November 16, 2006 Posts

11:56 The Extremist System

The Extremist System

For those of you who watched Glenn Beck's special last night, that's what you saw. Glenn Beck deserves a ton of credit for exposing this system on American TV for first time. Here's a couple disturbing portions from the show:
Finally, the video you are going to see tonight is from all over the Middle East, people that are involved in many different conflicts. But there is one common thread: they all use religion to justify their hatred. And it all starts with one of most important weapons that they have in their arsenal: the weapon of propaganda.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Why am I being operated on? I'm not sick. My eyes are healthy and I see everything.

GRAPHIC: By God, I am not lying to you!

BECK (voice-over): What you're seeing is an actual series that aired on Iranian television called "Zarya's Blue Eyes".

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Please, please, don't come near me with that needle. Help me, help me. Help me.

BECK: Little Palestinian children have their eyes stolen by Israelis.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): My eyes, my eyes, I can't see a thing. Why have you covered my eyes?

GRAPHIC: This land, and everything on it, belongs solely to us.

BECK: It's one example of the extraordinarily hateful propaganda used by extremists in the Middle East.
That's the type of propaganda that's people are being fed throughout the Middle East. If you think that's horrific, brace yourself because it gets worse. MUCH WORSE.
BECK: Brigitte Gabriel, she grew up in Lebanon, was a victim early on of radical Islam. She's now a U.S. citizen and author of a new, best-selling book, "Because They Hate." Brigitte, we were just talking here during that package about the school books that are not just happening in the Middle East, but what is being taught now in radicalized American Muslim schools.

BRIGITTE GABRIEL, AUTHOR: It is shocking what's happening in schools all across the world, not only in America. The government of Saudi Arabia is printing books and establishing schools all around the world, over 25,000 schools established and funded by the Saudi government. And they are supplying the books to these schools. And some of these books that are taught in the Middle East, like we just watched, to teach children to hate and become suicide bombers, are being taught also in the United States of America. And I'm going to quote you some of the sample of the books.

This is a book from eighth-grade and ninth-grade books. This is called (speaking Arabic) for eighth grade, published 2001. This is page 43. "Jews and Christians cursed by Allah and turned into apes and pigs. Quoting (speaking Arabic) the Verse 60, the lesson explains that Jews and Christians have sinned by accepting polytheism and, therefore, incurred Allah's wrath. To punish them, Allah had turned them into apes and pigs." It's unbelievable hatred education that is being taught to elementary-school children, secondary-school children. How do we expect to teach a child against such hatred against like people like you and me and expect him to grow up an 18-year-old and love us or respect us?
If this information doesn't open your eyes wide, then you're comatose. This hatred is being taught right here in America. There isn't a place for that 'teaching' in America or anywhere throughout the world. This 'teaching' is the embodiment of evil. That's why we need to wake up. As Mr. Beck said, this isn't just the teachings of a few extremists; it's the indoctrination of most of the Islamic world.

Americans need to ask themselves if they want to live as captives to such ruthless people. They must ask themselves what type of world they want their children to live in. I know that sounds dramatic but that's what's at stake.
BECK: There's also something in the books where it says that, until the Muslims; help me out here; until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Christians, the day of judgment cannot come, right?

GABRIEL: Exactly.

BECK: Which explains the whole Messianic kind of apocalyptic view of people like President Ahmadinejad in Iran.

GABRIEL: Exactly. And this is what the West needs to understand and realize about Islam. We are dealing with a radical ideology right now spreading all throughout the world with one goal, and that is the establishing of an Islamic caliphate throughout the world.

BECK: Wait, explain that, because most people don't even know what that is.

GABRIEL: A caliphate is an Islamic government ruled by Sharia law where everybody has to obey and live under Islam. In Islam, there is no difference between the state and the religion. The religion is the state, and the state is the religion.

BECK: Right.
The goal that originated in the Middle East and which is spreading throughout the world, is that of a world that's ruled by Muslims under Sharia law. Picture life in the Taliban's Afghanistan, where women aren't allowed out of the house; where female doctors were treated like property. Is that the world you want your children living in?

Posted Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:02 PM

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