October 26, 2006 Posts

05:03 Michelle Malkin Unleashed
05:31 Elite Media's Future Circling the Drain
15:39 Indicted By His Own Words
18:59 Another Failed Democratic Strategy

Michelle Malkin Unleashed

It's safe to say that Michelle Malkin isn't a timid soul with her opinions. This column certainly won't change peoples' opinions on that. Let's peer into Ms. Malkin's latest column:
I have many heated differences with the Bush administration over its refusal to fully enforce immigration laws; soft-headed pandering to jihadist lobbying groups; profligate spending on illusory transportation security; failure to confront the spread of Sharia law; and kowtowing to Saudi princes eager to send over more young students to learn aviation in our universities.

For all the White House's faults, however, there is no doubt in my mind that Republicans as a group are better informed, better equipped and better able to lead this country in a time of war than the Democrats. The donkey party is led by thumb-sucking demagogues...
The adults in the GOP aren't deluding themselves with regards to President Bush but they also aren't foolish enough to turn our nation's national security over to the spineless demagogues in the Democratic Party.
Maybe this is what a prematurely giddy Rep. Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA), meant when she told the Los Angeles Times this week: "The gavel of the speaker of the House is in the hands of special interests, and now it will be in the hands of America's children." Yep. Put the gavel in the hands of Pelosi and the Democrats, and you will put the gavel in the hands of children. Couldn't put it better myself.
Fortunately, the Speaker's gavel will stay in GOP hands.
They put Washington on record with a vote on a nonbinding resolution stating the obvious, that news organizations may have "placed the lives of Americans in danger" by disclosing SWIFT and that Congress "expects the cooperation of all news media organizations" in keeping classified programs secret. The resolution passed 227-183, with only 17 Democrats joining nearly all House Republicans in condemning the leak-dependent news media and supporting the surveillance program.

"This measure attempts to intimidate the press and strengthen the hands of this despotic administration," railed New York Democrat Rep. Maurice Hinchey. "It is a campaign document," pouted Rep. Pelosi in attacking the resolution.
At least Ms. Pelosi understood that the Republican leadership would use this to beat them bloody on national security and terrorism prevention. That didn't change her vote but at least she knew it'd be hung around Democrats' collective necks.

By comparison, Ed Markey's demagogic diatribe passes as his best Ted Kennedy mindless diatribe.
Republicans "have adopted a shoot-the-messenger strategy by attacking the newspaper that revealed the existence of the secret bank surveillance program rather than answering the disturbing questions that those reports raise about possible violations of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. privacy laws," wheedled Rep. Edward J. Markey, (D-MA).
Rep. Markey, Cite which privacy laws SWIFT ignored. Mr. Markey, why didn't you criticize SWIFT before the NY Times published the article? After all, it isn't like SWIFT was a Bush administration creation formed to track terrorist financing. It was created long before President Bush was President Bush.

Furthermore, here's something from Heather Mac Donald's Weekly Standard column:
The Supreme Court has squarely held that bank records are not constitutionally protected private information. The government may obtain them without seeking a warrant from a court, because the bank depositor has already revealed his transactions to his bank--or, in the case of the present program, to a whole slew of banks that participate in the complicated international wire transfers overseen by the Belgian clearinghouse known as the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or Swift.
It's obvious that Mr. Markey prefers the US government to fight terrorists blindly. Forgive me if I don't agree with Mr. Markey on that approach to fighting people who want to kill me just because I don't think like they think.

I totally agree with Ms. Malkin's opinion that rank-and-file' Republicans should vote to keep the children in the Democratic Party as far away from the levers of power as possible. My bet is that they'll do just that.

This is a choice election, presenting voters with the choice of supporting an obviously imperfect party or a political party filled with childish 'leadership' who'd have us fight the jihadists blindly.

Frankly, that's such an easy choice that a (Republican) child to make the right decision.

Posted Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:04 AM

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Elite Media's Future Circling the Drain

Frankly, I can't wait for the votes to be counted and the Elite (Agenda) Media is exposed as the 'PR wing' of the Democratic Party. Jed Babbin asks a most pertinent question here:
The pundits can retreat into cliches. But what will the 527 Media tell their shareholders to explain devalued stock and ruined brand names?
They'll tell them that they don't care about their product, just about putting the Democratic Party back into power. It's obvious that that's what they're about. The bad news for them is that they're really unconvincing in telling us to vote Democrat. By comparison, the Right Blogosphere is filled with people making compelling cases for voting GOP. Considering that, it's difficult to justify the huge outlays of cash for an inferior product.
Also on Tuesday, WaPo's Jeffrey Birnbaum wrote that, "The [Democrat's election] wave is coming...Polls are now showing that the tide of public opinion is flowing [against Republicans] and that voters could vote Republicans out of office in droves this year, returning Democrats to power in the House and possibly in the Senate as well."
Jeff is typical of 'inside-the-Beltway' thinking. The only wave that exists is the 'wave' that isn't apparent: the little ripple that the GOP will ride to net gains in the House and the Senate.

I traced the timeline of the wave election theory in this post. All that I can say is that the wave election story is a product of the inside-the-Beltway echochamber. It isn't based in verifiable facts. In fact, it's based more on raw emotionalism than anything else.

As I posted this afternoon, Voters will decide this race, not pundits.

The lesson from this story is that voters will have a bigger impact on the Elite Media than the Elite Media will have on voters.

Posted Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:34 AM

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Indicted By His Own Words

I'd doubt if Hassan Mohamud realizes what he's told Americans about Islam's intent according to this Katherine Kersten Strib article. Here's the paragraph that should get everyone's undivided attention:
Mohamud adds that Americans need to learn about Islamic law because the Muslim population here is growing. That's why the proposed two-tier system for airport cabdrivers is important, he says. It could become a national model for accommodating Islam in areas ranging from housing to contractual arrangements to the workplace.
Mr. Mohamud "needs to learn" that America is multi-ethnic, not multicultural. When Mr. Mohamud says that "the Muslim population here is growing" and that America "needs to learn about Islamic law", he's laying the groundwork for turning America into part of the Caliphate that's often talked about in terms of the Middle East. Let's remember that radical Muslim groups have stated their goal of a worldwide caliphate before:
Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is widespread in Central Asia, has told Forum 18 that it aims to introduce a worldwide Caliphate and ban all faiths apart from Islam, Judaism and Christianity, all religious practice being regulated by Sharia law. Buddhism, Hinduism, the Hare Krishna faith and what the party sees as sects within Islam would all be banned. Hizb-ut-Tahrir members also explained to Forum 18 that the party would give all non-Muslim states a choice between either joining the Caliphate under Sharia law, or paying a tax to the Caliphate. Failure to pay the tax would be punished by military attacks.
Isn't that nice of them? We get to keep a watered-down version of our faith as long as we pay a tax or we practice our faith within the restraints of Sharia law. That doesn't sound like old-fashioned American liberty, does it? Frankly, it sounds like slavery. It also sounds like a concept of al-Taqiyya:
al taqiyya is a concept that encompasses lying, deceit and untruthfulness in their words and actions, so long as their heart is still in action. The purpose is to deceive kufars (non-believers) for the greater good of Islam and Allah. America is being completely snowed by this concept right now with this idiot preaching that Islam is not evil. That's exactly what they want, then when we live as they do in Islamic countries, there's no escaping Islam. Islam has zero tolerance for other cultures/religions/beliefs.
Based on the definition of al taqiyya, why should we believe that a worldwide caliphate would ban all faiths apart from Islam, Judaism and Christianity? That's simply not credible on its face. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talks of introducing the Twelfth Imam, who will usher in the worldwide caliphate for all time to come. Ahmadinejad also talks about destroying Israel. Ahmadinejad has also denied that he wants Israel destroyed, that he merely wants them moved to a place in Europe.

When Ahmadinejad says that he doesn't want Israel destroyed, that's nothing more than al taqiyya in action. In Western civilization, that's known as lying. The distinction worth making is that al taqiyya's goal is to deceive the masses until the Caliphate is built.

When you put this all together, we should be especially thankful for Katherine Kersten's reporting because, without her interviewing Mr. Mohamud, we wouldn't have gotten him on the record, albeit deceitfully, as saying that their goal, which is reached through painstaking, methodical steps, is a worldwide caliphate.

Mr. Mohamud's denial of MAS's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood isn't convincing considering the concept of al taqiyya.

Posted Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:39 PM

Comment 1 by Fared Mohammed at 27-Oct-06 03:25 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) denied completely any involvement in the current dispute caused by a group of Somali Muslim cab drivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, U.S.A, who are refusing to pick up drunk passengers or those carrying alcoholic beverages claiming that Islam prohibits them from driving passengers with Alcohol.

Dr. Mohamed Habib, the first Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, affirmed that Muslim Brotherhood has nothing to do whatsoever with what these Muslim cab drivers believe or view mistakenly as religious decree. Dr. Habib described the cabbies' position as "absurd" and added "Muslims must respect and comply with the laws and regulations of the countries they live in and be a good example for their fellow citizens"

Dr. Habib stated that these drivers are free to believe in whatever they think is right or wrong, however, he strongly condemned them for "trying to impose their own personal believes on society" and stated that those drivers must transport passengers anywhere, "those who are refusing to transport certain passengers are indeed breaking the laws and the regulations sanctioned by the local authorities which prohibit discrimination in any form or shape. "These drivers are ought to look for a different type of work which they feel more comfortable with and which can accommodate their own personal believes without causing hardships for others". The cab drivers had requested that dispatchers exempt them to pick up passengers heading to liquor stores and bars.

Dr. Habib also stated that these cabbies by transporting drunk passengers are indeed protecting society had these passengers driven their own cars and gotten into accidents that might result into the loss of innocent lives.

Meanwhile, Dr. Habib praised the Metropolitan Airports Commission, which regulates taxi service at the airport, for its patience while for two years has been discussing this issue with cab drivers trying to accommodate them. The commission had earlier agreed to let cabbies use lights on top of the cabs to identify drivers who won't transport alcohol so airport employees could direct passengers with alcohol to a willing driver, but later dropped that proposal after many Muslims themselves denounced the cabbies position.

Several organizations and media outlets in the U.S, driven by their own hatred towards the Muslim Brotherhood, have been engaging in a smear campaign and trying disparately to link the Muslim Brotherhood to the current controversy, which the MB has nothing to do with it. These laughable and despicable reports have capitalized on the controversy they helped to create in the first place and frantically panicked about what they called "the Muslim Brotherhood project to islamize the U.S by imposing the Sharia Law on Americans", which is utterly ridiculous.

The Muslim Brotherhood views and opinions can only be obtained through its official channels and should not be held responsible for other individuals or entities that might try to associate themselves with the group.

The Muslim Brotherhood follows and promotes a moderate interpretation of Islam, and do not condone radical views. In the contrary, the MB has been always a staunch advocate of tolerance and coexistence among Muslims and people of other religions or cultures.

About Ikhwanweb:

IKhwanweb is the Muslim Brotherhood's only official English web site. The Main office is located in London, although Ikhwanweb has correspondents in most countries. Our staff is exclusively made of volunteers and stretched over the five continents.

The Muslim Brotherhood opinions and views can be found under the sections of MB statements and MB opinions, in addition to the Editorial Message.

Items posted under "other views" are usually different from these of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ikhwanweb does not censor any articles or comments but has the right only to remove any inappropriate words that defy public taste

Ikhwanweb is not a news website, although we report news that matter to the Muslim Brotherhood's cause. Our main misson is to present the Muslim Brotherhood vision right from the source and rebut misonceptions about the movement in western societies. We value debate on the issues and we welcome constructive criticism.

Another Failed Democratic Strategy

That's what this is.
If things go as planned for liberal bloggers in the next few weeks, searching Google for "Jon Kyl," the Republican senator from Arizona now running for re-election, will produce high among the returns a link to an April 13 article from The Phoenix New Times, an alternative weekly. Mr. Kyl "has spent his time in Washington kowtowing to the Bush administration and the radical right," the article suggests, "very often to the detriment of Arizonans."
This proves how foolish Democrats are. First of all, Arizonans know Jon Kyl. They've elected him with substantial majorities each time. What these liberal bloggers are essentially telling Arizonans is that they shouldn't trust their memories of Jon Kyl; that they should trust the propaganda they're writing.

Dick Morris said something in 2004 that's just as applicable today. Appearing on the O'Reilly Factor, he talked about the foolishness of Rathergate. Morris said that this was a foolish attempt because the country knew what type of commander-in-chief President Bush was. Morris said that Rathergate was an attempt to convince voters that President Bush was unfit as commander-in-chief through the use of false proof.

Morris said that the time to tell Americans that was before Bush was elected the first time, when people didn't know him. He said that the best time to employ a negative ad is when voters' knowledge is minimal. Of course, Rathergate wasn't a negative ad; it was a fraud.

By pulling this stunt on Jon Kyl, these liberal bloggers are telling Arizonans that they know better about Jon Kyl than Arizonans. The chances that Arizonans will buy that is minimal or less. Furthermore, Arizonans are conservative by nature so the thought that these Nutroots bloggers will negatively impact Jon Kyl's race by saying that Kyl agrees with President Bush most of the time isn't frightening; it's essentially an endorsement of him.
Searching Google for "Peter King," the Republican congressman from Long Island, would bring up a link to a Newsday article headlined "King Endorses Ethnic Profiling."
Again, they're trying to tell King's constituents that he's an evil wolf in sheep's clothing. Peter King is a well-respected politician with a massive 'warchest' of goodwill. The likely impact is nil.

This is another bit of proof that Democrats lack a Karl Rove caliber political strategist. They're seeing too many trees and not enough forest. They're utterly short-sighted and lacking "the vision thing." To use another Morris metaphor, they're playing beginners' checkers while Rove's playing masters' level chess.

We both know what the result would be in that matchup, don't we?

Posted Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:00 PM

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