October 23, 2006 Posts

08:01 All That Effort Wasted
11:36 Scott Ott's Wit & Wisdom
19:22 Dow Closes Above 12,000, Ford Loses $5.8 Billion

All That Effort Wasted

That's what I thought after seeing this 8-page Newsweek article on Harold Ford's campaign for the U.S. Senate. After all the writing, after all the platitudes about Harold Ford being a new type of Democrat, he had a meltdown when he angrily confronted Bob Corker when Corker was about to hold a press conference on lobbying reform.

We've all seen the video by now. It isn't pretty. I suspect that Corker will spend this week talking about what he'll do when he's elected as the next senator from Tennessee. I suspect that he'll slip questions about what to make of Ford's behavior. The longer he says nothing about Ford's meltdown, the better off he'll be. There's no reason for him to say anything about it because that'll only give Ford the opportunity to change the subject. That's the last thing that Corker wants at this point. I'm betting that each day that meltdown image of Ford lingers in Tennessee voters' minds, another point comes off of Ford's already-shrinking popularity.

The article is mostly about how untraditional a Democrat Ford is, how he's a man of faith, that he isn't an extremist ideologue, etc. Unfortunately, it doesn't say anything about what a spoiled brat he is and how prone he is to temper tantrums. Thanks to the internet, though, we've seen his 'spoiled brat' side, too.

When Corker described Ford's stunt as the actions of a desparate man, Ford's reply that "every poll in the nation shows me leading" rang hollow. If he wasn't trailing, why pull such a stunt. There's only two explanations: Either he's just that much of a spoiled brat who can't take the heat or he knows that his chance is slipping away and he had to do something. Neither presents a flattering image of Ford.

Barring Corker being caught in a major scandal, this race is essentially over.

Posted Monday, October 23, 2006 8:03 AM

August 2006 Posts

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Scott Ott's Wit & Wisdom

Scott Ott's been my favorite satirist for quite some time. Today's post is simply the best I've ever seen. Here's what got me laughing uncontrollably:
Standing with the California lawmaker at a news conference, Rep. Murtha, a former Marine, unveiled what he called "our new Democrat vision for Iraq to become a country that can defend, sustain and govern itself, a country which will serve as an ally in this war on terror. We got to thinking, Nancy and me, that the old Democrat vision of a U.S. pullout would have created a safe haven and base of operations for al Qaeda to launch its global jihad," said Rep. Murtha. "and it would have sent a message to those seeking freedom in the Arab world that we think they don't deserve to be free or can't govern themselves democratically."

Asked whether this new position wouldn't just play into the hands of Republicans three weeks before a national election, a clearly agitated Rep. Pelosi said, "We're talking about a global conflict that threatens our civilization, and you're asking about politics?"
Mr. Ott should know that Democrats wouldn't play politics with national security. That simply isn't their modus operandi. It isn't like they've leaked classified documents like the NIE. It isn't like Murtha's convicting the Haditha Marines in the court of public opinion was a poliltical ploy.

You won't regret reading the entire post. I'll guarantee it.

Posted Monday, October 23, 2006 11:42 AM

August 2006 Posts

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Dow Closes Above 12,000, Ford Loses $5.8 Billion

Every Michigan voter should look at that headline and ask themselves why there's such a disconnect between the national economy doing so well and Michigan doing so poorly. If they're interested in the truth, they'll look at their leadership at the top or the lack thereof. Once they've agreed that they suffer from a leadership vacuum, they'll need to identify the location of that leadership vacuum. The vacuum is easy to spot: the governor's mansion and with the junior senator in the U.S. Senate.

If you want truth in advertising, look no further than this famous picture of Debbie Stabenow standing next to a graphic that said "Dangerously Incompetent". It's the most truthful statement I've seen from a politician.

Simply put, Debbie Stabenow and Jennifer Granholm have let their people down. Granholm also did what all good liberals do: She raised taxes and she increased spending. Is it any wonder why Michigan's economy is in shambles?

Under John Engler, taxes were cut and jobs were created after businesses were recruited to move into Michigan. That favorable business climate vanished when Michigan voters decided that they'd had enough prosperity and functional government.

Although the polls don't show it, I'm betting that Michigan voters have had enough of these politicians and that they've decided to hire Dick DeVos and Mike Bouchard to replace Ms. Granholm and Ms. Stabenow respectively.

I'm betting that they'd like another taste of prosperity and economic stability.

Posted Monday, October 23, 2006 7:22 PM

August 2006 Posts

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