November 17, 2006 Posts

18:56 The Extremist's System, Part II

The Extremist's System, Part II

Yesterday, I talked about the most appalling things in Glenn Beck's special. Today I'm back to cover some other appalling things from this transcript of Glenn's special. Let's start with this:
BECK: It's one example of the extraordinarily hateful propaganda used by extremists in the Middle East.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We want the blood of a Christian child before Passover, for the matzos.

BECK: This series on Jordanian television shows a Jewish leader organizing the death of a Christian child. He uses the child's blood to make matza, which he feeds to a non-practicing Jew.

Joshua Muravchik, AEI: This stuff is not just on television. It's in the newspapers. It's in the mainstream newspapers of the Middle East.
It's time we woke up and realized that this isn't "a few radical extremists perverting a great religion" as Tony Blair and President Bush claim but that it's a fairly common way of life in the Middle East. I don't have proof that it's the dominant way of life throughout the region but it isn't uncommon, either.

BECK: A man with two faces and two very different messages. But most of us in the United States have only been exposed to the carefully crafted messages he wants us to hear.

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our message is the message of peace and brotherhood with all nations, with all people. We love the American people as we love our own.

BECK: Just one month before that on Iranian news, he wasn't talking about love and respect.

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): If you want to have good relations with the Iranian people in the future, you should acknowledge the right and the might of the Iranian people. If you do not accept this, the Iranian people will force you to bow and surrender.

SHOEBAT: And when the camera turns, and you see the hundreds of thousands of people cheering "Death to America, death to Israel," it is this part that the west doesn't see.

BECK: Back in the U.S., President Ahmadinejad was asked about Israel. And he answered very carefully.

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): So what I'm saying is quite fair. We want peace to be established there. We care for the Jews who live under pressure there, as well.

BECK: But in his own language, the president seemed to have a much different message.

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I have said to the leaders of some western countries, stop supporting these corrupt people. Behold the rage of the Muslim people is accumulating. The rage of the Muslim people may soon reach the point of explosion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Death to Israel. Death to Israel. Death to America. Death to America.

This exchange should infuriate news consumers. Here's what Mr. Beck pointed out to Rush Wednesday:
GLENN BECK: I really truly believe, Rush, that the media is damn near criminally negligent on how they are exposing the war in Iraq and everything else, and when they come out and say the "Muslim extremists," I don't think people really even understand what that is. The reason why we are so lost in Iraq is because we don't understand who these people are. So what we've done is we have gone over to the Middle East and we have collected very much -- I know you saw the movie Obsession. We have collected all kinds of media from their own, you know, NBC, CNN, et cetera, et cetera, and translated it and we're exposing the faces of what I believe is out and out evil tonight.

RUSH: You say you've got video of the networks that they haven't used?

GLENN BECK: Yeah. No, no. Who didn't use?

RUSH: I might have misunderstood you. You've got MSNBC and CNN video that they haven't aired?

GLENN BECK: No, what we've done is we've taken the video from the sources in the Middle East --

RUSH: Oh, oh.

GLENN BECK: Their version of MSNBC or whatever.

RUSH: Oh, okay.

GLENN BECK: And we have taken --

RUSH: Like al-Jazeera.

GLENN BECK: Yes, and Iranian state television, and we have looked at the things that president Ahmadinejad had said with Mike Wallace and Anderson Cooper and juxtaposed it to what he said in the interview when he returned from the UN, and it is horrifying.

RUSH: Did the people at CNN give you any trouble with this when you posed the idea?

GLENN BECK: I will tell you that it has been probably the battle of my life to be able to get these images on television. I will tell you also, however, that there have been people very high up at CNN that have stood next to me and fought with me to air this special. Rush, you know better than most on what's going on. When you are calling out the president of Iran and you see him at the UN where he is praying for strength to play his role, to bring back the promised one, when he then has on his own state-run television something that nobody else will play, him in front of a crowd saying, "Soon we will burn the mark of eternal shame in the foreheads of the unbelievers," when he on his own state-run television says, "We are going all the way to ancient Babylon, which will be the seat of the Islamic global government," you've got to put that in the context of religiosity. You guys are Christian. I heard that and I thought, "Oh, holy cow! What does that mean?" Nobody in mainstream media wants to air that.
It's time that America heard this stuff. In fact, it's long past time. The dirty little secret is that this information is still a dirty little secret and it shouldn't be. If we had responsible media in this nation, this information would be a regular segment on the nightly news.

There's another aspect to this, too. This is precisely why we can't leave Iraq. If we leave, Ahmadinejad establishes a puppet regime there and al Qa'ida gets a new training center. Is that what we want? According to November 7th's vote, the answer is yes. Based on this additional information, I suspect that the answer would've been an emphatic no. It's time we woke up. It's time that we held the fMSM accountable. It's time that we rewarded journalists like Mr. Beck for providing this information. And it's time we screwed our heads on straight and elected leaders that gave a damn about national security instead of jackasses like Jihad John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi.

There's one last eye-opening section to Rush's interview with Mr. Beck:

GLENN BECK: I will tell you, Rush, that it is such... I've said these things; you've said these quotes, but when you hear him and see him say it, you believe him, and it's not just that, I don't know if you remember Speed Racer. When I was growing up, one of my favorite cartoons was Speed Racer. We have images of cartoons that they run on their Saturday morning cartoon shows of kids in cartoon form with the suicide belt on and they are waiting. One clip we're going to show tonight is the cartoon character waiting on a cliff seeing the Israeli and American trucks go by, they jump off the cliff onto the top of the truck, pulling the pins of the hand grenade screaming "Allah Akbar!" on the way down and then the cartoon explosion. It is so firmly mainstream. The biggest lie is, is that, A, you can't take these people seriously, because, oh, we have our own religious zealots like, you know, Jerry Falwell. They're not American religious zealots, if you will. These guys have an Armageddon doomsday wish, and then when you couple that with the untruth that, "Oh, well, it's just a few." This is mainstream television that I'm showing you tonight.

RUSH: Well, one of the problems in all this is that I think the American people, we have such an affluent country, and we have such prosperity, there's almost a derived expectation of that now. People don't want to be distracted from it, and they don't want to know the threats. Look at this last election. This election was essentially a vote by the American people: "We don't want to hear about these problems."

GLENN BECK: Explain Rick Santorum's loss to me. I believe that guy is the Churchill of our day.
The truth is that Rick Santorum should've never lost. He should've been presidential timber or possible running mate material.

Posted Friday, November 17, 2006 6:58 PM

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