November 18, 2006 Posts

20:59 Beck's Strong Finish

Beck's Strong Finish

Glenn Beck's week, which included an interview with Rush and his special on Islamic extremists, which I commented on here and here, finished strong with a TV interview with Benjamin Netanyahu. Follow this link to read the entire transcript, something I strongly recommend.

BECK: This program and this particular hour, we spend time asking just sometimes I think politically incorrect questions. I'm a regular American shmoe that quite honestly, right before 9/11, and I don't mean any offense, sir, but Israel and the Palestinians, everybody who's been arguing for so long, as a typical American before 9/11, I was like, "Oh, you know what? Just set it out, you can all just fall into the middle of the sea and it doesn't matter to me, because you're always fighting." Now 9/11 happened. I thought, "Gee, maybe I should pay attention to this." And many Americans did and said, "Wait a minute. There's trouble." But now that's changing even more, and you said something in Los Angeles that I'm so grateful that somebody's finally saying, that this is World War III, this is Germany 1938. Could you explain that?

NETANYAHU: Iran is Germany, and it's 1938, except that this Nazi regime that is in Iran, that's a religious kind of fanaticism, but it wants to dominate the world, annihilate the Jews, but also annihilate America. Remember, we're the small Satan. You're the big Satan.

BECK: Right.

NETANYAHU: We're just the first way station en route to you. So there is this fundament fanaticism that is there. It's a messianic cult. It's a religious messianic cult that believes in the Apocalypse, and they believe they have to expedite the Apocalypse to bring the collapse of the West.
Alot of people will ignore Netanyahu's comments. Others will chastise him for making such over-the-top statements. In either situation, Netanyahu's critics will be proven wrong. The reality is that Ahmadinejad can't be trusted with nuclear weapons, which I'm betting they'll have within 2-3 years if their program isn't disrupted.

BECK: I was in the Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC, and one of the more powerful rooms for me was the room where they have all of the newspapers up on the wall and all of the headlines. And to me, what stuck out was, Hitler was very clear, very clear. Basically, he was saying, "Take the Jews before I kill them." And everybody was in denial. Now, let me play devil's advocate with you. We've heard nut jobs, especially in Iran, for a very long time. What makes you say we should take this nut job at his word? Why is this guy different than what we have seen with religious fanatics that are really only interested in power and not interested in the Apocalypse?

NETANYAHU: Well, I was getting this question in the 1990s, and I said that the West really doesn't understand militant Islam. So I wrote a book in 1995, and I said that, if the West doesn't wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Center.

Other nut ideologies don't do that, but militant Muslims do, and they are competing. They have two strains: the Sunni type, led by Al Qaeda, who have done the World Trade Center; the Shia types, led by Iran, who want to top that by having nuclear weapons with which they can dominate the world, ultimately bring down America. We're merely the first target. They hate us because we're you, and we're the first station, in the Middle East. They hate Israel because it represents America. They don't hate America because of Israel, because we're part and parcel of that same free, to their minds, hated hedonistic civilization. So I think the real problem is: Do we let this fanatic regime, this messianic cult of the Apocalypse, get their hands on atomic weapons? I think it's folly.

And I don't think it's just an Israeli question any more so than Hitler was just a Jewish question. Hitler started with the annihilation of the Jews, but pretty quickly moved on to threaten the entire world. And America woke up late, after 6 million Jews died. But in our case, you know, we don't have to wake up dead in order for people to realize that he threatens America. We want to both defend ourselves, defend the Jewish state, certainly, but also defend America and free civilization against people who would extinguish our freedoms and our lives.
People who attempt to marginalize Prime Minister Netanyahu's statement will find it difficult to argue against the facts. He's been prophetic before because he sees things so clearly. I won't argue against someone with his track record because it's a futile exercise. I'll save my energy for fights where I stand a chance. Now let's focus on the scariest exchange of the night:

BECK: Tell me what the world looks like if we don't act.

NETANYAHU: If you don't act, it means that it will be the first time in the history of the world that a totally unstable, globally mad regime will have atomic bombs and the means to deliver them. This means, a, that they will dominate the Middle East very quickly. They will make the Persian Gulf an Iranian pond. They will control the world's oil supply. And they will probably use the weapons, first against my country, and then to intimidate or threaten Europe. They want to control the world.

Now, eventually, they'll be brought down. How many millions will have to die for that? How many cities will be wiped out before the Western world and civilization realizes that this is not a local problem, that this is their problem, that it's directed against them, directed against you?
Don't bother asking your local Democrats because they're too busy fleeing Iraq. More on that in a bit. What most people haven't done is ask what the consequences are of our Middle East policies. Most people only think in terms of the hardship placed on families. While that's a legitimate concern, it's hardly the only consideration. It's time we asked what price we'll pay for leaving Iraq; what price we'll pray for not destroying Iran's nuclear weapons program. It's time we started.

BECK: We are now proposing a phased redeployment, which, if you would translate, would be cut and run. What happens if we get out of there?

NETANYAHU: I think you're going to find it a lot more difficult than you think, because what happens when you run, when you cut and run, from terror, terror has this unfortunate quality of chasing you. This is, however, an American decision you make.

BECK: Yes, but a lot of people believe that if we just,you know, they haven't stood up. I don't think most people understand the fear that people live under of these kooks that are, you know, beheading people. But they're saying, "If the Iraqis want it so bad, they should step up for it and we will leave them, because most people think that, well, it's their responsibility."

NETANYAHU: Look, I won't get into a debate on Iran,Iraq, rather, because in a way I think it sidelines the main argument. What you decide to do,it's an American decision, whether you leave in phases, you leave with a timetable, you leave with no timetable, you stay in Iraq, OK, either way, if Iran acquires nuclear weapons next door, you lose Iraq. Not only do you lose Iraq, you lose the entire Middle East, and you lose control of the world oil supply, and your cities come under a nuclear threat of a crazy, fanatic regime.
This is a shot at the Democrats' policy. Leaving Iraq, which John Murtha first voiced publicly, is the worst option possible because (a) we give Iran a puppet regime in the region; (b) we give Iran a buffer against the West; (c) we give al Qa'ida a new training base and (d) Iranian President Ahmadinejad would control the flow of oil throughout the Middle East. That's hardly the type of world I want to live in and it certainly isn't the type of world we'd wish on the next generation of Americans.

One last tidbit of information: If you translate Mein Kampf and jihad into English, you'll find that they both mean "My struggle".

Posted Saturday, November 18, 2006 9:00 PM

Comment 1 by OTTMANN at 26-Nov-06 02:05 AM
This post and the information contained should be read by everyone. Seems all of this also relates to Bible Prophecy, especially Daniel 9 and Ezekial 38-39 that foretells of things the world will soon be facing leading up to Revelations.

Nobody wants to hear it, so they don't read the scriptures or recognize the warning signs we've been given and we have now witnessed with our own eyes, such as the tsunami's, Katrina, floods, wars and rumors of wars etc. Most people have their heads buried in materialism.

Just remember that there will be a forced (false) peace coming soon in Israel from the EU and UN's Alliance of Civiliations. Alliance of Civilizations is a global peace project

During this time, Iran will be allowed to finish their nukes having been helped by Russia and China.

After that in about 3.5 years, comes trouble like never before!

Democrat's in the U.S. will facilitate all this by their appeasement of Iran, as Ahmadjihad knows full well.

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