October 2, 2007

Oct 02 10:16 Reid Picks Fight With Rush
Oct 02 14:59 The White Flag Party
Oct 02 20:09 Will He Raise Taxes?
Oct 02 23:40 Democrats 'Condemn' Rush, Hays Slaps Reid Down

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Reid Picks Fight With Rush

Providing proof that he's a fool, Harry Reid picked a fight with Rush Limbaugh . Within minutes of Reid's accusations, Rush hit back , demanding that Reid make the charges to his face on his radio program. I'm not holding my breath for Spineless Harry to accept the offer. Here's the shot that got things started:
Rush Limbaugh took it upon himself to attack the courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us. Rush Limbaugh got himself a deferment from serving when he was a young man. He never served in uniform. He never saw in person the extreme difficulty of maintaining peace in a foreign country engaged in a civil war. He never saw a person in combat. Yet he thinks that his opinion on the war is worth more than those who have been on the front lines. And what's worse, Limbaugh's show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, which means that thousands of troops, overseas, and veterans here at home, were forced to hear this attack on their patriotism. Rush Limbaugh owes the men and women of our armed forces an apology.
Anyone with a mind and a memory knows that Rush didn't "attack the courage and character" of the soldiers. Accusing Rush of that isn't just intellectually dishonest, it's stupid. It's stupid because, to use a hunting metaphor, Rush is an animal that shoots back. Immediately after learning about Reid's statement, Rush 'shot back':
What I want to do now is demand that Harry Reid come on this program and confront me like a man. Live, unedited, come on this show and let's go at it. I'm not going to allow hack politicians to lie about what I said, to cover up what they have said and done. These are partisan character assassins. They've attacked me just as in the past they've attacked Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and scores of other conservatives. Senator Reid, it is time for you to stop hiding behind the speech-and-debate clause and your Senate immunity.

You want to come on this program and call me unpatriotic, come on this program and call me unpatriotic. You want to call me a liar, you want to tell me that I did not say what I said, you come on this program and you tell me to my face that I said what I did not say. Stop hiding behind your special protections as a senator and spewing the talking points of an embarrassing, partisan hack media group called Media Matters for America.
Reid will regret making these accusations as much as John Murtha will regret making his accusations against the Haditha Marines. To use another hunting metaphor, Harry Reid went hunting for big game with a water pistol. It didn't take long for that animal to turn from prey to predator.

You've gotta love Rush for calling Reid out, challenging him to appear on his show and make those accusations to his face. Rush essentially told Reid that he isn't man enough to make those accusations face to face. Reid won't appear on Rush's show because he doesn't have the nads to face him. Instead, Reid will attempt to spin this.

That won't work. What the public will remember is that Rush called Reid out and that Reid hid.

He'll do anything to avoid having a test of wits with Rush. Reid is a mental midget with a tiny megaphone. Rush would mop the floor with him. Rush will mop the floor with Reid's backside before Rush's show ends Tuesday afternoon.

At issue is Rush's "phony soldiers" statements. That's one of the first things that Rush attacked on:
A week ago today, ABC News, Charlie Gibson, World News Tonight, did a feature with Brian Ross, their investigative reporter, on phony soldiers! Last Monday, one week ago today. I don't see ABC being denounced. Their story was on Jesse MacBeth, the same soldier I was talking about one week ago. That video is up at RushLimbaugh.com, as well as an expose by Brent Bozell's group, the Media Research Center, on just who Media Matters for America is. As to Jack Murtha, I just did a story today saying that he has been sued by a soldier for calling him a murderer. I just reported the news today, and yet this is reported as an attack on Congressman Jack Murtha.
This is what passes as an attack from the left. They have to make things up because they're intelectually and morally bankrupt. Calling John Murtha out is defending the troops. Calling out liars like Jesse MacBeth is standing up for the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Calling out Scott Thomas Beauchamp is calling out a phony soldier. Murtha, MacBeth and Beauchamp as phony soldiers is entirely justified.

Finally, I'll leave you with this bit of classic Rush:
If anybody in this country has been trying to demoralize the troops, it is you, sir, and your members of the Democrat Party. You have waved the white flag of defeat. You have claimed that they cannot win.
It's time for Harry Reid and the defeatists in the Democratic Party to sit down and shut up. It's time that they started actually started supporting the troops by supporting the mission that they believe in.

Unfortunately, that isn't likely to happen because they're utterly beholden to the MoveOn.org slimeballs.

Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2007 10:20 AM

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The White Flag Party

Considering the fact that Democrats have said that " the surge has failed ", that the Haditha Marines " killed innocent civilians in cold blood , that American soldiers had " invaded Iraqi homes in the dead of night, frightening women and children and accused Gen. Petraeus of " betraying our troops and our trust , and considering the fact that they've gotten pounded for saying those things, you'd think that they'd wise up and keep their mouths shut. They didn't learn that lesson.

Despite their being on record as the 'surrender party', the 'traitor party' and the 'we honor lying fake soldiers party', Democrats think that they're controlling the national agenda and the narrative. Their foolishness is showing, to say the least.

Now they're attacking Rush Limbaugh for being anti-soldier. While it's true that they've succeeded in getting the Gen. Betray Us disaster off the front page, it's equally true that they've created a new disaster that'll hurt almost as much. The worst news for Democrats is that they're giving the RNC, NRCC and NRSC tons of ammunition to use in the various campaigns.

The bad news for Republicans is that these organizations haven't shown a skill in crafting appealing messages from these episodes. The thing that's missing, in my opinion, is that contrast ads aren't pitch perfect. too often, we've ruined good material by crafting commercials that are intellectually dishonest or over-the-top. Our media people need to keep this in mind so that we don't waste golden opportunities because we took out a jackhammer when a framing hammer is the right tool.

Democrats have given us a golden opportunity to take the fight to them. It's up to us to take advantage of that opportunity. It's up to us not to squander such a golden opportunity.

It'd be a shame if we let the White Flaggers off the hook this time.

Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2007 3:00 PM

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Will He Raise Taxes?

That's just one of the questions I've got for Elwyn Tinklenberg after he announced his candidacy for the Sixth District seat currently held by Michele Bachmann. First, take a look at how he justified jumping into the race after saying he wouldn't:
"I could not sit by and watch this happening in our state," Tinklenberg said. The bridge collapse, and the decaying state infrastructure it symbolizes, made him change his mind about running for the DFL endorsement for a 6th Congressional District race against U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., in 2008.
His attempt to portray himself as a champion of transportation causes will fall on its face. Here's how he's casting himself in this article:
As transportation commissioner under then-Gov. Jesse Ventura, Tinklenberg said he tried to warn lawmakers about the deteriorating condition of Minnesota's transportation infrastructure, but was unable to get legislators to agree to increase state transportation funding.
Former House Transportation Committee Chairman Bill Kuisle had this to say about Tinklenberg:
"It was a given that Tinklenberg was more concerned about transit than about roads & bridges."
Kuisle said that, to the best of his recollection, Tinklenberg never gave more than a token warning about existing transportation infrastructure. That seems to be bolstered by his reputation of being a transit advocate.

The reason why I'm questioning whether he'd raise taxes is because of his statement about his not being able to sit this race out while our transportation infrastructure crumbles and this seemingly contradictory statement:
He declined to endorse a proposal from U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar, DFL-Minn., to raise the federal gas tax by 5 cents a gallon, with the proceeds to be dedicated to bridge and infrastructure repair.

"Sometimes we resort too quickly to adding the burden onto the consumer," Tinklenberg said.
Here's the obvious question: How would he propose solving our crumbling infrastructure without raising taxes? I'd think that he's essentially got two choices: either isn't that worried about the state's infrastructure or he'd raise taxes.

Minnesotans have a right to know the specifics on how he'd fix their roads and bridges. If he isn't willing to increase taxes, how does he propose to fix the roads and bridges?

Originally posted Tuesday, October 2, 2007, revised 03-Oct 8:27 AM

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Democrats 'Condemn' Rush, Hays Slaps Reid Down

Forty-one Senate Democrats signed a letter to Clear Channel Communications CEO Mark Mays condemning Rush Limbaugh for things he didn't say. What's most telling is that Hillary Clinton, who wouldn't vote to condemn MoveOn.org's 'Gen. Betray Us' ad, and Barack Obama, who wouldn't vote on the resolution condemning MoveOn.org, signed this condemnation letter against Rush. Here's what the letter said:
Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted. It is unconscionable that Mr. Limbaugh would criticize them for exercising the fundamentally American right to free speech. Mr. Limbaugh has made outrageous remarks before, but this affront to our soldiers is beyond the pale.
Here's how Mark Mays responded:
Mr. Limbaugh's comments have stirred alot of emotion, and I have carefully read the transcript from the episode in question. I hope that you will appreciate that I can not speak with authority as to whom Mr. Limbaugh's comments were directed, or what was his intent. Only Mr. Limbaugh can speak to those issues, which he has done.

I can say, however, that over the years, Mr. Limbaugh has repeatedly praised the dedication and valor of our brave men and women in uniform. Given Mr. Limbaugh's history of support for our soldiers, it would be unfair for me to assume his statements were intended to personally indict combat soldiers simply because they didn't share his own views on the war in Iraq.
Mays' statement politely said that Reid's insinuations were absurd. Mays' pointing out that Rush has a "history of support for our soldiers." Mays said that that's the biggest reason why he couldn't agree with the Senate's letter. I further suspect that the hyperpartisan tone of the Senate's letter helped Mays not take their letter seriously.

Here's the list of Democrats signing the letter:
Harry Reid, Majority Leader

Richard Durbin, Assistant Majority Leader

Charles Schumer, Vice Chairman, Democratic Conference

Patty Murray,

Secretary, Democratic Conference

Daniel Akaka

Max Baucus



Barbara Boxer

Sherrod Brown

Robert Byrd

Benjamin Cardin

Tom Carper

Bob Casey

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Kent Conrad

Christopher Dodd

Byron Dorgan

Dianne Feinstein

Tom Harkin

Daniel Inouye

Edward M. Kennedy

John Kerry

Amy Klobuchar

Mary Landrieu

Frank Lautenberg

Patrick Leahy

Carl Levin

Blanche Lincoln

Bob Menendez

Barbara Mikulski

Bill Nelson

Barack Obama

Jack Reed

Jay Rockefeller

Ken Salazar



Debbie Stabenow

Jon Tester

Jim Webb

Sheldon Whitehouse

Ron Wyden
Keep this list in mind if you want a list of the liberal senators who are the most intellectually dishonest. They signed this letter knowing that Reid's diatribe was contrived.

What does that tell you about the types of things that Democrats will attempt turning into a tempest in a teapot?

Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2007 11:41 PM

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