September 10, 2008

Sep 10 01:32 Sourpuss Peterson Doesn't Keep It Classy
Sep 10 08:09 Alison Krueger Defeats Mark Olson
Sep 10 09:05 How Badly Did Franken Perform?
Sep 10 15:24 Obama's Outrage
Sep 10 20:01 Are Biden's Loose Lips Sinking Obama's Ship?
Sep 10 20:24 An Unbearable Trend?
Sep 10 21:56 Melissa Hart Steps Up Attacks on Altmire

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Prior Years: 2006 2007

Sourpuss Peterson Doesn't Keep It Classy

According to this Strib article , RINO Neil Peterson just couldn't accept defeat graciously. Here's the quote in the Strib:
"We got blown right out," Peterson, a two-term House member, said of his primary race against Jan Schneider, who had won the GOP endorsement in March. "It was the state [Republican] party that beat me, it wasn't the candidate.

"It's just like the Cosa Nostra; they decide to put a mark on you," he added. Peterson said he suspected his override vote was the principal reason for his defeat, and said "I'm probably the only Republican in history whom the Republican Party has targeted."
TRANSLATION: I'm...waaaa...probably...waaaa...the only guy that deserved to get defeated.

Jan Schneider pointed out several times on the various NARN broadcasts that this wasn't just about the override vote, though that certainly fueled her endorsement victory. Jan Schneider pointed out that Rep. Peterson voted with the Democrats almost as often as Ron Earhardt.

Simply put, that isn't acceptable. Jan Schneider now will head to November's election with a pair of important victories under her belt, something that's impossible to be ignored.

Check back to LFR Wednesday morning for a more comprehensive roundup on tonight's primary contests.

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:32 AM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 09:31 AM
Ron get it straight. You weren't targeted by the Republican Party. YOU WERE TARGETED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT THOUGHT YOU WERE BEHAVING LIKE A DEMOCRAT! They were the people who got you. As a person who sent Jan a small campaign contribution I'm glad I was part of the people targeting you!

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by MplsSteve at 10-Sep-08 10:42 AM
I also sent a check to Jan Schneider's campaign.

My biggest problem with Neil Peterson wasn't that he was a part of the "Over-Ride Six". Mine was that he voted for keeping Hennepin County voters from voting on whether they wanted to be taxed for the Twins stadium.

That bill was a travesty and an outrage and I stopped donating to the House Republican Campaign Committee because I didn't want any of my money going to any incumbent who had voted for it.

I only wish we had gotten rid of Jim Abeler in 48B. Maybe next time...

Alison Krueger Defeats Mark Olson

In what likely is his last political campaign, Mark Olson was defeated by the woman that he'd defeated for the SD-16 endorsing convention. At the end of the night, Olson tried sounding a positive note before not ruling out a write-in campaign:
"The kind of stuff they published and how destructive it was, I was quite amazed we would come this close," Olson said. "We were definitely on the upswing."

He hasn't ruled out or in a write-in campaign, he said, but he wouldn't be the one to start it. "I'm not initiating a write-in campaign, but I'm absolutely amazed how many people have brought it up to me," he said late Tuesday.
It's amazing to hear Olson spin his defeat like that. The destructive stuff that "they published" was simply the facts. Mark Douglas Olson was convicted of a misdemeanor, Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Commits Act With Intent to Cause Fear of Immediate Bodily Harm or Death, on August 16, 2007.

There shouldn't be any "upswing" from that. People should've treated him like radioactive waste. The fact that his apologists tried telling people that he wasn't really convicted speaks to the extent to which they'd go to get Olson elected.

The good news is that he didn't win. Here's what she said in victory:
"In my mind this victory goes to the people, the grassroots people, who went ahead and campaigned on my behalf," Krueger said Tuesday night. "The real story is the people who decided to stand up and do something different."
In the end, We The People spoke louder than the party insiders who endorsed Olson. That's as it should be. Every registered voter should be given the opportunity to express their wishes, provided that they follow the election rules.

I'll admit I didn't see Olson's primary defeat coming, though I was confident that his political career would end this election cycle.

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:09 AM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 09:34 AM
You know the thing was about this was she wasn't allowed to campaign. The Republican party sent a sample ballot with Olson's name on it. The fact that she could get this large margin victory showed one thing. Enough people in Senate District 16 knew what was going on and fixed it thanks to the quirk that Allison had to file for the primary before the convention. Thank God for that quirk!

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 12:05 PM
Gary I just heard Mark Olson on the radio. He's talking about doing a write in campaign. Can't this guy get the message!

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 3 by Gary Gross at 10-Sep-08 12:31 PM
Walter, I quoted him as saying that he's considering that option, then saying that it wouldn't come from him, that it'd come from the grassroots.

The guy can't get enough of himself. Unfortunately for him, the voters in SD-16 can get enough of him. That's why Alison won.

Let's also note that Alison won without actively campaigning. The minute she won, those self-imposed restrictions came off.

What's the odds that people will love the daylights out of her when she starts doorknocking & lit-dropping her district?

Comment 4 by eric zaetsch at 10-Sep-08 02:11 PM
It is a good result. In a GOP region, having a sound GOP candidate rather than an idiotic convicted wife beater is only sensible. I say that as a progressive, in Abeler's district.

Gary, any thoughts about that - Jim Abeler taking the GOP 48B race from Huizenga, the borderline endorsee picked by the party insiders as a punishment of Abeler for his being one of the six to override the extreme ill-tempered Pawlenty veto?

It seems to me there's a parallel disconnect from reality, both instances - quitting on an incumbent like Abeler, as GOP as you'll get, really, and putting forth an endorsee like Olson. It's a self-defeating mentality you've not shown - a disconnect from reality is the best way I can put it.

I think Abeler's and Kruger's victories show some sense of continuity plus at least in Abeler's case a few crossover votes from people not worried about Lord Faris being any factor to keep people voting at "home in the DFL."

I did a crossover vote, one of the 12,000 for Jack Shepard; but wanting Aubrey Immelman to have a GOP shot. He came across as low on ego, high on brains - a Bachmann opposite in many other ways too.

Had he won, I would have had no problem whatsoever voting for him over Tink in the general election.

But with a three way race now between Bachmann, Tink, and Bob Anderson - Anderson looks better and better by the quality of his opposition.

Any thoughts, as a candidate in MN 6, will Anderson be more help or hurt to Bachmann, the one who is your choice?

I don't like her but I see her taking 55% or better in the general election, because of how unattractive a candidate Tinklenberg is.

Do you see it any different?

This cycle the DFL had a shot at the seat, but the MN 6 bosses blew it by trying the same Tink cramdown that failed when Wetterling offered DFL rank-and-file a decent alternative, in 2006.

Tink is the kind of candidate Mark Kennedy would have enjoyed running against. I really bet he's having second thoughts over being talked into a Senate run instead of keeping House seniority.

Bad as he was, he outshined Bachmann as his successor.

Comment 5 by Gary Gross at 10-Sep-08 02:22 PM
Eric, First, thanks for the comment.

I can't say that I'm a huge Jim Abeler fan but my 'adopted' state representative, Steve Gottwalt, says that Jim's a decent guy, just wrong on a few issues.

I just can't get fire-breathing PO'ed with someone like Jim Abeler.

I can get PO'ed with a man without integrity. I can get PO'ed with a man whose supporters started telling lies about whether he was convicted. I can get PO'ed with a man with that amount of arrogance.

EXCUSE ME??? These supporters are idiots. Thanks to Al Gore's internet, it takes eight seconds to dig up the documentation showing that he got convicted.

Comment 6 by Nan James at 10-Sep-08 05:52 PM
El Tinklenberg is solely responsible for the I-35 Bridge collapse, as he was the last one to sign off on the faulty gusset plates.

Bachmann will win, and easily.

Comment 7 by Dale Powers at 11-Sep-08 10:16 AM
I have known Mark Olson for close to 20 years, and have known Heidi for longer than that. I believe they are sincere in wanting to heal their marriage and in wanting to move on from the public spectacle that this has become.

Having said that, I did not support Mark in his attempts to return to the Minnesota Legislature - either the HD 16B endorsement or the SD 16 endorsement. NOTE: I did not attend either endorsing convention.

Whenever a politician feels that civilization as we know it will crumble if they are not re-elected, they have acquired a level of hubris that cries out for them to be defeated. This appears to be the case with Mark Olson.

It is important to remember that Mark Olson defeated a veteran DFL legislator in Bob McEachern (God rest his soul) in 1992. Mark benefitted from McEachern's hubris, and should not be surprised that the dagger he used to gain a seat in the Minnesota House was eventually used against him 16 years later.

The sad reality about this is that if Mark would have quietly accepted his fate and not ran for the SD 16 race, it is likely that in 2010 or 2012 enough time would have passed that he could have been a credible candidate for either seat. Mark blew that one.

Consequently, I believe Mark's fate is to return to the log home building profession and continue to heal his marriage. I believe I speak for a lot of people in saying that we are pulling for Mark and Heidi on that one.

Comment 8 by Gary Gross at 11-Sep-08 10:55 AM
Dale, Thanks for commenting that you hope the Olsons repair their marriage. I hope for that, too.

Just because she's forgiven him for his actions, that doesn't mean that We The People should turn a blind eye towards him inre: his political career.

The people of SD-16 did the right thing, in my estimation, in sending him into retirement.

Comment 9 by Chad T. Everson at 15-Sep-08 01:03 AM
A Swing and miss on this one my friend! Living here in the 6th Congressional District and with only a 5% voting turnout for the primaries with some serious numbers in question, Mark Olson was vilified and railroaded by the union loving metro centrist MNGOP!

We are witnessing the old guard eat its own present at the cost of the MNGOP future!

Don't buy the MSM hype. Those of us in the 6th Congressional District are sick of the Metro Centrist Socialist Squirrel leadership of the MN GOP and there is a Grizzly Groundswell Prairie fire a coming.

The metro centrist MNGOP has now successfully chosen for 16b Mary Kiffmeyer and CD 16 Alison Kreuger two candidates that will represent my voice although I a life long Republican and online activist have voted for neither.

From the comments on this post I see the Republican's eating one of their own just because the union lackies have assisted in destroying one of their main oppositions. That is fine. Remember, every dog has their day, but a Grizzly will kick its ass day in and day out!

Socialist Squirrels take note and start packing up your nuts because there is a Grizzly Groundswell prairie fire a coming right here in my backyard of Minnesota!

Get Grizzly!

~Teddy Bear

Comment 10 by Gary Gross at 15-Sep-08 07:26 AM
Chad, You're utterly clueless.

I opposed Mark Olson because he was convicted of a serious crime, which tarnishes every GOP candidate statewide.

As for your hinting that I'm buying "the MSM hype", that indicates that you know nothing about my strong conservative credentials or my doing my own research for my posts.

Your assumptions are laughable at best.

The sad thing is that you've consumed too much of Jason Lewis' KoolAid. Jason Lewis is clueless on this.

For Jason, it's all about whether someone votes right. He couldn't care less if someone's a wifebeater as long as they 'vote right'.

Mr. Lewis hasn't figured it out that voters care about such things. If we don't win elections, your Groundswell is all growl & no teeth.

It's time you got a clue about winning elections.

How Badly Did Franken Perform?

Several points must be made about Al Franken's modest victory margin in yesterday's DFL senatorial primary. Let's first look at the race from the perspective from the St. Cloud area. Here's what the SecState's website shows for Benton County:
Al Franken got 859 votes, which equates into 55.96% of the vote.

Priscilla Lord-Faris got 551 votes, which equates into 35.9% of the vote.
Here's the final tally from Stearns County:
Al Franken got 2,148 votes, which equates into 55.43% of the vote.

Priscilla Lord-Faris got 1,553 votes, which equates into 40.08% of the vote.
Here's the final tally in Sherburne County:
Al Franken got 1,219 votes, which equates into 60.65% of the vote.

Priscilla Lord-Faris got 712 votes, which equates into 35.42% of the vote.
Frankly, these totals must be giving Franken's campaign alot of heartburn. If they aren't, they should be. As Michael said here , this is a "total embarassment" to Team Franken. To say that Franken doesn't appeal to central Minnesota voters is understatement. Frankly, I don't see Franken's appeal to independents or moderates.

The Unhinged Left is his base. It doesn't extend beyond that, which means that he's toast this November. Any statewide candidate that can't appeal to voters beyond their traditional base is history. That's because the base gets the candidate between 30 and 35 percent of registered voters. Unless turnout is low, that won't get you close to the percent you need.

I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Team Coleman is reading these results and smiling. There's certainly something there to get excited about.

Originally posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008, revised 13-Nov 4:04 PM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 09:38 AM
The problem that Al has is unlike previous primaries which were contested the people who didn't vote for Al are likely not to vote for him in the general election. And with the adition of Sarah on the ballot the person who is going to be voting for Mccain is likely to draw the vote for Coleman. Obama won't have a large win in Minnesota and what's worse Franken was going to be running at least five points behind Obama if not more.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by eric zaetsch at 10-Sep-08 01:50 PM
Get serious. Franken got 65% of the vote and that's a landslide. Also, you have to discount Lord Faris' count because of GOP crossover.

For a handle on crossover, Jack Shepard got 12,000+ votes, almost twice what Dean Barkley got in his IP primary.

I attribute Barkley getting only 56% of the IP [note the digit reversal with Franken, in his primary] to Barkley having steered the IP Sixth District endorsement to Tinklenberg, and an IP rank-and-file loyalist reaction against that kink of politics.

Still, Franken's vote, adjusted for expected GOP crossover equal to that of DFL crossover against Coleman, 12,000 votes moved from out of Lord Faris' total, and Franken won resoundingly.

The realistic question you GOP folks should face, can Franken get 65% of the vote against Coleman?

It would not surprise me. Being Cheney's protege now has become a liability rather than a boost.

And the first comment about Palin being a boost to McCain instead of a mistake made out of desperation, look at the woman - she preaches abstinence as an answer to teen pregnancy and her own daughter gets knocked up. By a hockey jock who on MySpace says he does not want kids. Bristol Palin has to be complemented for the good sense to decline a shotgun wedding with a likely lifetime of under five years, and her mother pushing it has to be seen for what it is, opportunism against the best interest of her own child. I applaud Bristol Palin's judgment that way.

Sarah Palin, a heartbeat away from a 72 year-old with recurrent skin cancer, no thank you.

A GOP concentration on possibly keeping Norm, keeping Kline and hoping against the odds at keeping the Third District would be reasonable. But McCain, no way. He showed himself too weak and too desparate to pick Pawlenty, not that TP is that good, just several cuts better than Palin.

I see Kline having a harder race than Bachmann. Neither of them has released internal polling. You know if Tink had anything that way to tout, he would, and he's silent.

How do you read Barkley as a spoiler, more hurt to Coleman or more hurt to Franken? Honestly?

Comment 3 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 02:18 PM
Boy Eric keep living in your dream world. Barkley will get a large vote those people who don't want to vote for Al, but won't vote Coleman. The question is will Barkley get to more than 10% of the vote with those voters. Norm will have a much more comfortable victory than Tim had.

Tinkleberg apparently is doing so bad the Democrats congressional committee is ignoring him.

The questions will Davis and Mccain win along with how many state house seats the Republicans are going to gain.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Obama's Outrage

Last night, I got another email from the Obama campaign, this time from David Plouffe. Here's the content of Mr. Plouffe's email:
Gary --

The McCain campaign has finally admitted that this election is about change.

Their new ad uses what news organizations are calling "naked lies" to reinvent two politicians whose records embody the same culture of corruption and far-right policies we've seen from the Bush administration.

The biggest whopper in the ad (that's still being repeated day after day by McCain and Palin on the campaign trail) is that Governor Palin stopped the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" ; in fact, she supported it, and even hired a lobbyist in Washington to get more pork-barrel projects like it.

If the McCain-Palin campaign wants to have a debate about who is prepared to bring the change we need, we're more than ready.
Before we get into whether the McCain-Palin tick has told some "whoppers", let's ask if Plouffe's boss really is "more than ready" to debate this or any other issue. He's said that he's ready to deebate McCain "any time, any place" about a number of things. Thus far, he's refused to debate "any time, any place." It's been more like "under no circumstances, at no place."

There's a major problem with Mr. Plouffe's statement that "The biggest whopper in the ad (that's still being repeated day after day by McCain and Palin on the campaign trail) is that Governor Palin stopped the infamous 'Bridge to Nowhere.'" Here's what CNNMoney reported last year :
Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday the project was $329 million short of full funding.

"We will continue to look for options for Ketchikan to allow better access to the island," the Republican governor said. "The concentration is not going to be on a $400 million bridge." Palin directed state transportation officials to find the most "fiscally responsible" alternative for access to the airport . She said the best option would be to upgrade the ferry system.
That sounds like Gov. Palin stopped the earmark in its tracks. This reporting ends the discussion on whether she stopped the Bridge to Nowhere. That isn't "the biggest whopper in the ad"; it's the irrefutable truth. How dare Mr. Plouffe state that McCain-Palin is telling whoppers when they're telling the truth.

Thankfully, Jim DeMint has entered the fray in this WSJ op-ed :
In politics, words are cheap. What really counts are actions. Democrats and Republicans have talked about fiscal responsibility for years. In reality, both parties have a shameful record of wasting hundreds of billions of tax dollars on pork-barrel projects.

My Senate colleague Barack Obama is now attacking Gov. Sarah Palin over earmarks. Having worked with both John McCain and Mr. Obama on earmarks, and as a recovering earmarker myself, I can tell you that Mrs. Palin's leadership and record of reform stands well above that of Mr. Obama.

Let's compare.

Mrs. Palin used her veto pen to slash more local projects than any other governor in the state's history. She cut nearly 10% of Alaska's budget this year, saving state residents $268 million . This included vetoing a $30,000 van for Campfire USA and $200,000 for a tennis court irrigation system. She succinctly justified these cuts by saying they were "not a state responsibility."

Meanwhile in Washington, Mr. Obama voted for numerous wasteful earmarks last year, including: $12 million for bicycle paths, $450,000 for the International Peace Museum, $500,000 for a baseball stadium and $392,000 for a visitor's center in Louisiana.

Mrs. Palin cut Alaska's federal earmark requests in half last year , one of the strongest moves against earmarks by any governor. It took real leadership to buck Alaska's decades-long earmark addiction.

Mr. Obama delivered over $100 million in earmarks to Illinois last year and has requested nearly a billion dollars in pet projects since 2005 . His running mate, Joe Biden, is still indulging in earmarks, securing over $90 million worth this year.
This sounds like a pretty strong, though not perfect, record on earmarks. If Team Barry is foolish enough to continue attacking on this front, then they'll get slapped around. This isn't a winning issue. This won't move voters into the Obama-Biden column.

These types of attacks have highlighted Obama's outrage. That isn't the image that'll win presidential elections.

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:25 PM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 06:48 PM
Just curious did the email mention how many times Obama voted against the bridge to nowhere like when it was proposed to spend the money on Hurricane Katrina?

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Are Biden's Loose Lips Sinking Obama's Ship?

People that've watched Joe Biden's career know that he's likely to say anything. Based on this ABC report , it's apparent that he's now inflicting that damage onto Sen. Obama's sinking ship. Here's what he's said this time:
At a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary "not because she's a woman, but because look at the things she did in the past."

"Make no mistake about this," Biden responded. "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let's get that straight. She's a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she's easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me . But she's first rate, I mean that sincerely, she's first rate, so let's get that straight."
I'm betting that Team Barry is thinking that they should've gone with Kathleen Sebelius right about now. She isn't thought of as a foreign policy expert but at least she doesn't have the reputation of being a loose cannon.

It would've sufficed had Sen. Biden just defended Hillary. He didn't stop there, though. Instead, he kept going. And going. That's how he finally meandered into saying that Hillary might've made a better running mate than him. I've said it before and I'll repeat it again: If Sen. Obama was worried about foreign policy/national security credentials, he would've been far better off with Sam Nunn because Sam Nunn's national security credentials are solid and he isn't gaffe-prone like Sen. Biden is.

There's something else that's worth pointing out. When people hear Sen. Biden's gaffes and they hear Sen. Obama's obsessing with Gov. Palin, they realize that that duo can't stay focused on what's important. What's worse is that Sen. Obama keeps talking tough but not delivering. Last night, David Plouffe said this :
If the McCain-Palin campaign wants to have a debate about who is prepared to bring the change we need, we're more than ready.
That's the third time that Team Obama has said something like "If Team McCain wants to debate ____(fill in the blank)" What's happened thus far is that Sen. McCain offered a series of 10 townhall meetings over the course of the summer, only to have Sen. Obama refuse. At what point to the American people just roll their eyes and say "it's time to tune him out"?

Team Obama thinks that it's getting away with talking smart like that. I'd bet otherwise. You can't shoot your mouth off like Sen. Obama has done and not pay a price.

That said, Sen. Obama talking smart isn't their biggest problem. Their biggest problem is the gaffe machine known as Joe Biden.

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:03 PM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 10-Sep-08 10:13 PM
When Barry starts thinking what mistake cost him the election the most. I was thinking the trip to Europe was it (it indirectly caused the appointment of Bidden), but now I'm thinking it's


Obama thought with an experienced 30 year old Senator won't create these problems:

* Upset woman

* Maginifying the Pallin pick which they didn't see coming

* Telling the guy in the wheelchair to stand up

* Saying Hillary is more qualified than him.

* Being caught in the gaff of promising to prosecute President Bush and then denying he said it.

No wonder why Obama was sinking so fast after the Republican convention.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

An Unbearable Trend?

The photo below captures a disturbing, some might say an unbearable, trend that's starting to afflict wildlife in nearly every region of the United States.

Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democratic Party. That's becoming more & more evident as they have apparently learned to just sit & wait until the government steps in & provides for their care & sustenance.

The good news is that Gov. Sarah Palin is proficient at cutting out wasteful government spending. She's also a pretty good shot. I'm beginning to see the outlines of a plan to eliminate this unbearable trend. The only potential problem with this solution is that it might put these park bears on the endangered species list.

I love it when a plan comes together. Don't you?

Technroati: , , , , , , ,

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:24 PM

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Melissa Hart Steps Up Attacks on Altmire

This morning, I received a statement from People With Hart, the campaign committe for Melissa Hart. Ms. Hart lost in the 2006 midterms but is running again to retake that seat. Here's the content of Rep. Hart's statement:

When will he come clean about his votes in Washington?

Cranberry Township, PA - Former Congresswoman Melissa Hart calls on Jason Altmire to tell the people of the Fourth Congressional District the truth about his his voting record, which is how he really represents them in Washington, D.C.

Earlier this week, Jason Altmire began airing a campaign ad patting himself on the back for ensuring that U.S- manufactured Steel is used to build the fences that protect our borders.

What the voters are not told is, that the border fence Altmire touts in his campaign advertisement is the same fence he voted against fully funding last year (Roll Call Vote 490, 6/15/07).

Jason Altmire voted to only provide enough funding for 370 miles of the 850 miles of border fence required by the Secure Fence Act of 2006. That leaves more than half of the border unprotected.

Melissa Hart stated, "As a member of Congress, I worked to pass the Secure Fence Act of 2006 which would build a double layer fence along our border. Since Altmire went to Congress, he has voted to weaken that fence by not providing enough funding, putting our national security in jeopardy. Securing our country's borders is critical to keeping our country and her citizens safe."

"This yet another example of where Jason Altmire's votes and quotes don't match," added Hart.
Eventually, Democrats will learn that telling the truth is simpler than spinning things. Until that time, people will hold elected officials to account. Thanks to Al Gore's internet, it's a simple task to research politicians' records. Obviously, Rep. Altmire hasn't figured that out yet.

It appears as though Mr. Altmire suffers from Tom Daschle Syndrome, an affliction that causes politicians to talk and vote like a liberal in Washington, DC, then talk like a Limbaugh conservative when they're in their district.

Melissa Hart needs to return to Washington. Rep. Hart has a proven record of supporting tough border enforcement and stricter enforcement of employers that hire illegal immigrants. That's the type of common sense conservative we need in Washington.

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:57 PM

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