Reid, Pelosi Talk National Security

Just when you thought things couldn't get more bizarre, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi met with foreign policy failures Madeline Albright, Gen. Wesley Clark and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Here's the most laughable quote in their press release, courtesy of Ms. Pelosi:
"Keeping America safe is our first responsibility as elected officials. Democrats have a record of achievement in national security and sound ideas about how to combat terrorism, change course toward success in Iraq and protect the American people."
That brief statement is so full of things that I can discredit that it's hard to pick a spot to start but here goes:
"Democrats have a record of achievement in national security..."
What might those achievements be? Harry Reid bragging about killing the Patriot Act? Or might it be John Murtha saying that we should "immediately redeploy" our troops outside Iraq? Or might it be Russ Feingold saying that filibustering the renewal of the Patriot Act saying "Today's vote is a great moment for our Constitution and our democracy and a great moment in the fight against terrorism.

Does Ms. Pelosi think of meeting with CAIR to think of ways to prevent the reauthorization of the Patriot Act is a proud achievement in protecting America?

How can Ms. Pelosi say with a straight face that immediately 'redeploying' troops out of Iraq is a course change "toward success in Iraq"? Since when is getting out of Iraq a success in winning the war against the jihadists?

Pelosi and Reid didn't do themselves any favors by inviting Zbigniew Brzezinski to this meeting. Mr. Brzezinski is the 'architect' of the most miserable foreign policy in presidential history. Mr. Brzezinski and President Carter made one disastrous decision after another. It was Mr. Brzezinski who recommended opening a dialog with Ayatollah Khomeini, convincing Khomeini that America would remain passive while he started the global jihadist movement.
"One week ago, Democratic senators and representatives wrote to President Bush, urging him to work with us to find a new way forward in Iraq," said Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. "Judging by his comments to the nation Monday night, he isn't interested in working with us. President Bush is still determined to 'stay-the-course,' even if the course is making America less safe and Iraq less stable. Democrats have laid out a way forward in Iraq. It's tough. It's smart. And it will refocus our military on the real threats we face. Protecting America should not be a partisan issue. Democrats stand united behind real security for America. It's time for the President to join us."
Sen. Reid, I ask again what's so tough or smart about reneging on our commitment to an emerging democracy? It seems to me that anyone can choose to not live up to a promise. As for the President not being interested in working with Democrats in finding a "new way forward in Iraq," who can blame him when the only "way forward" that Senate Democrats are interested in is leaving Iraq?

Posted Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:39 PM

August 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Repack Rider at 14-Sep-06 01:37 AM
Does Ms. Pelosi think of meeting with CAIR to think of ways to prevent the reauthorization of the Patriot Act is a proud achievement in protecting America?

I sure do. The worst thing a terrorist can do to me is kill me. He can't take my civil rights, tap my phone or prevent me from speaking out, but our government sure wants to. If they hate us for our freedom, why should we give up our freedom to please the terrorists?

As a US Army veteran, I am disgusted by the cowardice of people who think that surrenderng rights purchased for them with the blood of patriots will make them safer. I don't think anyone would suggest that Ben Franklin was not patriotic, and he said that "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

I stand with Ben on this. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT SAFETY IF IT MEANS ABOLISHING THE CONSTITUTION. I'll take my chances with terrorists, but I won't surrender my Constitutional rights out of fear of some foreign thug hiding in a cave in Pakistan. I just don't scare as easily as you do.

What kind of coward and traitor would let the government tap his phone without a warrant just because the government says that will make him safer?

Since when is getting out of Iraq a success in winning the war against the jihadists?

Going in sure didn't seem to do much except cost us money, kill thousands of innocent people and make more jihadists. Getting out couldn't hurt us any more than that.

If you think it's a good idea to be in Iraq, what the hell are you doing sitting comfortably behind a computer? Why aren't you THERE? What's the most important sacrifice YOU have made in the name of patirotism?

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