October 27, 2006 Posts

05:38 Signing Followup
06:34 Pennsylvania Political Update
07:25 They Get Paid To Write This?
11:39 Something Strange Going on Here

Signing Followup

Yesterday, President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act into law at a formal signing ceremony. It didn't take long for the critics to start taking shots at it, starting with Ted Kennedy's obnoxious statement:
"The president and this Congress had a historic opportunity to pass a tough but fair immigration reform plan this year, but instead that chance was squandered by those Republicans who are more concerned about the ballot box than actually providing real solutions."
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this is just another hyperpartisan diatribe from the Senate's 'King of Demagoguery'. Other than one sentence, this statement shouldn't be taken seriously because it's half demagogic diatribe and half a spoiled brat's whining that he didn't get his way.

It's worth noting Kennedy's including the ballot box reference in his diatribe. He knows that this legislation is an in-your-face rejection of his open borders legislation and that it's a ballot box winner for the GOP.

It's time America told this obnoxious blowhard to sit down and shut up, that we've had enough of his spoiled brat diatribes, that we demand legislators that don't work against America's interests. In short, the vast majority of sound-thinking Americans reject Kennedy's vitriol and spoiled brat behavior.

Kennedy isn't the legislation's only critic either. Here's Vicente Fox's quote:
"It is an embarrassment for the United States," Fox said. "It is proof, perhaps, that the United States does not see immigration as a subject that corresponds to both countries."
Fox finally gets it. We don't see our national sovereignty as something we negotiate. As a sovereign nation, we'll take the 'unilateral approach' to enforcing our sovereignty. Shame on Fox for whining about the fence being an embarassment to the U.S. Why didn't he build a prosperous Mexico in his term in office so that Mexicans can work and prosper in their native country? Why didn't he crack down on the drug traffickers that rely on porous borders? Why didn't he do more to share its oil wealth with the masses? Instead, he presided over a corrupt nation while effecting little reform. That's the epitome of embarassment.

Furthermore, I don't see President Fox practicing what he preaches. He hasn't negotiated with other countries about border security for his southern border.

"The decision made by Congress and the U.S. government is deplorable," Calderon said while on tour in Canada. "Humanity committed a grave error by constructing the Berlin wall and I am sure that today the United States is committing a grave error in constructing a wall along our northern border."
Comparing the border fence to the Berlin Wall is the type of over-the-top rhetoric that I'd expect from Dick Durbin, not an international leader. Furthermore, the Berlin Wall wasn't built to keep people out, it was built to keep people in. Comparing the two is insulting to thinking people's intelligence.

One last thing: Since when did the U.S. take on the responsibility of subsidizing financially-burdened nations that refuse to reform their countries and end their corruption? It's one thing to give foreign aid to countries that are pursuing a reform agenda. It's quite another to subsidize another nation's corruption and never-ending economic incompetence.

Posted Friday, October 27, 2006 5:40 AM

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Pennsylvania Political Update

Things are heating up in Pennsylvania as Election Day nears. Here's a look at what's making news in Pennsylvania.

Small-business group backs Swann
"Lynn Swann has earned the respect of small-business owners and working families throughout Pennsylvania," said Rich Gallo, vice chair of the NFIB Leadership Council for Pennsylvania. Mr. Gallo said the endorsement was based on Mr. Swann's "strong support" on key small-business issues. He said nearly 90 percent of NFIB's 20,000 members in Pennsylvania had recommended the backing of Mr. Swann. "He will work to create an environment in this state where small employers can grow and create jobs. Clearly, Lynn Swann understands that high taxes and overregulation have hamstrung Pennsylvania's job creators," he said.
Soon-to-be-former Gov. Ed Rendell's got to see the handwriting on the proverbial wall when he sees 18,000 small businessmen voting against him.

Santorum: Casey lacking on security
In the first of a two-day series of speeches on national security, Mr. Santorum said Mr. Casey fails to recognize the danger of a threat that encompasses both "Islamic fascism" and leaders of countries who are "fully committed to our destruction. From everything I see, my opponent, Mr. Casey, is unready, unqualified for the office that he seeks at a very critical time in our nation's future," Mr. Santorum said in a speech at PRL Industries, a metal-castings supplier that counts the military among its customers.

In an interview with The AP, Mr. Casey called Mr. Santorum's charge a "ridiculous assertion," citing his current job as state treasurer and eight years as auditor general. "I've been a statewide public official in Pennsylvania for a decade," Mr. Casey said.
Little Bobbie Casey's response isn't exactly reassuring. Citing his time as a number-cruncher isn't the way to tell voters about his foreign policy bona fides. Only an idiot who can't think on his feet would try telling voters he's qualified to vote on foreign policy issues because he's a numbers-cruncher. This is just more proof that Casey is an intellectual lightweight.

Philly leaders object to voting monitors

TRANSLATION: How can we commit enough voter fraud to push Corrupt Eddie over the top if you're gonna be watching? That isn't fair.
City officials and Hispanic community leaders objected Thursday to the federal government's plans to put monitors at city polling places on Election Day, saying those efforts could discourage people from voting.
That's utter nonsense. People in Iraq ignore terrorist attacks to vote but election fraud monitors will drive American voters away? "City officials and Hispanic community leaders" must think that minority voters are a bunch of whimps if they actually believe this. That said, I don't think that they actually believe their quote. It's pretty apparent that Philadelphia's "city officials" are Rendell's cronies who know that he's in rough shape after two dismal debate performances who can't win without significant voter fraud.

Add these stories up and it's apparent that Swann and Santorum are applying the heat to their corrupt and incompetent opponents in the campaign's final days. Don't think that Pennsylvanians aren't noticing.

Posted Friday, October 27, 2006 6:35 AM

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They Get Paid To Write This?

Read this AP article, then compare it with the information that I've been posting (information that I've gleaned from voter turnout reports and other factually verifiable documents). Then tell me that the AP isn't better named as PC for Propaganda Central.
The 2006 election is shaping up to be a repeat of 1994. This time, Democrats are favored to sweep Republicans from power in the House after a dozen years of GOP rule.

Less than two weeks before the Nov. 7 election, the latest Associated Press-AOL News poll found that likely voters overwhelmingly prefer Democrats over Republicans. They are angry at President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress, and say Iraq and the economy are their top issues. At the same time, fickle middle-class voters are embracing the Democratic Party and fleeing the GOP, just as they abandoned Democrats a dozen years ago and ushered in an era of Republican control.
How many articles have we seen this fall talking about how voters not being happy with the GOP but that this discontent isn't helping Democrats? But now this poll tells us that middle class voters are embracing Democrats in droves? That's insulting to our intelligence. This isn't a scientific poll; it's a propaganda tool. It isn't worth the cost of the sheet of paper it's printed on. The paper that it'd be printed on would only be 'valuable' for lining the bottom of a birdcage.
The AP-AOL News telephone poll of 2,000 adults, 970 of whom are likely voters, was conducted by Ipsos from Oct. 20-25. In it, 56 percent of likely voters said they would vote to send a Democrat to the House and 37 percent said they would vote Republican, a 19-point difference. Democrats had a 10-point edge in early October.
That's pure propaganda. There hasn't been a midterm election where one party has had a 19 point margin since I started voting in 1974. That includes 1994, which was an historic election. This won't be an historic election by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, Democrats will be frustrated, irate and filled with conspiracy theories before the clock strikes midnight on the Left Coast.
"Every decade, the American people at some point get angry at Washington for the course they've chosen and the results of that course," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the head of the House Democrats' campaign effort, rattling off various election years and circumstances that infuriated voters in each. This year, he said: "it's a failed strategy in Iraq and a failed economic agenda here at home, and that's what this election is about."
It's galling that a supposed reporter wouldn't challenge Mr. Emanuel's statement. A real reporter would ask for proof that the GOP economic agenda is failing. Fortunately for Emanuel, unfortunately for truth-seeking Americans, he wasn't quoted by a real reporter. He was asked by a Democratic shill who took dictation from him.

A real reporter would've asked how he could say this in light of the fact that all the recent indicators point to a GOP 'recovery' that will not only help them retain control of Congress but actually increase their margins in both houses. Again, we aren't talking about real reporters; we're talking about Democratic shills.
In 1994, exit polls found that a majority of voters were dissatisfied with the federal government, with two in 10 reporting they were angry. Voters now are twice as likely to be angry at the current administration.
The implicit assumption in that paragraph is that people are dissatisfied because Congress isn't liberal enough. If anything, I'd bet that most people think it's too liberal and needs to be more conservative.

And the Agenda Media's executives wonder why they're losing money and readership in droves?

Posted Friday, October 27, 2006 7:26 AM

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Something Strange Going on Here

I decided to visit Keith Ellison's campaign website this morning. This item immediately caught my attention:

Rep. Murtha Endorses Keith Ellison

"Keith Ellison has a solid record of standing up for what he believes in and working tirelessly for his constituents. He is a bright, courageous public servant who is going to make Minnesota very proud in Congress."

> >
The 'Read More' is supposed to be a link to the text of Murtha's full endorsement. It isn't. Instead, I get this message when I click on it:

Not Found

The requested URL /pressreleases/murthaendorsement.htm was not found on this server.
I didn't think much of it because it isn't the first time I've seen that message. We all have, right? Not satisfied, I googled Murtha Keith Ellison. Interestingly, one of the first things I found was that Murtha endorsed Mike Erlandson in the DFL primary. If you're like me, you're thinking that something's starting to stink, right?

I returned to Ellison's website, where I found a tab titled Endorsements. Here's what I found:

United States Representatives

James E. Clyburn

John Conyers

Artur Davis

Danny K. Davis

Rahm Emanuel

Mike Honda

Jesse Jackson Jr.

Carolyn Kilpatrick

Dennis J. Kucinich

Barbara Lee

Betty McCollum

Donald M. Payne

Charles B. Rangel

Bobby L. Rush

Stephanie Tubbs Jones

Maxine Waters

Mel Watt
As you can see, Ellison's website doesn't list Mr. Murtha. I can't let this go because it's become a quest now. This isn't just a curiosity anymore. I'm asking my readers if they can confirm Murtha's endorsement of Ellison. If you have any information on that, leave a comment to this post or click on the Contact tab at the top of this page.

Posted Friday, October 27, 2006 11:39 AM

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