October 14, 2006 Posts

11:51 McCaskill in Deep Doo-Doo
12:13 Is That a Fact?
23:46 Forget the Polling!!!

McCaskill in Deep Doo-Doo

To say that Claire McCaskill's campaign has been troubled is understatement, as I stated here, here, here, here and here. Based on this Redstate post, it's about to get much worse:

At a campaign event this September, which was attended by President Clinton, McCaskill introduced her second husband as one of the "people that make my life work, the people that establish my values on this planet, the people that I love more even than this state I live in."

One can only assume that Claire McCaskill knows about her husband's history of gross domestic violence and spousal abuse, and one can only wonder what part of her "values" that established.

According to the police report, Mrs. Shepard said of her husband:
Joseph entered my home. I told him to leave. He came up to me looking angry. I put my hands up to protect my breasts as they are sore (cancer). He has hit me before in the breast. He grabbed my wrist and arm and pushed me up against the wall & I hit my head & back & he bruised my arms by pinching me.
As distasteful and appalling as that is, it's nothing compared to what Mrs. Shepard told police, and the Saint Louis Family Court, that she had endured from her husband in the past. Once again, from the police report:
He has tripped me, hit me before (police were called by my daughter), punched my cancer breast, peed on me, pushed me down and slapped me. He now threatens that everything I have is his and I will end up in his low-income housing and he wants to take my things.
Call me cynical but I don't know how this woman ever got elected to public office. This is a woman that'd make Bill Clinton look positively ethical. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her if I had 2 broken arms and a broken back. This woman and her husband make the Clintons look as ethical as Rev. and Mrs. Billy Graham.

Posted Saturday, October 14, 2006 11:52 AM

August 2006 Posts

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Is That a Fact?

The Strib's Eric Black has written another Is That A Fact Article, this time about Mark Kennedy's ad called "Why". Black's verdict is that it isn't a fact:
In a TV and radio ad, Republican Senate candidate Mark Kennedy makes the claim that his DFL opponent, Amy Klobuchar, favors giving Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.

The claim is false.

Klobuchar says her position is exactly the opposite. Kennedy says he doesn't believe her, but he can't substantiate a claim that his opponent's position is different from what she says it is. The Kennedy claim is misleading on several levels.
The problem is that, with a little 'google-digging' , I proved it isn't false:

Annie was an ethnic Chinese born in Malaysia who had legally emigrated to the U.S. decades ago. She entered my law office with her mother, who clutched a well-worn copy of a Chinese language book called What You Need to Know About Life in America that is eventually encountered by most immigration lawyers.

Annie knew her mother had no legal basis to remain in the U.S. She had overstayed her tourist visa and had never applied for any type of immigration benefit beyond that, though she had managed to remain for years, working off the books and going undetected by the INS. Annie had brought her mother to my office not for an immigration matter, but for retirement planning. She had one question, "What do I have to do to qualify her for SSI?"
There's more:
The 1996 Welfare Reform Act may have erected barriers to a non-citizen's eligibility for SSI, but it did not come close to ending it. The very group Congress sought to make ineligible for SSI, people who may have entered the U.S. illegally but through a series of happy accidents permanently reside here under color of law ("PRUCOL" aliens), has been able to hold on to SSI eligibility through a combination of lawyering and lobbying.
With all due respect, I'd say that Mr. Black's assessment is incorrect. In fairness to Mr. Black, this isn't a widely known fact. But it's fact nonetheless.

Amy Klobuchar's immigration policy would not only bring illegal aliens to Minnesota; it'd speed up Social Security's bankruptcy. We can't afford that type of policymaking in Washington, DC.

Posted Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:13 PM

August 2006 Posts

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Forget the Polling!!!

I just peered at the RCP polling & I'm fed up with them. I'm not implying that RCP is biased. I'm saying that the polling isn't scientific. It's pathetic.

Take for instance the polling showing Claire McCaskill leading Jim Talent by 2 points. Considering all the scandals she's found herself in, there's no way she's within 6 points of Talent. PERIOD. Then there's the Minnesota Poll that shows Mike Hatch leading Tim Pawlenty by 9 points, with Pawlenty getting only 37 percent of the vote when his JA rating is 15-17 points higher than that.

We've railed against the Agenda Media but then we accept their polling as Gospel fact? What's with that??? Are we really that gullible?

I refuse to be. We've railed about the need for illegal immigration to get fixed, starting with the building of a fence. We're getting that.

Bob Casey's looking like a complete idiot in Pennsylvania against Rick Santorum but we believe that Santorum's toast? Lynn Swann's made Ed Rendell look foolish in their 2 debates but we believe that he doesn't stand a chance?

Ben Cardin's shown with a 6-7 point lead most of the time but Michael Steele's had Russell Simmons campaign with him & shoot a commercial for him while campaigning with him in Baltimore. There's a strong chance that Steele will get 25+ percent of the black vote in Maryland. Do we really think that Cardin, or any Democrat, can win if they don't get 80+ percent of the black vote in heavily black populated Maryland?

Forgive me if I don't join the Beltway's 'Chicken Little, The Sky Is Falling' Parade.

It's time to wake up!!! GET TO WORK DOORKNOCKING & PHONEBANKING!!! When you aren't doing that, blog about the things that the media won't tell us.

If we do that, we'll be fine. Conservatism is still the dominant force in American politics today.

Posted Saturday, October 14, 2006 11:46 PM

August 2006 Posts

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