Maryland Turning Into Steele Country, Part II

This AP article certainly isn't throwing cold water on the idea:
Often when the dust settles on a Democratic Senate primary in Maryland, the hard work is done and the winner can expect to roll over the Republican in the fall. Not this time. The two main candidates in Tuesday's primary, bookish congressman Ben Cardin and flamboyant civil rights figure Kweisi Mfume, are fighting over who will take on a rising Republican star with the distinction of being the first black to win statewide office in Maryland. Despite the embarrassment of criticizing Republicans, then calling President Bush his "homeboy," GOP Lt. Gov. Michael Steele is considered a strong contender in a state that is two-thirds Democratic and almost one-third black.
As I wrote here, the Steele campaign is gaining momentum, partially because of Russell Simmons' endorsement. I'm thinking that he'll gain more momentum if Ben Cardin wins this Tuesday's primary because it'll mark the second straight time that Maryland's Democrats will have taken the black community for granted. That's a stark contrast to how Republicans will have chosen the charismatic Steele to appear on the statewide ballot.

It's also worth noting that RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman has spent a ton of time in Pennsylvania and Maryland with his "Conversations With the Community" outreach programs. One thing that conservatives haven't shown their appreciation over is how the Bush/Rove/Mehlman team opened doors into the minority communities that conservatives ignored entirely. President Bush deserves alot of credit on this front because he's spent alot of time reaching out to pastors of black evangelical churches, especially in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

That can't do anything but help candidates like Michael Steele. Showing up and listening is a great way to connect to people and to earn their trust. This should be required studying for Republican legislative candidates nationwide.

With Democrats holding such a sizeable registration advantage, Steele still faces an uphill fight but at least he's got a fighting chance of winning. If Cardin or Mfume doesn't run a smart campaign, they'll lose. Even if they run a smart campaign, they still might lose.

Let's hope that Maryland turns into Steele country this November.

Posted Friday, September 8, 2006 11:04 PM

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