discussions between northeast liberals in safe seats and freshmen from states like Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas.

Those freshmen in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania should be nervous. Ms. Pelosi isn't afraid to lay down the law on these votes. If these freshmen don't unite around the plan she endorses, they'll incur Pelosi's wrath. If they do unite around another non-energy energy bill, their constituents might be upset with them.

Let's hope that the NRCC has ads ready to air the minute the votes are taken. If these freshmen vote for the AEA, the NRCC should ask why they didn't fight for the AEA before the August recess. If they vote for Ms. Pelosi's approved legislation instead of the AEA, the NRCC should ask why they're voting against their constituents' wishes.

Now isn't the time to flip into bipartisanship mode. If the Democrats aren't willing to make major concessions, Republicans should hold their feet to the fire through Election Day.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 8:11 PM

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Palin Truth Squad Announced

I just got the email announcement of the Palin Truth Squad. Here's the list of national and state Truth Squad advocates:
Mccain-Palin 2008 Launches Truth Squad To Counter Attacks On Governor Sarah Palin

For Immediate Release

Contact: Press Office

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


ARLINGTON, VA -- With today's Wall Street Journal report that pro-Obama Democrats have "airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage" to dig for dirt on our vice presidential nominee, the McCain-Palin campaign today launched the Palin Truth Squad to counter recent attacks on Governor Sarah Palin, her family, her friends and her record of accomplishment. The Palin Truth Squad will set the record straight against Internet and liberal smears of Governor Palin.

"We're proud of Governor Palin's leadership in Alaska and record of taking on entrenched special interests and the good old boys network," said former Governor Jane Swift. "Governor Palin's commitment to reform is well-known but there are those who would seek to distort that record with vile rumors and smears against her, her husband, her children and her friends. We will not allow those on the left and in the media to smear a woman who has always served her constituents with honor. We know the truth and are committed to ensuring it as well."

In the event of false attacks, rumors and smears against Governor Palin, the Palin Truth Squad will issue alerts and statements to voters and the media to set the record straight. Additionally, the Truth Squad will be available to respond to inquiries from the media.

National Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

Former Governor Jane Swift (R-MA)

Governor Linda Lingle (R-HI)

Lt. Governor Sean Parnell, (R-AK)

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA)

Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-OK)

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC)

Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX)

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-MI)

Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R-FL)

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)

Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM)

Jo Ann Davidson, RNC Co-Chair

Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer

Meg Stapleton, Former Aide To Governor Palin

Kristan Cole, Lifelong Friend Of Governor Palin

State Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

Former Lt. Governor Jane Norton (CO)

State Representative Amy Stephens (CO)

State Board of Education Member Peggy Littleton (CO)

State Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff (FL)

County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez (FL)

Former Iowa Senate President And Former U.S. Ambassador To The Eastern Caribbean, Mary Kramer (IA)

State Representative Jackie Walorski (IN)

State Representative Laura Brod (MN )

Former GOP State Party Chairwoman And Former State Rep. Barb Sykora (MN)

Jayne Millerick, Former NH GOP Chair (NH)

State Senator Jennifer Beck, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)

Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose, Honorary Vice Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)

Bergen County Clerk Kathe Donovan, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)

DA Dona Ana County Susana Martinez (NM)

Former Lt. Gov. Lorraine Bono-Hunt (NV)

State Senator Barbara Cegavske (NV)

State Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert (NV)

Sue Lowden, Nevada GOP Chair (NV)

Kay Ayres, OH GOP Vice Chair (OH)

Betty Montgomery, Ohio Women For McCain-Palin Chair (OH)

Mary Taylor, Ohio Auditor Of State (OH)

Margie Hughes, Clackamas County Chair Of Women For McCain-Palin (OR)

Linda Neace, West Linn Small Business Owner For McCain-Palin (OR)

Deanna Smith, Women For McCain-Palin Chairwoman (OR)

Renee Amoore, PA GOP Deputy Chair (PA)

Joyce Haas, PA GOP Vice Chair (PA)

State Senator Lisa Baker (PA)

Diana Irey, Washington County Commissioner (PA)

Christine Toretti, RNC National Committeewoman and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Co-Chair (PA)

Kim Ward, Westmoreland County Commissioner and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Regional Chair (PA)

Former First Lady Susan Allen (VA)

Lori Ann Miller, Young Republican Federation Of VA Chairman (VA)

Former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow (WI)

Peggy Oban Boze, McCain-Palin Chairwomen For King County (WA)

Susan McCaw, Former Ambassador To Austria (WA)

Della Newman, Former Ambassador To New Zealand (WA)
Based on the quality of the people on this list, I'd say that Sarah Palin has a great army marching with her. That's a fantastic list of supporters.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 8:41 PM

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Liveblogging the Primaries

Check back throughout the night as I track the primary results across the state.

8:50 -- The first results have trickled in from SD-16. Things are going kinda slow for a special election.

8:54 -- With 31% of counties in, Al Franken has 70% of the vote. If that's all he does, then this is a big embarrassment to him.

9:02 -- With 40% of counties reporting, Franken's getting less than 70%.

9:19 -- I just visited WCCO's election website . They don't list SD-16 as having a primary.

9:22 -- Fox 9 news is reporting that Alison Krueger leads with 58% of the vote with 27% of the precincts counted.

9:32 -- According to the SecState's website , Alison Krueger leads Mark Olson 554 votes to 450 votes. That's with 27.69% of the precincts counted.

9:36 -- With 74 of 87 counties reporting, Al Franken leads Priscilla Lord-Faris with 67.3% of the vote.

9:39 -- With 22 of 65 precincts counted, Alison Krueger leads Mark Olson 668 votes to 564 votes.

9:48 -- With 36 of 65 precincts reporting, Alison Krueger has extended her lead to 893 votes for Ms. Krueger to Mr. Olson's 707 votes.

9:53 -- With 44 of 65 precincts reporting, Ms. Krueger has extended her lead to 1,045 votes to Mr. Olson's 831 votes.

9:57 -- With 497 Of 749 precincts reporting, Brian Davis leads Dick Day 11,606 to 6.353 votes.

10:03 -- With 61% of precincts counted, al Franken leads Priscilla Lord-Faris with 66.59% of the vote.

10:12 -- With all 15 precincts counted, Jan Schneider defeats Neil Peterson 2,271 votes to 1,714 votes.

10:32 -- With 64 of 65 precincts reporting, Alison Krueger leads Mark Olson 1,690 votes to 1,402 votes.

10:36 -- With 649 of 749 reporting, Brian Davis precincts leads Dick Day 15,188 votes to 7,879.

10:59 -- It's official- Alison Krueger defeated Mark Olson 1,708 votes to 1,437 votes.

Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008 11:13 PM

Comment 1 by MpsSteve at 09-Sep-08 11:05 PM
Unfortunately, Jim Abeler won in 48B. He won fairly handily too.

Does Abeler have a real political machine on his side - or did Don Huizenga un a bad campaign?

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 09-Sep-08 11:16 PM
Steve, I don't know what happened there.

I've met Jim Abeler. Though I would've preferred someone more conservative, I can live with him because he's with the good guys on the important votes for the most part. He's far from perfect but I like holding the seat.

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