October 31, 2006 Posts

16:35 Agenda Media's Coverage of Kennedy-Klobuchar Knockdown
19:03 Open Mouth, Insert Leg
20:52 Choose Reason, Not Emotion
21:13 Fallen Soldier's Mom to Kerry: Learn More About Military
21:28 LFR's Comment Policy
23:02 A Conservative's Conservative Endorses Diana Irey

Agenda Media's Coverage of Kennedy-Klobuchar Knockdown

Sunday night, I posted this about the Kennedy-Klobuchar debate. I titled it "Kennedy Clobbers Klobuchar in Tonight's Debate", citing numerous examples of how Rep. Kennedy exposed Klobuchar's nicely worded lines as focus-grouped mindless meanderings. Compare my debate analysis with the Strib's coverage and the PiPress's clueless coverage. Let's start with the Strib's coverage:
Tensions increased when the candidates questioned each other. Kennedy asked Klobuchar why she should be trusted when she won't debate Iraq, when her office was reprimanded for failing to turn over public crime data to a Republican Party committee, and her campaign faces a federal investigation because of how it obtained an unaired Kennedy ad. Klobuchar said that when she found out someone on her staff had seen the ad, she reported it immediately. "That is more than I can say about this Congress when they found out somebody was soliciting pages," she said.
Waiting 4 days is reporting it immediately in Ms. Klobuchar's world? I guess it iscompared to the amount of time that it's taken her to produce the crime statistics that the NRSC requested. You'd think that a law enforcement officer could do better than that, wouldn't you? Should we view Ms. Klobuchar as an enforcement officer or a slippery politician? Let's let the facts speak for themselves.

It's interesting that Ms. Klobuchar thinks it's ok to wait 4 days before reporting a federal crime in her office but then chastises Republicans for waiting 4 whole hours before running Mark Foley out of office. Isn't it amazing that the Agenda Media didn't mention that? Isn't it amazing that they didn't mention the fact that liberals groups had shopped the Foley information around for months?

Here's a taste of the PiPress's coverage:
Republican Mark Kennedy, a six-term member of the U.S. House, repeatedly hit Democrat Amy Klobuchar, the Hennepin County Attorney, with all he had, questioning her on how she's managed her campaign, the war in Iraq, criminal justice in Minneapolis and her plan for prescription drugs. Klobuchar swiftly countered the blows from the opponent she has fought for more than a year. "Congressman Kennedy, so many attacks, so little time," Klobuchar retorted at one point. She said many of his claims were patent distortions.
It's obvious that she's got an endless supply of cute little jabs but that she's short on substance. Rep. Kennedy also clobbered Ms. Klobuchar on her perscription drug plan, noting that the dirty little secret of her plan would lead to rationing.

Ms. Klobuchar: so many statements, so little substance.

Kennedy also clobbered Ms. Klobuchar by asking why "Minneapolis' violent crime rate" is "twice that of New York City"?

Sidenote: Isn't it amazing that the PiPress's gatekeepers didn't catch it that Mr. Kennedy isn't a 6 term congressman?
"Your campaign is involved in an FBI investigation as it relates to a stolen TV ad. If you won't give Minnesota voters straight answers on these issues, why should they trust you in the U.S. Senate?" Kennedy asked Klobuchar. Klobuchar said she didn't drag her feet when she found out about the purloined ad. "I immediately reported it to authorities."
It's worrisome at minimum that Klobuchar is ducking this issue. She's a law enforcement officer. With all that's expected of law enforcement officers, we should expect more of Ms. Klobuchar. I'd hate to think that she's that big a procrastinator.

Posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:35 PM

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Open Mouth, Insert Leg

That's what JF Kerry appears to have done with this statement. As if he hadn't already done enough damage.

"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy. This is the classic G.O.P. playbook. I'm sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did.

I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq. It disgusts me that these Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country lie and distort so blatantly and carelessly about those who have.

The people who owe our troops an apology are George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who misled America into war and have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it. These Republicans are afraid to debate veterans who live and breathe the concerns of our troops, not the empty slogans of an Administration that sent our brave troops to war without body armor.

Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men because they're afraid to debate real men. And this time it won't work because we're going to stay in their face with the truth and deny them even a sliver of light for their distortions. No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut and run policy in Afghanistan and a stand still and lose strategy in Iraq."

"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy.
Did Kerry really think that we wouldn't recall this testimony:
They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
Why would we think that someone who testified to such things wouldn't denigrate our troops today? Sen. Kerry's disgraceful statements shouldn't be forgotten when voters enter the voting booth a next Tuesday. They should motivate conservatives nationwide.

Conservatives know that it's the party of Kerry, Kennedy and Clinton that want us to slowly lose this war. Of course, they don't use those words, instead using phrases like slowly draw down our troop levels and tell Iraqis they need to secure their own country.

Update: Here's the headline to an ABC News article:
Kerry's November Gift to Republicans?
Then there's this AMVETS statement:
"For the Senator to suggest that today's United States military is made up of uneducated men and women who didn't 'study hard' or 'make an effort to be smart' is ridiculous and appalling," AMVETS National Commander Thomas C. McGriff said Tuesday. "The men and women in uniform today make up the most advanced, highly-educated force ever seen. To suggest otherwise is a slap in the face to every soldier, sailor, airman, Marine and Coast Guardsman who has spent countless hours working to better him or herself. This is also an insult to every person and organization who has worked tirelessly to provide our troops and their families with education benefits.

"Senator Kerry should retract his remarks and apologize immediately," McGriff said after listening to comments made by Senator Kerry at a political rally in Pasadena, Calif., Monday. "It is especially outrageous coming from a member of the U.S. Senate."
Kerry's statements touched something visceral. This isn't something that'll disappear anytime soon.

Posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:22 PM

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Choose Reason, Not Emotion

If there's a dominant theme to this Prager column, that title is it.
One repeatedly hears that some conservatives and Republicans will either vote Democrat or not vote at all out of anger at the Republican Party. According to these Republican holdouts, the Republicans have governed as Democrats-lite by greatly increasing government spending and doing little about illegal immigration. Accordingly, it is better to have liberal government under liberals than liberal government under Republicans, and the Republicans need to be taught a lesson so that in the future they will govern as authentic Republicans.

Conservatives should file this thinking under the heading "Cathartic," but not under "Smart."
Let's face facts. Conservatives aren't happy this election. They're feeling surly right now. Who can blame us, right? Here's a suggestion: Bottle that frustration. Save it for the next primary when it's R vs. R, not R vs. D. Unleash that frustration when the stakes aren't Justice O'Connor vs. Justice Alito.
Compared to you and your conservative principles, real-life Republicans are indeed a failure. But compared to real-life Democrats, they are almost giants.
Repeat those seventeen words so often that they become your mantra. Repeat after me: "Real-life Republicans are indeed a failure. But compared to real-life Democrats, they are almost giants."

Let's examine the wisdom of teaching RINO's a lesson right now vs. teaching them a lesson in the primaries. When do conservatives have the most to gain with the smallest risk? Isn't it when we're letting word out that we're fixing on whacking a Republican that's acting too much like a Democrat? If the RINO doesn't get religion in a hurry, we replace him in a primary. If he gets religion, then we've gotten what we've wanted without risking anything.

I prefer acting in win-win situations. That's what unleashing our frustrations during primary season is.

Posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:54 PM

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Fallen Soldier's Mom to Kerry: Learn More About Military

If we've learned anything about mothers who've lost children in Iraq, it's that they've attained a higher moral authority, a la Cindy Sheehan. WCVB-TV, ABC's station in Boston, is reporting of such a mother. Her advice to Kerry: "Learn a little bit about what our men and women in the military are actually made up of." Here's the full quote:
"In addition to apologizing, he needs to learn a little bit about what our men and women in the military are actually made up of," Booth said. "We don't want to send that kind of signal, that you only go into the military if you are not good at anything."
Mrs. Booth is exactly right, though I think there's little chance that the Boston Snob will do no such thing. To do that would be admitting that he's clueless about foreign policy. History will show that Sen. Kerry was on the wrong side of most of the major foreign policy issues of his time in office. Why change that record now? It's too late to salvage a legacy from his record.

UPDATE: Gateway Pundit has more on this story. Be sure to check their coverage out.

Originally posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006, revised 01-Nov 10:16 AM

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LFR's Comment Policy

I just deleted the first comment since LFR left the blogger system. Why? Because the commenter dropped the F-bomb & used another four-letter word in his comment. I don't delete comments that dispute my views but I'll guarantee that I'll delete any comments that use swear words.

Posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:28 PM

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A Conservative's Conservative Endorses Diana Irey

You just can't do better than that folks. Political junkies like me know that Pat Toomey is a conservative's conservative. He's the President and CEO of the Club for Growth, too. Those are pretty impeccable credentials. Now he's endorsing Diana Irey. Here's Toomey's statement officially endorsing Diana Irey:
"I am very impressed. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, when Diana Irey wins this race in nine days, it's a 'two-fer', we get two wins, because on the one hand, we get to put into permanent retirement a liberal, tax-and-spend politician. And that would be enough, in my book. But in addition to that, we get something else. I am convinced that we will have a new person in the U.S. House of Representatives, a new member of the Republican Conference, who will help bring the Party back to its commitment to the core ideas and values and principles that gave us a majority in the first place, the ideas that swept Ronald Reagan into office, that gave us majorities in 1994, and the ideas that unite us in this room, the reason we joined the Republican Party, because we believe in something.

"We believe in a set of ideas. We believe that the power of government should be limited, that freedom of the individual should be expanded, we believe in a free enterprise system, and lower spending and lower taxes, and we think that people know how to spend their own money much better than any government politician or bureaucrat ever will.

"We believe in the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of human life, and we believe in the traditional social and cultural values around which this great nation was built, and we believe in defending our nation, and staying in, even when the going gets tough, and defending our nation and sovereignty against any threats.

"Those are the ideas, and the principles, and the values that the Republican Party stands for when it's at its best. And unfortunately, in some instances, some Republicans have wandered away from those principles, and I will tell you, it's those Republicans who are in the most danger in a week and half, and we have an opportunity to hold onto the House, and to bring the Republican Party back to its roots, if we send Diana Irey to become a part of that.

"When I consider the extension of the Bush tax cuts, that gave us a very strong economic recovery; when I consider how very, very frightening and dangerous the threat that we face from the Islamic fascist terrorists; when I consider how important and how challenging these times are; and when I hear what Jack Murtha is saying, and when I see what he is supporting, and when I know, as I do, having served in the U.S. House, I can tell you, what's on Jack Murtha's mind right now is, how does he placate and satisfy a constituency that doesn't live in the 12th District of Pennsylvania?

"Jack Murtha's worried a lot about how the Charlie Rangels, and the Nancy Pelosis, and the John Conyers of the world, the most radical liberal Democrats in the entire House, he's worried a lot about what they think of Jack Murtha, because he wants to run for Majority Leader when he THINKS the Democrats take control of the House.

"Let me tell you, that creates an enormous disconnect, not that there isn't one already, but it aggravates and accentuates a huge disconnect between serving the constituents of southwestern Pennsylvania and placating the most radical liberals in America, from New York and San Francisco and the rest.

"This is why it's so important that you do everything you can. I'm so glad you're here today, and everything you can do for Diana's campaign, the contributions you make, the yard signs you put up, the phone calls, the door-to-door work, everything that you do comes together in these last few days.

"She has done a terrific job. She's got a terrific media plan that's going to carry her through Election Day.

"And now it's up to all of us, to do everything we can on the ground, to make sure that the next Congressperson from the 12th District represents the values of the 12th District, and not the values of San Francisco. Please join me in welcoming the next Congressperson from the 12th District, Diana Irey!"
I'd envy PA-12's conservatives 'options' this November if I hadn't been able to vote for Michele Bachmann, Diana Irey's ideological 'twin sister'. When the dust settles next Tuesday, liberals will have to contend with the 'Dynamic Duo' of Bachmann-Irey.

I definitely agreed with Mr. Toomey when he said this:
"...when Diana Irey wins this race in nine days, it's a 'two-fer', we get two wins, because on the one hand, we get to put into permanent retirement a liberal, tax-and-spend politician. And that would be enough, in my book. But in addition to that, we get something else. I am convinced that we will have a new person in the U.S. House of Representatives, a new member of the Republican Conference, who will help bring the Party back to its commitment to the core ideas and values and principles that gave us a majority in the first place, the ideas that swept Ronald Reagan into office, that gave us majorities in 1994, and the ideas that unite us in this room, the reason we joined the Republican Party, because we believe in something."
We do indeed get an old-fashioned Reaganesque conservative in Diana Irey. (Ditto with Michele Bachmann.) Getting rid of a looney lefty liberal like Murtha, who 'earned' Code Pink's Man of the Year Award, is just icing on the cake.

Posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:04 PM

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