October 25, 2006 Posts

02:47 Hit With Both Barrels
04:10 Murtha's Running Scared?
05:50 Getting a Little Agitated
16:47 Voters Will Decide This Race, Not Pundits
20:04 Welcome Aboard Larry

Hit With Both Barrels

Lisa De Pasquale interviewed Diana Irey, our favorite non-Minnesotan candidate, in this Human Events article. Suffice it to say that Diana gives Jack the 'both barrels' treatment on ethics in her reply to this question:

Q: How is your campaign exposing Congressman Murtha's history of corruption?

A: Again, his history of corruption is beginning to come to light on its own. His role in Abscam, his questionable ties to lobbyists, and him being listed as one of the most corrupt members of congress, has shown a pattern that has existed for years. In fact, I recently hand delivered a letter to the U.S. attorney's office, asking that an investigation be opened on Congressman Murtha's illegal and inappropriate actions. Additionally, Jack Murtha is famous for hosting a welcome-back party for a congressional staffer who was convicted of taking bribes from a lobbyist. Moreover, he supported legislation that would have taxpayer dollars pay for the legal bills of members of congress who have been convicted of wrongdoing. His corrupt behavior has hurt our district, and has hurt our country, and we need to clean up Washington by voting out people like Jack Murtha.
While Nancy Pelosi parades around talking about the Republican "culture of corruption", John Murtha is the poster child for true inside the Beltway culture of corruption. This isn't just a recent departure into corruption, either, with Murtha's first big scandal coming over 25 years ago. Diana's answer is extensive though not comprehensive. Diana's answer says nothing about how he added earmarks into appropriations bills that shoveled large sums of money into his brother Kit's business.

The truth is that Diana Irey is what's needed to start cleaning up Washington. We can't afford another two years of John Murtha's corruption and lawlessness in Washington.
Q: How have people in your campaign's district responded to Congressman Murtha's comments on the global war on terrorism and troops stationed in Iraq?

A: Without a doubt, Mr. Murtha's attacks on our military have incensed the voters of the 12th District and beyond. Not only did he begin to criticize our mission last year, he crossed the line when he prematurely accused U.S. Marines by saying they "killed innocent Iraqi civilians in cold blood." He made that statement before a single marine had been charged, and before a single court martial had been convened. Because of his comments, one of the Marines in the incident has even brought defamation charges against Mr. Murtha.

Yesterday, I quoted this line from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's endorsement of Murtha:
The sinister political forces who have come out of the woodwork to support Ms. Irey are unnerved by something else: Mr. Murtha's stand on the Iraq war.
Diana Irey's answer mirrors my reply. As she says, "he crossed the line when he prematurely accused U.S. Marines by saying they "killed innocent Iraqi civilians in cold blood." He made that statement before a single marine had been charged, and before a single court martial had been convened."

Here's my reply in yesterday's post:
I took it damned personally when John Murtha tries to convict a group of Marines without even learning firsthand from the investigators what actually happened. I took it damned personally when John Murtha tried and convicted these innocent men in the court of public opinion before the investigation had even reached any conclusions.
So much for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's flacking for John Murtha. Their statement that "sinister political forces...are unnerved by...Mr. Murtha's stand on the Iraq war" is their attempt to deflect attention from Murtha's willingness to throw the Constitution out the proverbial window. That's why blogs like MMG are here. We won't let Murtha's ignoring of fundamental Constitutional protections go unnoticed. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's statement is what you'd expect from a liberal newspaper trying to use its position to advance their ideological agenda rather than informing their readership of what's actually happening. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is the very definition of Agenda Media.
Q: What is one fact you want all Pennsylvanians to know about Congressman Murtha?

A: I want people to know that Jack Murtha is not the man who we elected to serve us 32 years ago. He has clearly lost his way. He has not been truthful with the voters of the 12th District for years, and now seeks a higher position in his party. His views are more in line with San Francisco that with Southwestern Pennsylvania.
John Murtha likes to talk about how he's always visiting injured soldiers at Walter Reed. Why doesn't he talk about how he was 'honored' by the Code Pink anti-war parasites that protest outside Walter Reed with signs that read "Maimed for a Lie" and other vile sayings? Anyone want to bet that the military families of Southwest Pennsylvania have heard enough of Murtha's demoralizing statements and anti-war declarations and are prepared to involuntarily retire him in two weeks? Anyone who wants that action should contact me. I'm always looking for sure bets.

Posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:59 AM

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Murtha's Running Scared?

Who would've thunk that a hulking man like John Murtha would be running scared of a petite woman with a sharp intellect? That's exactly what's happening now. Why else has he avoided Diana Irey's calls for debating? Why else has he avoided the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat's call for debates? That's just the tip of the anti-Murtha iceberg, though. Let's let his challenger, Diana Irey, tell you about the growing anti-Murtha iceberg:
Contrary to Murtha's stated defense that he only discussed how to bring needed investment into his southwestern Pennsylvania congressional district, the video proves that Murtha believed he had cut a deal to take a $50,000 cash bribe in exchange for helping a rich foreigner get into America, and proves further that the "investment defense" was nothing more than a cover to throw suspicious reporters off the trail.

Can anyone doubt that if the video had showed a senior Republican caught on tape discussing how to take a $50,000 cash bribe to help a rich foreigner get into the country, it would be front-page news all over the nation?

As Murtha's opponent in Pennsylvania's 12th District, I'm taking full advantage of the scandal surrounding this newly released FBI surveillance video. The grassroots momentum for my campaign has been building for months, fueled by conservative bloggers and talk-radio hosts who have focused on Murtha's repeated declarations of surrender in the War on Terror. With the addition of the FBI surveillance video, along with a front-page, above-the-field article in the New York Times documenting how Jack Murtha regularly trades his vote for cash, and a recently-released report from a liberal congressional watchdog group that listed Murtha among its list of Congress' 25 "most corrupt" members, I'm making this race about Murtha's long history of ethical lapses.

In a political environment where upwards of 70% of voters believe that members of Congress don't live by the same set of rules, where "scandal-a-day" coverage is reminding voters on a regular basis of the corruption in Washington, and where a strong "throw the bums out" mentality is permeating the entire American body politic, I believe I've found just what's needed to topple Jack Murtha.
Diana Irey's political instincts are right on. After all, 17 incumbents were 'retired' in this winter's primaries for collaborating with 'Fast Eddie' Rendell "to give themselves pay raises of between 16 percent and 54 percent."

Don't think that this year's Pennsylvania voters are in a 'live and let live' spirit towards corrupt politicians who don't represent their priorities. Diana Irey's riding a 'bipartisan wave' of discontent with incumbents who don't listen to their cunstituents' priorities. I don't believe, however, that this is an 'indiscriminant' "throw the bums out" wave. I give voters more credit than that.

As a footnote to this wave, don't bet that Lynn Swann's talking about "Fast Eddie's" being the other Pennsylvania poster child of anti-reform, standing opposite 'Trader' John Murtha, will help Rendell in two weeks. Expect that anti-machine bureaucrat wave to retire 'Fast Eddie', too.

If I were a political consultant with the Irey, Swann and Santorum campaigns, I'd suggest running ads showing the youth and vitality of this trio while portraying 'Little Bobbie' Casey, Ed Rendell and John Murtha as sluggish, out-of-shape bureaucrats who've gotten fat feeding off Washington's pork. I'd also portray them as status quo, anti-reform politicians who don't listen to the voters but rather issue edicts from on high.

Don't misunderestimate the power of a carefully crafted image in a campaign.

At the day's end, John Murtha knows that he's been in Washington far too long to defend himself against accusations that he's anti-reform. That's what Diana Irey's been hounding him about. That's why Mr. Murtha's still running. Unfortunately, he isn't running in PA-12 as much as he's running to states where Nancy Pelosi tells him to go.

That'll change this November 7th, when voters give Mr. Murtha his marching orders.

Posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:10 AM

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Getting a Little Agitated

CAIR must be getting nervous about their image. What else explains their ad buy that attempts to distance Muslims from terrorism? It's obvious that CAIR is in full defensive posture.
Alarmed by the furor surrounding Muslim Fifth Congressional District candidate Keith Ellison, a national Islamic group is targeting Minnesota with an "anti-terror TV ad" blitz disavowing ties between Islam and terrorism. The campaign, "Not in the Name of Islam," will begin airing today on cable networks statewide and during Monday night's Vikings game. The new Minnesota ad is meant to distance Islam from terrorism...
Separating CAIR from terrorism is like separating white from rice. It's perfectly understandable why CAIR would attempt to spin this but it isn't going to work. Here's an exchange that explains why:

KAUFMAN: This question is for Ahmed Bedier from CAIR. When the media looks for a quote concerning Sami Al-Arian, they go to you. My question is, how did you become the spokesperson for the leader of the North American faction of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of the co-founders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad? And if [Al-Arian] is found guilty in the trial he is in right now in Tampa, where you're from, will you, if he is found guilty, will you then still like this man and support him?

BEDIER: Was that a question?

KAUFMAN: Yes it was. It was two questions. How did you become his spokesman, and if he's found guilty, will you still support him and like this man?

BEDIER: [pauses] I don't think that's the topic of discussion today.

KAUFMAN: Well, this is about security, and he certainly has been someone that has harmed the security of the United States. He is the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and you are his spokesman.

BEDIER: That's not true. I'm not his spokesman.

KAUFMAN: You have acted as his spokesman to the media. The media comes to you. Why do you refuse to answer that question? Are you afraid of the answer?

BEDIER: I already answered the question. I said it's not the topic of discussion, I'm not his spokesperson, and I'm the spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. [noticeably angry] So, if you don't understand English, that is the answer.

KAUFMAN: Why would you not answer that question?

MODERATOR: Excuse me, but I believe the panelist has given you the answer that he's gonna be providing today.

KAUFMAN: I think I know the answer.

BEDIER: [flippantly] Then, you shouldn't ask the question.

I went back to my seat. Bedier was obviously upset about this exchange. Anger was written all over his face. He let out, "DUMB MORONS, HERE!" Coming from him, that's like the greatest compliment.
Here's more pertinent information from later in Joe Kaufman's article:
Ahmed Bedier has acted as Sami Al-Arian's spokesman. One Google search on the internet of both their names provides over 200 results,mostly news stories containing quotes from Bedier about Al-Arian and his legal troubles. He was even the motivating force in trying to get Al-Arian's trial moved out of Tampa!
Why have I focused on Mr. Bedier? Here's my explanation taken from the Strib article:
The ad campaign, which is intended to counter what the group says is anti-Muslim stereotyping, also is being coordinated by a CAIR official in Florida, Ahmed Bedier. "The focus is not on the election," Bedier said, "but to send the message that American Muslims do not condone terrorism."
Coming from Sami Al-Arian's advocate, it's kinda impossible to believe that "American Muslims do not condone terrorism." Here's what Wikipedia says about al-Arian:
Sami Amin Al-Arian (born January 14, 1958 in Kuwait) is a Palestinian-American computer engineer who was convicted of helping Palestinian Islamic Jihad and sentenced to four years in prison. Al-Arian, a former university professor, was arrested by the United States government in 2003 on charges of funding terrorists. He was acquitted on eight of the 17 charges against him last December after a six month trial with three co-defendants. On April 14, 2006 al-Arian pleaded guilty to a single count of conspiracy to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and agreed to be deported. In return, federal prosecutors agreed to drop the remaining eight charges against him.
This information begs another question. Why would a "Muslim civil rights group" with such extensive reach choose Sami al-Arian's advocate to be quoted in the Strib? One explanation might be that they couldn't ask Nihad Awad to be its spokesman because of this information:
"Israel is killing civilians and inflicting massive humanitarian suffering on both the Palestinian and Lebanese populations in order to achieve a political goal, which clearly fits the definition of state terrorism," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.


Besides Bedier, Sami Al-Arian has received much support from CAIR's Executive Director, Nihad Awad. Last February, Awad, along with Eric Vickers, a man that had called the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster "an act of divine retribution against Israel," spoke at a fundraiser for Al-Arian's release.
I wonder if the Jewish population in MN-5 would appreciate Mr. Awad's characterizing Israel's defending themselves as state-sponsored terrorism? I'm betting not.

In other words, Ahmed Bedier, CAIR-Florida's spokesman, is an advocate of convicted terrorist-supporter Sami al-Arian and CAIR's executive director of their national organization thinks that Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism. Isn't that the world flipped upside down?

Let's not forget that CAIR demanded the removal of a Los Angeles billboard describing Osama bin Laden as "the sworn enemy," finding this depiction "offensive to Muslims."

CAIR's ad buy won't help their image because bloggers like me are sharing this type of information about CAIR's 'dark underside'. Don't think that I've expended all of my ammunition on this subject, either. This doesn't constitute even the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

To borrow a couple cliches, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.

These few snippets of information hardly suggests that "American Muslims do not condone terrorism", does it?

UPDATE: I just checked CAIR's website to read their current list of press releases. Here's a statement that I found telling:
CAIR Speaks to Muslim Scholar Barred from U.S.

CAIR was able to speak to South African Muslim scholar Moulana Fazlur Rahman Azmi who was refused entry to the United States when he landed in San Francisco on Friday. Azmi was held in detention and put on a flight to London on Saturday.

Azmi, a 60-year-old diabetic, told CAIR that he was "put in jail" and treated "like I did a big crime" despite the fact that he was never informed why he was refused entry. He said he only ate bread during his time in detention and that he slept in a chair Friday night.
CAIR is clearly trying to turn Azmi into a victim through this press release. When they attempted to do that, I decided to check into Mr. Azmi. Here's what I found:
Moulana Fazlur Rahman opposed the presence of the United States forces in the Gulf area and urged the Muslim states to end the US monopoly. He supported the Taliban government in Kabul, saying that all evil designs against the Islamic country would be thwarted. "Muslims are bound to help their brothers in trouble everywhere in the world. One cannot bar us from supporting the Taliban or other Muslims fighting for their independence and identity in any part of the world," he added. Moulana Asad Madani Saheb chaired the concluding session in which seven resolutions were passed.

1. Presence of US and Western countries' armed forces be immediately expelled particularly from Saudi Arabia.

2. Resolve the Kashmiri dispute in a meaningful way.

3. The economic sanctions against Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan was termed as a marked aggression against the Muslim Ummah.

4. The conference criticized the US for its anti-peace and anti-human rights policies.

5. The conference expressed its grave concern over the Israeli occupation of Palestine and to free Al-Aqsa Masjid from the Jews.

6. Establishment of a United Islamic Bloc to end the dependency on the UN.

7. The formation of a coordinating committee Majlis Tanseequl Islami is to work in bringing all sects in Islam.
Those highlighted statements don't sound like a victim. They sound like a jihadi sympathizer. They sound like an American-hater ranting against the 'Great Satan'.

Might this be the real reason why the US refused admittance to Mr. Azmi? Might CAIR's statement be an attempt to play on the average American's guilt? I suspect that that's an indespensable tool in CAIR's 'arsenal'.

Originally posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006, revised 29-Oct 7:22 AM

Comment 1 by terrorfree at 25-Oct-06 06:36 PM

Islamonazi CAIR Intimidates Yet Another American Business In Dhimmitude

http://www.terrorfreeoil.org/videos/MS092506.php - MSNBC video

Free Patriotic Corner Banners: http://www.terrorfreeoil.org/cb/

Comment 2 by Thomas at 25-Oct-06 10:27 PM
You make a strong case against CAIR, but they are not running for election, so what exactly does this have to do with Ellison? If your logic is: Ellison is affiliated with CAIR (along with many many other organizations like any politician is) and some of CAIR's members may or may not be affiliated with someone who may or may not be linked to terrorism and therefore Keith Ellison is a terrorist then I don't buy it. Not even most conspiracy theorists would buy that drivel that you're trying to feed us, and it shows! Ellison is going to win! I think the real formula for you is: Ellison is Muslim, he's a Democrat, and he is going to win the election, therefore he is a terrorist. Why don't you just admit that this is shallow, cynical, dishonest, hateful, racist character assassination? It's pretty clear that you're a racist, and it's pretty clear that you are a dishonest partisan hack, so why don't you just admit it? That might actually gain you some credibility since you would be telling the truth for once.

Comment 3 by Gary Gross at 26-Oct-06 03:31 AM
"Why don't you just admit that this is shallow, cynical, dishonest, hateful, racist character assassination?"

When one associates frequently with people who've been advocates of terrorists; when one accepts their campaign contributions; when one asks someone that talks glowingly of Hamas to be the Keynote Speaker at a fundraiser, might someone actually put 2 and 2 together to conclude that 'one' is sympathetic to terrorists' perspective?

Might you conclude that someone who's sympathetic to the terrorists' cause isn't fit to be in Congress when we're fighting Islamic terrorists?

I'd further add that Mr. Ellison isn't just associating with someone with vague ties to jihadists; he's associating with people that decried the conviction of Sami al-Arian for fundraising for terrorist groups as racist?

Mr. Ellison's association with people with such deep terrorist ties must be exposed, whether you think that's racist or not.

it's pretty clear that you are a dishonest partisan hack, so why don't you just admit it?

Because then I'd be 'admitting' a lie. It's sad that you look at Mr. Ellison's connections with groups that denied UBL's connection to 9/11 until there was so much irrefutable proof that they couldn't deny it any longer as innocent connections with no further meaning. Keep your head in the sand if you wish. That's the Clinton approach that let UBL/al Qaeda grow & fester. I prefer the approach of being skeptical of groups that talk glowingly about terrorists.

As for Ellison's election, don't bet the ranch on that. He's having trouble getting Sabo's liberals behind him.

Comment 4 by Always On Watch at 26-Oct-06 07:21 AM
I've been following the goings-on of CAIR for years. My last three postings are about CAIR.

You might also be interested in this list:


Comment 5 by Darweesh at 19-Dec-06 05:19 PM
Freedom of Palestine is a must, On Friday where the population of all parts of Palestine meet in al aqsa mosque despite the difficulties they face, but since the receipt of the Sharon government of Israel preventing worshipers from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to attend to perform Friday prayers, diminishing numbers of worshipers, and in some days to prevent the congregation who are under the age of forty praying in alqsa mosque and forcing them to pray at the entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem.

On the 15th of December, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque warned that, there are cracks in the southern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque result of the excavations carried out by Israeli authorities under the Aqsa Mosque the building of the Islamic Waqf, despite warning of the danger of these excavations, the Israeli authorities preventing the Islamic Waqf from reconstruction of the southern wall.

Free Palestine shirts

Voters Will Decide This Race, Not Pundits

That's RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman's distinct message to the bloggers participating in this afternoon's conference call.

The call lasted about 20 minutes. The information is best described as uplifting and heading in the right direction. Here's some of the things I found uplifting:

  • Our volunteers are setting a great pace, with volunteers making 1.8 million voter contacts last week alone. Chairman Mehlman said that those volunteers have been making more than a million contacts each week for the past 6 weeks.
  • The Missouri senate race between Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill "will likely be decided in southwestern Missouri, where most of the voters are pro life." Frankly, I thought that was great news because the ballot initiative 'supporting' cloning will be defeated by churchgoers.
  • In response to my question, which pertained to the strength of the Irey GOTV operation & the strength of the GOTV statewide, Chairman Mehlman said that "there's great activity statewide" on behalf of Republicans. Chairman Mehlman also said that Bob Casey is notorious for not being a great closer late in the campaign. He also reminded us that "Ed Rendell was in far worse shape in 2002 than Sen. Santorum is this year." (You'll notice that Rendell's title is now Governor, at least for the next 12 days.) Chairman Mehlman said that he'll be travelling to Pennsylvania again Thursday.
  • Chairman Mehlman said that the best indicator of grassroots support for which agenda is most appealing is in the FEC reports for the RNC and DNC because that's where grassroots contributions head to. He said that committees like the NRSC, NRCC, DCCC and the DSCC are mostly funded by insiders.
Chairman Mehlman gave an exhortation to bloggers to "get the word out to 5 more people" so that "those 5 people can tell another 5 people who can tell another 5 people" about the choices this election. I heartily concur. He reported that, although all three CT House races will be close, the GOP has a strong shot at keeping all three in GOP hands.

This has the potential of being a very good year for the GOP if we ignore the polling and just simply outwork the Democrats, "stiff headwind" notwithstanding. Frankly, if we flip PA-12 & keep the 'CT Three' in GOP hands, that ends the chances of a Speaker Pelosi. We've also got a great shot at picking up the Maryland Senate seat that Sen. Sarbanes is retiring from.

Early voting strongly favors the GOP, too.

The simple truth is that the GOP majority is in our hands. WE CONTROL OUR DESTINY. I know that isn't the Agenda Media's storyline but it's what the hard numbers indicate. Will you join me in controlling this year's elections? It couldn't happen at a more important time in our nation's history.

UPDATE: I was reminded of something while I was reading Redstate's notes on the call, that something being how early voting was going strong for Santorum in PA and Steele in MD. The reason this is significant is related why I voted early. I voted absentee so I could world more hours on the GOTV efforts. I wonder if that isn't what's motivating other early voters, too.

As in 2004, it's important to factor in these votes because they aren't subject to change because of something that might happen (scandals, etc.) in the final days of the campaign.

This is an indicator of how enthused the GOP's voters are. It's also proof that the Agenda Media's storyline that conservatives were staying home in droves was fiction.

Taxes will be a featured talking point in all stump speeches, too. The contrast between Charlie Rangel saying that he can't think of a single Bush tax cut worth saving and the President's taxcutting ways is stark, to say the least.

Posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:39 PM

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Welcome Aboard Larry

It is with great pleasure that I get to introduce you to the newest member of the St. Cloud Bloggers Association (SCBA): We've extended an invite to the St. Cloud Times' Larry Schumacher. Welcome aboard, Larry. For the out of town readers, Larry is a topnotch political reporter/blogger.

On a related note, I'd like to encourage St. Cloud's blog readers to start their own blog & to join the SCBA. There's always room for more bloggers. After all, King, Leo & I are pro growth types.

Posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:04 PM

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