October 24-27, 2008

Oct 24 00:23 Missouri Hearts Palin

Oct 25 11:07 I Heartily Concur
Oct 25 17:39 Hart Getting Under Altmire's Skin?

Oct 26 01:18 Obama-Biden Whine Because Reporter Asked Real Questions
Oct 26 08:00 What an Obama Admistration Would Look Like
Oct 26 15:25 Assessing The Strib's Endorsement's Impact
Oct 26 21:13 Lightning Strikes Twice In Coleman-Franken Race

Oct 27 03:53 BREAKING NEWS: Fobbe, Sleeper Have Questions To Answer
Oct 27 09:42 Do You Know the Real El Tinklenberg?

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Prior Years: 2006 2007

Missouri Hearts Palin

Based on this AP article , it's obvious that Missouri is getting 'Palin Fever'. Tickets disappeared for Gov. Palin's planned event for Friday morning that campaign officials were forced to change venues:
A rally with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is being moved to a larger site in Springfield. Friday morning's event was initially scheduled for an arena at Missouri State University.

But the party says all 4,000 tickets were snapped up within 90 minutes Wednesday morning at Republican headquarters in Greene and Christian counties. Hundreds more Palin fans were left empty-handed.

Palin's "Road to Victory" rally will now take place instead in the parking lot of Bass Pro Shops in Springfield. The outdoor outfitter is one of Missouri's biggest attractions. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday. No tickets are needed.
I'd be surprised if this event draws 10,000 or more. I've never been to the Bass Pro Shops in Springfield but I know it's huge. That means they've got a huge parking lot. I wouldn't be surprised if Gov. Palin's event draws 20,000 wild-eyed supporters. Her charisma and her straight talk draw people to her.

In some ways, this election is more about Joe the Plumber and Gov. Palin than it is about Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain. That's the best shot Sen. McCain has of winning.

Sen. Obama's lead is shrinking, too. Here's what IBD/TIPP poll results:
McCain has cut into Obama's lead for a second day and is now just 1.1 points behind. The spread was 3.7 Wednesday and 6.0 Tuesday. The Republican is making headway with middle- and working- class voters, and has surged 10 points in two days among those earning between $30,000 and $75,000. He has also gone from an 11-point deficit to a 9-point lead among Catholics.
There's other fronts on which Gov. Palin is attacking Sen. Obama on. Check this out :
Citing a study of Senate payroll records, Palin said women in Obama's Senate office received 83 cents for every dollar earned by male staffers .

"Does he think that the women aren't working as hard?" Palin said of Obama. "Does he think that they are 17 percent less productive? And Barack Obama can't say that this is just the way that its always been done around the Capitol, because I know one senator who actually does pay equal wages for equal work, Sen. John McCain."

Obama has repeatedly criticized McCain for refusing to support equal pay for women using a line that the Arizona senator famously said earlier this year. McCain had said that instead of equal pay, female workers "need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else."

Obama campaign adviser Anita Dunn also told MSNBC, "Sen. Obama has fought for equal pay for an equal day's work, while Sen. McCain has suggested that women don't get equal pay because they need more education and training. While Sen. Obama has proposed a plan to help working women, the McCain-Palin campaign offers just more negative attacks and distortions ."
This is a great contrast. Sen. Obama talks about one thing, then doing the opposite. Then his spinmeisters claim that Sen. the talk, then walks a different walk. Sen. Obama's spokesperson can spin all she wants about Sen. Obama's history of underpaying women but verifiable, documented facts are difficult to argue against.

That's why Ms. Dunn's only option was to avoid the issue by talking about something that isn't related.

Conversely, Sen. McCain just treats everyone fairly. That's a study in contrasts. Finally, it's worth considering this:
Former Clinton supporters including Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Prameela Bartholomeusz joined Palin on Tuesday's Nevada rally.

Rothschild, a member of the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Platform Committee, made headlines last month after she officially endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Some observers had pointed out her statement, despite being a baroness, to CNN this summer, "This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him [Obama]...I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him."
I'm not buying into the polls showing Sen. Obama up by double digits. These campaign appearances are by former Hillary supporters. PUMA claims a membership of 5-7 million people. That's a huge number, especially considering the fact that President Bush's margin of victory in 2004 was 3,012,000 votes.

Let's also remember that the turnout models pollsters are using are, at minimum, partially based on turnout in the primaries. Let's remember that those numbers are inflated because of Operation Chaos. Subtract the GOP crossover voters in the late primary states and PUMA voters and the outlook shifts pretty rapidly.

In the end, these tidbits of information is why I think this election is far from over. That's why I think it'll be a late night on Nov. 4th. There's 12 days left in this campaign. As we've seen over the last couple weeks, that's a political lifetime.

While the polls give us a variety of verdicts, the crowds at Palin events give us just one verdict. America hearts Gov. Palin.

Posted Friday, October 24, 2008 12:24 AM

Comment 1 by Freealonzo at 24-Oct-08 12:42 PM
Michelle Obama routinely gets 10-15K at her own rally's.

Still going with that PUMA angle?

With the following Republicans/conservatives all coming out for Obama, I would bet more Republicans vote for Obama than PUMAs for McCain.

Here's a partial list:

General Powell

Governor A. Carlson

Governor W. Weld

David Brooks

Chris Buckley

Scott McClelland

Charles Fried (McCain Foreign Policy Advisor)

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 24-Oct-08 03:26 PM
Free, I wouldn't say that any of those people you've listed are conservatives. Arne Carlson is the Linc Chaffee of Minnesota. He out-liberals Larry Pogemiller.

Comment 3 by Freealonzo at 24-Oct-08 03:34 PM
O.k. I'll grant you Carlson and Weld but Chris Buckley not conservative? David Brooks not conservative?

Also I should have included Ken Adelman on that list too.

Comment 4 by Gary Gross at 24-Oct-08 04:24 PM
Weld is moderate. Brooks isn't moderate. He's just an elitist who hasn't spent enough time in America's Heartland.

Don't confuse Chris Buckley's politics with his famous father's.

I Heartily Concur

Speaking for MMGers everywhere, we heartily agree with Michelle Malkin's NRO column . It's time that we booted Murtha for being a spinmeister, a corruption machine, an EX-Marine and for being the most dovish hawk in the House of Representatives. This paragraph is the perfect encapsulation of the choices the voters of PA-12 have:
The Democrat supports the pork-stuffed, debt-exploding government bailout for the banking industry. The Republican opposes it. The Democrat supports a raft of illegal-alien amnesty measures. The Republican opposes them. The Democrat supports race-baiting campaign rhetoric and contemptuous smears against both American troops and gun-owning, Bible-respecting citizens. The Republican opposes those divisive tactics and reckless slander.
Let's hope that the people in PA-12 have finally realized that Rep. Murtha hasn't helped their district that much. Yes, he's brought home a ton of bacon but most of that money goes to a few select cronies. It certainly hasn't helped the masses in PA-12.

I think that Rep. Murtha's statements calling his constituents racists, then explaining that they weren't racists, that they were rednecks instead, is proof that he's rattled. I think Murtha's feeling the heat from the Russell Brigade. I think that pressure is causing a number of Murtha misstatements. In turn, I think that's exposing the true John Murtha.

While you're thinking about Murtha's plentiful ethical lapses, stop past Brigade HQ and contribute to Russell's victory .

Posted Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:08 AM

No comments.

Hart Getting Under Altmire's Skin?

I haven't seen any polling but it's apparent that Melissa Hart is turning up the heat on Rep. Jason Altmire. The NRL Pac's endorsement should help in socially conservative western Pennsylvania. Here's the text of NRL PAC's endorsement letter:
"We commend you for your perfect 100 percent pro-life voting record during your six years in the House of Representatives (2001-2006).

You were the prime sponsored of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act ("Lacy and Connor's Law"), a bill to recognize as a legal victim any unborn child who is injured or killed during the commission of a federal crime. When your bill was signed into law by President Bush on April 1, 2004, it was a major pro-life milestone.

You also co-sponsored many other important pro-life bills and helped to advance them. These include the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which was signed in to law by President Bush in 2003, and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, a bill to protect the right of parents to be notified before an abortion is performed on a minor daughter, which passed the House in 2005. In addition, we take special note of, and thank you for, your votes to support the current ban on federal funding of research that requires the killing of human embryos.

We believe that your superb record of leadership on behalf of the most vulnerable members of the human family has earned you the support of every citizen who recognizes the paramount importance of defending innocent human life."
Here's Ms. Hart's reply:
"I have always been a staunch protector of life. This endorsement shows that I am the candidate in this race who has the record and leadership on the important issue of defending the most vulnerable. My record is much in contrast with my opponent who has a pro-life voting rating near 25% and has voted repeatedly to fund human embryo destroying research and give tax payer money to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country."
It isn't difficult picturing this endorsement having a significant impact on Western Pennsylvania's Catholic population.

In other Hart-Altmire related news, Mr. Altmire backed out of their only scheduled debate. Here's the Hart campaign's statement on Altmire's backing out:
Alicia Collins, Hart campaign manager stated, "It seems as though there is a concerted effort to hide Altmire from the voters and keep him from openly discussing issues with the voters. It is unacceptable for Jason Altmire to refuse to make himself available to his constituents. He is showing a complete disregard for the importance of the many issues surrounding this election. He is showing contempt and disrespect for the voters of the 4th Congressional District."

Collins added, "Unfortunately, this is not surprising behavior from a Congressman who went on a five week vacation when gas prices hit record highs, then when the country is on the brink of financial disaster, Congress once again adjourns so he can hit the campaign trail. Now, instead of discussing critical issues facing our country and explaining his terrible record, he chooses to go to a pep rally. He's serious about rewriting history and hiding his record, but not tackling the tough issues."
Candidates with a positive, appealing agenda seek opportunities to highlight their agenda. By avoiding their only scheduled debate, Mr. Altmire is signaling that he isn't confident that his agenda appeals to his constituents.

The southeastern corner of PA-4 borders PA-12. The next indicator I'll be watching for is to see if people notice that Mssrs. Altmire and Murtha don't represent their values and won't debate their opponents. If it sinks in that Mssrs. Altmire and Murtha are avoiding their opponents and aren't addressing the important issues facing their constituents, there could be a significant backlash, which would benefit Hart's and Russell's campaigns.

It's only a matter of time before people start demanding their representatives actually represent them. The Democrats don't have a history of doing that. Instead, they've got a history of promising things, then breaking their campaign promises.

This is well-documented. In 1994, reporters scoffed at the Contract With America. They'd ask Mr. Gingrich what their agenda would be. Mr. Newt repeatedly told them that they'd go right down the checklist, they'd repeat their question. The concept that politicians keeping their campaign promises was a totally foreign concept.

I'm sure that Mr. Altmire promised alot during the 2006 campaign. Thankfully, the 110th Congress was dreadfully inefficient. They got little done. That's why I nicknamed them the "No Solutions Congress."

It's my hope that the people of PA-4 and PA-12 notice that and replace their incumbents with solutions-oriented people like Melissa Hart and William Russell. This American would be most grateful.

Posted Saturday, October 25, 2008 5:40 PM

No comments.

Obama-Biden Whine Because Reporter Asked Real Questions

It's amazing how thin-skinned the Obama-Biden ticket is. Today, they whined that the questions WFTV anchor-reporter Barbara West asked Sen. Biden. First, here's a transcript of their interview:
WEST: I know you're in North Carolina trying to help get out the vote but aren't you embarassed by the blatant attempts to register phony voters by ACORN, an organization that Barack Obama has been tied to in the past?

BIDEN: I am not embarassed by it. We are not tied to it. We have not paid them one single penny to register a single solitary voter. We have the best GOTV operation in modern history. We've registered the voters ourselves and so there is no relationship. So I am embarassed for anybody in ACORN who went out there and registered somebody who shouldn't be registered. I'm not embarrassed by our campaign because we haven't paid ACORN a single penny to register a single voter.

WEST: But in the past, Sen. Obama was a community organizer for ACORN. He was an attorney for ACORN and certainly in the Senate, he has been a benefactor for ACORN.

BIDEN: How has he been a benefactor for ACORN? He was a community organizer. John McCain stood before ACORN not long ago and complimented them on the great work they did. Does tghat make John McCain complicit in any mistake that ACORN made? C'mon. Let's get real.

WEST: Okay, moving onto the next question. Sen. Obama famously told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to spread his wealth around. Gallup polls show 84% of Americans prefer government focus on improving financial conditions and creating more jobs in the U.S. as opposed to taking steps to distributing wealth. Isn't Sen. Obama's statement a potentially crushing political blunder?

BIDEN: Absolutely not. The only person that's spread the wealth around has been George Bush and John McCain's tax policy. They have devastated the middle class. For the first time since the 1920's, the top 1% make 21% of the income in America. That isn't the way it was before George Bush became president. All we want is the middle class to have a fighting chance. That's why we focus all of our efforts on restoring the middle class and giving them a tax break. And John McCain doubles down on Bush's tax cuts and gives a $300 billion in tax cuts for the largest companies in America. We don't think that's the way to do it. We think give the middle class a break. That's the way to do it.

WEST: You may recognize this famous quote. From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. That's from Karl Marx. How is Sen. Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?

BIDEN: Are you joking? Is this a joke?


BIDEN: Is that a real question?

WEST: It's a real question.

BIDEN: He is not spreading the wealth around. He is talking about giving the middle class an opportunity to get back the tax breaks they used to have. What has happened just this year is that the people making $1.4 million a year, the wealthiest 1%, good, decent American people, are gonna get an $87 billion tax cut. A new one on top of the one from last year. We think that the people getting that tax break and not redistribute the wealth up, should be the middle class. That's what we think. It's a ridiculous comparison with all due respect.

WEST: Now you recently said "Mark my words. It won't be six months before the world tests Barack Obama." But what worries many people is your caveat asking them to stand with him because it won't be apparent that he got it right. Are you forewarning the American people that something might not get done and that America's days as the world's leader might be over?

BIDEN: No, I'm not at all. I don't know who's writing your questions but let me make it clear to you. The fact of the matter is that everyone with knowledge, from Colin Powell on down, the next president, whether it's John McCain or Barack Obama. The reason is our weakened position in the world. We're stretched thin throughout the world. Our economy is in freefall right now. And they're gonna be tested. And the point I was making is that Barack Obama is better prepared to handle any crisis than John McCain...
Here's Obama's response:
The Barack Obama campaign called Barbara West's interview with Sen. Joe Biden unprofessional and combative.
The first time that someone actually asks real questions, the Obama campaign whines that the interview was combative. That's what happens when they're used to getting softball questions. It's great to hear West isn't just sitting back and taking it. Here's her response:
"I have a great deal of respect for him. I have a great deal of respect for Sen. Obama. We are given four minutes of a satellite window for these interviews. Four precious minutes. I got right down to it and, yes, I think I asked him some pointed questions. These are questions that are rolling about right now and questions that need to be asked. I don't think I was rude or inconsiderate to him. I think I was probing and maybe tough. I can't believe that in all of his years in politics, and all of his campaigning and such, that he hasn't run into some tough questions before. He's certainly up to it in giving good answers."
Biden appeared insulted at times by Ms. West's questions. His asking "Is that a real question" was the perfect example of his frustration.

Sen. Biden shouldn't be insulted. The Obama-coddling media have insulted us with their protectionist attitude towards Obama. Prior to Ms. West's interview, the media didn't challenge Obama with any difficult questions. They've ignored Biden's gaffes. When Biden and Obama don't hold press conferences, they're silent as lambs.

The American people are getting disgusted because they haven't seen enough interviews of Mssrs. Obama and Biden like Ms. West has conducted. They want reporters who ask incisive questions. They're hungering for journalists who read legislation and ask specific questions of politicians relating to specific provisions in that legislation.

Most importantly, they're looking for reporters who'll hold politicians and other public officials accountable. That's why NY Times' stock is almost worthless.

Finally, I want to thank Barbara West for standing up to Sen. Biden. It's long overdue.

Posted Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:18 AM

Comment 1 by Everett Johnson at 26-Oct-08 08:08 AM
Four minutes is insufficient to interview a potential VP. Given the time limit, West asked a few of the many questions that have long been waiting to be asked by someone willing to go beyond fluff. Good work.

Comment 2 by The Buzz at 26-Oct-08 08:26 AM
I think Barbara West interview was a complete joke. Just a complete waist of Biden's time. Her questions sucked and were just stupid. I guess she should stay on her same level and just interview Palin.

Comment 3 by Craig Travis at 26-Oct-08 09:09 AM
You want tough questions? Let's ask McCain why his crowd has gone off the deep end. Let's argue about impeachment. Really hasn't the GOP gotten rather rascist? What about his affair? Shouldn't he really have gone to jail for the keating five? How about his wife? His brother? How about the greed he encourages? Are rough questions really what we want? Let's get the National Enquirer front and center. It's called desperation. It's a scorched earth policy. Is this what you want to be remembered for? Will that really help you in the long run? Conservatives have a long row to hoe. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Comment 4 by Walter hanson at 26-Oct-08 09:34 AM
My screen won't let me see everyone of those silly comments by person three.

* The GOP racist. We appointed the first two black secretary of state's and they were both attacked as uncle Tom's and incompetenents. Now that one has endorsed Barrack Obama (because he cares about race by the way) you folks so desperate to have the endorsement forget everything

that he did that you were mad at.

* A president who lies to win a lawsuit should keep his office? Al Gore didn't win the 2000 presidential election because the voters threw out the previous administration. If the Democrats had the guts to impeach President Clinton George Bush wouldn't have been elected President in 2000.

* The Keating Five? Mccain went to one meeting that he said he shouldn't have gone to. Because of that experience he tried to reform the campaign finance laws. If you want to talk about corrupt ACRON (which had money given to it by the Obama campaign) went out and registered voters illegally (like the Dallas Cowboys in the state of Nevada in part because their system was paying people by the voters registered). So Obama isn't corrupt. There are foreign currency swaps in his campaign report even though he shouldn't take money from foreign people. the basic software that millions of people use everyday on internet charges isn't used by his campaign.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 5 by Walter hanson at 26-Oct-08 09:44 AM

At least I now know the idiot who doesn't care.

* To go on with corruption we have our current financial crisis because of Fannie Mae. The Democrats blocked the reforms and even though he has been in the Senate for just four years he got the second most money from Fannie Mae. A former director Franklin Raines had described himself as advisor until the Obama campaign went and got some reporters to retract that comment. If you really care about corruption (after all you thought Mccain should go to jail for Keating Five than Obama should join him and serve a longer jail sentence by your own logic)

* Scored earth. Are you aware that Obama was so desperate to win his first election race he got his campaign to throw the incumbent of the Illnois state senate (the position he was running for) thrown off the ballot? Are you aware that Obama was so tied to the corrupt politics of the Chicago political machine that when the President of the Cook County Board which was up for reelection in 2006 that Obama (the man who claims he is going to reform things) not only refused to endorse the reform candidate he endorsed the candidate associated with continuing the corruption.

As Gary's post has pointed out Mccain has been trying to warn what will happen if Obama is elected president and the media has been ignoring it.

Some day between 2008 and 2012 a lot of Americans will wake up and ask why on Earth did I vote for Obama. In part it was because the media didn't do their job.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 6 by P.Jones at 26-Oct-08 10:26 AM
I appreciate your blog. What is true, the Obama campaign and his tag-a-longs have been coddled for the past two years during his run for Presidency. It reminds me of the first time that I transitioned from community-based-athletics into the more competitive world of interscholastic sports...this isn't powder-puff any more. You have to compete, and you have to be willing to get asked the tough questions and you for Pete's sakes, can't get rattled because someone doesn't think you're always right!!! Obama, wake and smell the coffee, because if the critical nature of questioning and line of arguments are too tough now, they won't get easier. I agree with what was earlier said in your blog, and I pray that the American people wake up and smell the coffee, because these folks represent us, not the other way around.

As for the recent posting about the claims against the Republican Party's racist biased as well as McCain's association with the Keating 5...I think Walter's response pretty much squashed that...really! I haven't heard anyone from the Obama supporter side come up with any logical bit of argument, real logical argument debunking policies being proposed of the McCain campaign. I don't believe all of his tactics will be idea, but I do believe that they are more inline with what is best for America. I laugh at some of the criticisms of O' supporters when they try to defend their candidate. About the only descriptors that they can muster up and respond with are, "stupid," or "sucked." Glad to see the intelligible side of communication. That's what Jr. High kids do when they when they don't have an argument or can make a comment.

I believe that folks who have not made up their mind on a candidate need to really examine the direction that the O' campaign is pushing for. They are driving towards a more socialistic based governmental system. I'm not sure about anyone else; I don't want to wear brown and grey clothes for the next 40 years and stand in line for a bowl of soup and bread. I know that's exaggerated, but you who are questioning,don't think that I'm not serious when I say that the "redistribution of wealth," is a fundamental socialistic ideology. The biggest fallacy in that line of thinking is this,there will always be those who have "more" and those who have "less" always. In a socialist state, it's separated by those who have "much" and those who have "nothing to very-very-little." In a free-market democratic state, there are those who have "a lot of wealth," those who "have some wealth," some of who "do okay and live a comfortable life," some who "work pay-check-to-pay-check," and those who are "reliant on some form of aid." In a socialist state, there is no way to go up from poor to wealthy, because anything that you make gets redistributed, so therefore, if what I make get's taken and given to others who haven't worked as hard, why should I work as hard (by the way, isn't that what the small business people do,make more so that they can hire more and create more opportunities for other's?). In a free-market democratic state, the key differentiator is this: EVERYONE HAS THE SAME OPPORTUNITY TO DO WELL,AS WELL AS THEY WANT AND AS WELL AS THEY CAN!!!!

So, go ahead and cry unfair at the line of questioning O' supporters,if he wins, you'll see,you really will see that we should have let the media (at least those who didn't sell out) ask the tough questions to the O' campaign. I know that McCain and Palin have had their fair share.

Thanks for your Blog I like what you're doing!

Comment 7 by Khan at 26-Oct-08 10:38 AM
Oh, come on. This is such empty talking-points crap. To point that out isn't whining. She might as well have claimed that her sources claim that Obama is a secret Arab who is going to paint the White House black. Is it "standing up" to someone to ask non-sensical questions? Dropping Red Scare buzzwords is not an interview.

The Socialist and Communist parties in the US laugh at the epithet "Socialist" being applied to Senator Obama--don't worry guys, he's as capitalist as everyone else, as capitalist as you are. Reading books can alleviate this confusion.

ACORN? This is so flimsy that it's exasperating. It apparently would surprise a lot of people to find out that ACORN doesn't control the voter logs, state to state. ACORN submits applications, and county and state election agencies sift, verify, and enter the valid registrations.

If you review the results of the FBI investigation into voter fraud a few years ago, you will find that voter fraud functionally does not exist in the US. ELECTION fraud, now--the FBI verified tens of thousands of cases of perfectly legal voters being illegally purged from voter rolls across America.

Comment 8 by Gary Gross at 26-Oct-08 10:45 AM
ACORN? This is so flimsy that it's exasperating.

It's been verified several different ways. Sen. Obama did represent them in court. Sen. Obama helped train ACORN employees. Sen. Obama's presidential campaign paid ACORN $833,000. Yes, I know that the check was made to CSI. What people might not know is that CSI & ACORN are housed in the same building & employees of ACORN also work for CSI.

What you call tenuous is actually quite solid. Just because people don't like admitting those connections doesn't mean they don't exist.

Comment 9 by janet at 26-Oct-08 11:02 AM
You've got to be kidding. That was a real question about Carl Marx? Is West trying to raise a red flag? Maybe she should look at her own colors. If you need to access information on Bush, Carl Marx, etc. Here's an intersting site for research, http://www.weegy.com/

Comment 10 by joseph femiani at 26-Oct-08 11:35 AM
why is it that a half white man(obama) is considered to be better president material than our honorable vet Mc CAIN ? hasn't obama given his time to help acorn put these poor people in homes they can't afford just to see them be devestated by the down fall of the worlds economy caused by obamas very methods of upside down loans?Mc Cain tried through legistation to stop this problem obama created but was silenced by both parties. doesn't Mc Cain stand for change by his very actions ? obama is half black and all non christian by his own words is he the better man to run our military and our future, no! follow the money is what is said in corruption times and obama has a lot of wealthy union people and billionares backing him ,whats up ?looks like the rich don't believe him about taking their money or maybe they got wealthy giving their money away.not!they know a economy led by democrats makes them more money because of their destructive ways with our future.this happens every time democrats rule and then they vote a republican in to save them again.show me where we are a democracy and where the president has the right to create jobs and regulate industry and put kids in school.when are the stae gov.s going to shut down so the feds can take over ?christian nation led by color not a vets love.

Comment 11 by purrlions at 26-Oct-08 01:27 PM
Biden is terrible. Sarah Palin is awesome.

Comment 12 by gayla schamburg at 27-Oct-08 02:45 PM
It is about time someone like Ms. West asked the Obamunist camp that question. It's not like millions of Americans haven't been asking themselves and their friends and families that very question.

What an Obama Admistration Would Look Like

If you didn't know what an Obama administration looked like, this article gives you an idea what their communications department would look like:
Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.

"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

McGinnis said the Biden cancellation was "a result of her husband's experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West."
The message being sent is clear: If a TV station acts like a serious journalist, that TV station will have its access to the administration cut off at the knees. This also tells the media that a potential Obama administration won't be transparent.

Let's remember that the president and vice president work for us, not vice versa. We set the rules, not them. If they won't be held accountable campaigning, it's likely that they'll do everything possible to avoid being held accountable if they're elected.

The good news is that the TV station is sticking with its principles:
WFTV news director Bob Jordan said, "When you get a shot to ask these candidates, you want to make the most of it. They usually give you five minutes."

Jordan said political campaigns in general pick and choose the stations they like. And stations often pose softball questions during the satellite interviews. "Mr. Biden didn't like the questions," Jordan said. "We choose not to ask softball questions." Jordan added, "I'm crying foul on this one."
Bravo to Mr. Jordan. I wish more media outlets were this steadfast. If media outlets showed a spine, the Obama campaign would be forced into being accountable to We The People.

It's insulting to think that Obama would even attempt to pull a stunt like this. That they've set these rules says everything I need to know that they won't hesitate to resort to fascist tactics.

This isn't Kruschev's Soviet Union. This is supposedly the United States of America. This is utterly unacceptable. That's why these tactics should be rejected before they reach 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Posted Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:00 AM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 26-Oct-08 09:20 AM
The problem we have in this country is that Obama has said people want change and he's change. People think things can't get worse so it can only be better.

The people who want to vote for Obama and the Democrat congress because they want change will destroy the country. Unfortunately, most of them don't know it!

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Assessing The Strib's Endorsement's Impact

I predict that the biggest impact that the Strib's endorsement of Sen. Coleman will have on the race is that it deligitimizes Franken's campaign.

Many Minnesotans think that the Strib is just the media arm of the DFL. Contrary to what many outsiders might think, it isn't just conservatives that think of the Strib that way. That's why this observation of Franken is so damaging:
Franken is a gifted communicator. His best-selling books skewering the Bush administration and the Republican right helped revitalize the Democratic Party when it was on the ropes. He's an effective critic. It isn't as easy to envision him as a constructive force for bipartisan legislation.
Picturing Franken as a "gifted communicator" requires alot of mental flexibility. Picturing Franken as not being a "constructive force for bipartisan legislation" is easy, especially since Franken once famously said in his stump speech that he'd rather chain himself to his chair in the Senate chambers than work with Republicans.

I often like to do word games with politicians because it forces me to think of what politicians stand for. When I hear the name Franken, the first thing I think of is crackpot. The next word I think of is farce. The word serious doesn't appear until we're way down the list. Capable is even farther down the list.

One thing that people know about Sen. Coleman is that he gets involved on a very personal level. People know that his constituent services rating is near the top in the Senate. People know that he's been an effective advocate for rural Minnesota instead of just focusing on the Twin Cities.

Another thing people should know is that the business community appreciates the courage he showed in voting for the credit crunch relief bill. It was the right thing to do. Without something getting done, credit would've dried up, causing layoffs while increasing the likelihood of a deep, long recession.

There aren't many politicians that will cast an unpopular vote that might put his reelection in jeopardy.

Posted Sunday, October 26, 2008 3:25 PM

Comment 1 by Walter hanson at 26-Oct-08 09:13 PM
I think one basic point is the Star Tribune thinks no Senator will want to get close to Franken. After all if he wrote books and did attack politics before running he's going to do it once he's done as a Senator.

What Senator (including the Democrats) will even given Franken a meeting in fear that they will be a target in case they don't support Franken's point of view.

I think Minnesota voters want their Senator to get a meeting with anybody. Norm will be able to get a meeting with Harry Reid if Harry thinks it can end a filibuster.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 26-Oct-08 09:16 PM
Walter, I heard rumors about 2 weeks ago that Chuck Schumer didn't want Franken in the Senate. That's changed since he thinks he has a shot at that magical filibuster-proof majority.

Comment 3 by Walter hanson at 27-Oct-08 12:21 AM

Schumer wants to claim he ran two great Senate elections in a row. Franken winning with the others will make him a great hero to the Democrats, but he won't have a private meeting with Franken. No Senator will want to have a private meeting.

Besides there's that problem that the Democrats have they want to win. They don't care about standards.

Fortunately Norm is going to pull it out so we don't have to worry about Senator Franken.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Lightning Strikes Twice In Coleman-Franken Race

I just finished posting about the unthinkable happening, namely the Strib endorsing Sen. Coleman . I can now talk about lightning striking twice because the Pi-Press endorsed Sen. Coleman , too. Here's the key paragraph in the Pi-Press's endorsment of Sen. Coleman:
We see Coleman as a gifted politician who could help forge a new national consensus without abandoning his conservative principles. We know him well. He distinguished himself as an energetic, tireless, non-ideological mayor of our city from 1994 to 2002. He was responsible for a coming-together of business and political leaders that put St. Paul first and, yes, brought the National Hockey League back to its rightful "state of hockey."
While I don't put a high premium on consensus-building, I do put a premium on people who get positive things done. Al Franken's ability to get positive things done is almost nonexistent. Like other things, that's a stark contrast with Sen. Coleman.

Paul Wellstone used to get high marks for his constituent services. Since his death, Sen. Coleman has picked up where Sen. Wellstone left off.

The irony is that Al Franken talks fondly about Sen. Wellstone yet is nothing like Sen. Wellstone in temperament.

When Sen. Coleman was helping Minnesota families, he didn't highlight those things. He just got those things done because he's just that decent a man. If ever there were two men that contrasted the values of Minnesota Nice, Norm Coleman would be the embodiment of Minnesota Nice while his opponent would be seen as the polar opposite of Minnesota Nice.

For once, I agree with the Strib. It's time we sent Norm back to DC.

Posted Sunday, October 26, 2008 9:13 PM

No comments.

BREAKING NEWS: Fobbe, Sleeper Have Questions To Answer

About a week ago, I asked if the Princeton School Board was hiding something . At the time I posted that, I was leaning on Joel Stottrup's article in the Princeton Union-Eagle. Since that time, I did alot more digging.

The information I now have pales in comparison to the questions I raised in that first post. Understand that the questions raised in Mr. Stottrup's article are important. One of the things I found in doing my research was this article in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal regarding the suspension of then-Fergus Falls High School Principal Mark Sleeper. Here's the opening of the Daily Journal's article:
High School Principal Mark Sleeper was issued a 15-day suspension Friday by the school district for inappropriate and unprofessional behavior between himself and an employee under his supervision last spring.
This is the disciplinary action taken by the Fergus Falls School board:
"The disciplinary action taken by the board was the issuance of a Letter of Reprimand to Principal Sleeper, which letter will be placed in Mr. Sleeper's personnel file and includes disciplinary action." The letter also requires that Sleeper attend monthly counseling regarding his behavior and relationship to employees of the school district. It also states he shall not be involved in any incidents of unprofessional behavior. "If any complaint or charge is filed by an employee or any other person for past, future incidents...further disciplinary action, including termination, will be pursued by the district," the letter reads.
Approximately eighteen months after that article in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal, Mr. Stottrup wrote this for the Princeton Union-Eagle:
Mark Sleeper, who is to arrive Monday to begin his job as the new principal at Princeton High School, has connected his treatment for personal problems last year with the 15-day suspension he received in the principal job he is leaving. Sleeper is departing an 18-year job as principal at the high school in Fergus Falls. A story in The Daily Journal in Fergus Falls reported Nov. 11, 2000, that the Fergus Falls school district had issued him a 15-day suspension for "inappropriate and unprofessional behavior between himself and an employee under his supervision."
Mr. Stottrup's article is dated July 19, 2001. Mr. Stottrup asked then-Princeton School Board Chairman Tom Meinz some questions regarding Mr. Sleeper. Here's what he wrote in that July 19 article:
Meinz responded to the question of whether the school board or any administrators involved in the hiring knew anything about the suspension and letter of reprimand when they were considering hiring Sleeper and he said they did. "We knew he had had some personal problems and had been away from school for awhile," Meinz said last week.
Bear with me while I timeline this out. It's worth noting that Lisa Fobbe was on the Princeton School Board at the time of Sleeper's hiring.

I found this quote extremely troubling:
"We felt he was the most qualified to lead our high school," Meinz continued. "The feeling of the board is that whatever issues there were previously, they have been resolved.

"We're looking forward to his positive leadership at the high school. We will judge him solely on the merits of his performance, like we do every other employee . We make every effort to hire the best person."
In my opinion, that's irresponsible. Based on Sleeper's history, most thinking people would say that Mr. Sleeper wasn't like "every other employee." Did it occur to Meinz that Mr. Sleeper should be monitored before similar problems arose? If it didn't, shouldn't Meinz have thought about that?

Additionally, I'm wondering if anyone on the Princeton School Board asked Sleeper about the particulars of his suspension.

Mr. Sleeper served as principal of Princeton High School from July, 2001 until May 12, 2005. According to this announcement , "Chairperson Lisa Fobbe welcomed Mark Sleeper to his first school board meeting as Interim Superintendent."

A loyal reader of LFR forwarded an email exchange between this loyal reader and Mark Sleeper's second ex-wife . Here's one email sent from Sleeper's second ex-wife to this loyal reader:
Hey again,

I don't really have "proof" of much, just what I experienced and was told by him . I do know that he lost his job in Fergus Falls because of his affairs with two teachers (that I know of). I know their names. Supposedly, he was told that he wasn't being "fired", but would not be working for Fergus Falls H.S. (He was told to resign.) They did that so that one of the women that he had an affair with wouldn't sue the School District for sexual harassment, but all were sworn to secrecy. That was not public information, but Mr. Sleeper told me that. Then, I think the Fergus Fall School District said that they would give him a recommendation when he applied to other schools.

Also, I do have his notes when he did go into an inpatient treatment program in July 2000. That was a little more than a year before I met him. He started in Princeton in 2001. His treatment program was what he called a "behavioral program". He didn't call it a sex addiction and maybe it should have been. His narcissism allows him to feel entitled to do whatever with whomever he pleases and whenever he wants...and that program obviously didn't do the job. He is so sick, I can't believe he is still working as a Superintendent.

You are right; it is just really too bad for the kids. They are the ones who need and deserve folks who are truly working for what is best for them.

That's all I can think of right now.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Sleeper's second ex-wife sent this email to my contact:
Mr. Sleeper did have at least one affair during his marriage to me and while we were living under the same roof. I recall the end of school year party in 2006 (in May). Usually, he would tell me about it and I would go with him. In 2006, he called me at work the day of the party and told me that he forgot to tell me about it. The fact is, he didn't forget about it; he didn't want me there because he wanted to hook up with his affair woman. I found this out several months after the fact by a reliable source.

I did ask him three times in 2006 if there was another woman. Every time he very convincingly denied that there was. As I stated earlier, Mr. Sleeper is very good at not telling the truth. What is even more sick is that I wonder if he actually believes his lies himself.

During the early part of 2006 he would talk to a couple guys about me. I overheard one phone conversation that he was having. He was telling this person all the things that were wrong with me. He had a long laundry list..."There is something wrong with Deb, she doesn't like herself, she thinks she is such a victim, she is so needy". Again, the fact is that couldn't be further from the truth and those were/are Mr. Sleeper's issues that he was projecting onto me. Very sick. Yet, I think he convinces himself that his reality is true. His reality is very twisted. Plus, in his mind, if he believed that there is something wrong with me...it gave him permission in his mind (entitlement) to go and have affairs.
The reason this pertains to Ms. Fobbe is because this allegedly happened when she chaired the Princeton School Board. During Ms. Fobbe's time as chairperson of the Princeton School Board, the School Board promoted Mr. Sleeper from principal of Princeton High School to Superintendent of Princeton schools. Also during that time, it's alleged that Mr. Sleeper had at least one affair.

Considering Mr. Sleeper's history, it's reasonable to ask why the Princeton School Board didn't conduct aggressive oversight into Mr. Sleeper's behavior to make certain he didn't suffer any relapses. In my opinion, it's certainly appropriate to ask Ms. Fobbe if she thought that Mr. Sleeper had been rehabilitated. If she thought that, why did she think that? If she didn't think he'd been rehabilitated, did she recommend that he be subject to official oversight?

From both a legal standpoint and from a policy standpoint, shouldn't the Princeton School Board have been proactive and implemented a policy to deal with what behaviors are appropriate and which aren't? Did the Princeton School Board implement an oversight policy dealing with employees with a history of disciplinary problems? Has the Princeton School Board implemented a discipline policy for teachers and school employees that matches the disciplinary action with the behavior exhibited?

These are legitimate questions because they might indicate how thorough Lisa Fobbe would be in putting together common sense policies in the legislature. I'd definitely want to know the answers to those questions before voting for Ms. Fobbe.

Since this post contains a number of allegations and questions, it's only fair to give Mark Sleeper and Lisa Fobbe the opportunity to answer any question asked in this post or respond to any allegation contained in this post. Mr. Sleeper and/or Ms. Fobbe are welcome to post their response in the comments to this post. If either Lisa Fobbe or Mark Sleeper post a comment, those statements will remain posted verbatim.

Posted Monday, October 27, 2008 10:54 AM

Comment 1 by Friend of District 477 at 31-Oct-08 11:06 AM
Sexual predators are not allowed to live near our schools but we can have one as our superintendent? Why does it seem no one really cares?? What is the school board hiding? Why is Carol Peterson on leave and Mark Sleeper is not? Our school board is protecting him? Ask questions. Get out and vote!

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 31-Oct-08 11:25 AM
I'm just doing my best to point the spotlight on this situation. The Princeton School Board haven't answered these questions:

1) Did the School Board monitor Mr. Sleeper's behavior or put him on probation?

2) Did the Princeton School Board put in place any proactive policies that dealt with any teacher who had received a reprimand? If not, why not?

3) In retrospect, wouldn't it have been wise to monitor Mr. Sleeper? Shouldn't he have been held accountable for his actions?

4) Shouldn't people expect their public officials to conduct oversight on their public servants?

Comment 3 by resident of 35yrs at 24-Nov-08 11:12 PM
Princeton School District will not answer" your questions. They have NEVER addressed any of my concerns. Not one phone call, no response in writing, nothing.

Its hard to believe a "school board" would hire a person with Mr. Sleepers behaviors in the first place.

Comment 4 by Gary Gross at 24-Nov-08 11:37 PM
Resident, My suggestion is for you & other concerned citizens to recruit qualified people to run against those that act like they aren't accountable to We The People.

Institutional memory is nice. Experience is nice. But if people aren't paying attention to the will of the people, then it's all worthless.

Comment 5 by cmc at 25-Feb-09 08:00 PM
I must say, What does Lisa Fobbe have to do with this?

AND>>>Why are these ^&$%(%)&$^#@%$$

on paid leave?

Comment 6 by resident at 25-Feb-09 08:06 PM
Let's talk about how our middle school is falling apart. How does this dist. plan to EVER pass a referendum now. Our kids are paying the price.

Comment 7 by L at 26-Feb-09 10:39 AM
I am just curious...but isn't what Mr. Sleeper does in his personal life his business??? He doesn't prey on kids, and obvoiusly these women were willing participants. How come THEY are not being reprimanded for commiting adultry, too??? I am not saying that he has done right at all! Shame on him. We need to pray he gets the help he needs. But seriously, if he was addicted to gambling, or was an alcoholic, wouldn't we try to help him? And wouldn't it be illegal to fire someone if they were suffering from another addicition???

Comment 8 by Gary Gross at 26-Feb-09 10:54 AM
He doesn't prey on kids, and obvoiusly these women were willing participants.Actually, Mr. Sleeper was terminated in Fergus Falls for sexual harassment.

There's a question as to whether he's sexually harassed Princeton school district employeess. (I'm not accusing him of that but it's a question that's out there.)

Forgive me but I think that that's more than what he does in his personal life.

As for addicts getting treatment, it's true that they often get treatment AFTER THEY'VE BEEN TERMINATED.

Comment 9 by Jennifer at 23-Nov-17 01:20 AM
Mark Sleeper terminated my employment at Fergus Falls High School in 1996, after I repeatedly snubbed his sexual advances. Furthermore, his comments to other districts kept me from being hired ANYWHERE the following year. He told many lies about me but he held all the power and I was an untenured teacher. I was only hired the following year because I asked a hiring committee to get second opinions from the assistant principal and department head. I thank God for the integrity of those two people. Without them, I may have never taught again. I'm in my 21st year in my current position. Mark Sleeper is a predator and an extremely dishonest person.

Do You Know the Real El Tinklenberg?

Eric Zaetch has done the voters in CD-6 a great service with this post . Eric's post outlines the gaps in Mr. Tinklenberg's bio. If you're interested in knowing who the real El Tinklenberg is, and you should be interested in the 'rest of the story', then Eric's post is must reading. Here's one paragraph from Eric's post that jumped off the page at me:
As already noted, the man's history includes registered lobbying - the Minnesota CFB had him identifying himself as top lobbyist for a real estate development at the Brockton Rd. Hwy 94 area in Hennepin County, where he wanted to pave all over the place with possibly hazardous taconite tailings, and for a Northstar related promotional effort out of Anoka County, his home grounds for most of his career politician-lobbyist lifetime, once he stepped out of the pulpit.
That's just one example of the things that Eric's research has brought to light. I strongly recommend that you visit Eric's blog and read the entire post.

Posted Monday, October 27, 2008 9:42 AM

Comment 1 by anokacountyred at 27-Oct-08 08:55 PM
Visit www.tinkbrokethelaw.com

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