Let's Talk Issues, OK?

I just finished reading the transcript from Nick in Daytona's call into Rush's Friday show. I've gotta say that he's got it exactly right. Here's a collection of what "Nick in Daytona" said:
Listen, I am sick and tired of talking about Democrats taking over the Senate and the Democrats when we should be talking about burying these people! We should be talking about a ten-point race in Florida that Katherine Harris can win over Nelson and sending those people home. And the reason why I'm so upset, in about one or two hours, my daughter, the angel of my heart, is going to land in Baghdad, and she's going to do guard duty. And you want to know something? She's going to put on a bulletproof vest that Kerry voted against, that he voted against. My joy, the only child I have. That's all I got to give.


And I'm sick and tired of these people who may sit in a seat in the Senate, but they just simply don't care about this country. They don't care about my daughter. They don't care about me. They're not willing to make the sacrifices! They want their power. You know what, if we send Bill Nelson home, he'll have a job as a lobbyist in a month. We don't have to feel sorry for the Democrats. We don't have to feel sorry for the moderate Democrats. We need to start winning seats. We need to take more seats. We need to own more of it, because we're the only people who are serious about fighting this war and winning it and saving our country.


We need to win seats, and we're going to. America is tired of sitting back and have to go fight with itself and wrestle power in order to make decisions and to do the right thing.
People, I'm betting that that spirit is running through lots of you. I'm betting that you're already volunteering in local Victory Offices to get your local slate of conservatives elected. I'm betting that you've already contributed to Republican candidates. I'm betting that you haven't seen any of the disgruntled or dispirited Republicans that the Agenda Media has talked endlessly about.

You know why I'm willing to make that bet? Because we know that policy matters. We know that there's a clear difference between Republicans and Democrats not named Lieberman on the issue of preventing terrorist attacks. We know that most Republicans believe in securing our borders. We know that that won't happen with Democrats controlling either house of Congress.

Another reason why I'm willing to make that bet is because we know that Democrats aren't to be taken seriously on the issue of defining the GWOT. How often have we heard the phrase "fight the real war on terror"? How often have we heard about shifting troops "into Afghanistan to capture bin Laden"? How often have we been told, incorectly, that Iraq wasn't part of the GWOT until we invaded?

That last one is particularly annoying, especially in light of President Bush's speech on Sept. 20, 2001, where President Bush said that al Qaida was found in 60 countries worldwide.

In light of that information, why should we give any credibility to Democrats who say that there weren't terrorists in Iraq before we invaded? To believe Democrats' claims, we'd have to believe that Saddam was an honorable man who wouldn't know a terrorist if he saw one.

We'd have to not believe that Salman Pak wasn't a terrorist training facility. We'd have to not believe that Ansar al-Islam was a radical Islamic group. We'd have to believe that Abu Nidal, the man accused of attempting to murder Col. Oliver North, really wasn't "regarded as the world's most ruthless terrorist leader" during the late 70's and early 80's. We'd have to believe that Abu Abbas, the man who shot Leon Klinghoffer after finding out that the man in the wheelchair was Jewish, then threw him overboard after hijacking the Achille Lauro wasn't in Iraq at any time.

Forgive me if I don't believe any of that.

Despite serious differences on immigration policy, does anyone think that a Democrat-controlled House or Senate would vote to build a border fence? There isn't any doubt that there was a significant movement away from the GOP just prior to the nominating conventions. That's when it was true that there were significant numbers of conservatives who were dispirited. Now that we've looked over that precipice, we've sobered up. We've decided that casting 'protest votes' would be disastrous to the conservative movement and to the nation.

At the end of the day, I think we're in better shape because there's more "Nick in Daytona" voters than there are of the moonbat fringe voters.

Posted Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:16 PM

August 2006 Posts

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