Lamont's Desperation

In a sign that Ned Lamont sees his chances slipping away, Ned Lamont has launched an attack ad calling Joe Lieberman a turncoat:
Lamont's campaign is spending $93,000 this week on a series of statewide television ads that call Lieberman a "turncoat." One ad suggests that Connecticut residents should wear their coats inside-out to protest Lieberman's general election campaign. Lamont predicted the ads will appeal to his base and undecided voters. "It was a humorous look at a guy that's been a lifelong Democrat who overnight changed his stripes," he said.
Ned Lamont should've stuck to being a businessman because his political instincts are minimal. Predicting that calling a popular senator a turncoat won't win over undecideds. It'll drive them away in droves. This has to be seen as a desparation move on Lamont's behalf because he's already trailing Lieberman by 7 in the last poll that I saw. Assuming that poll's validity, you'd have to say that this type of ad will only widen Lieberman's lead.

Lamont's appeal never was substantial outside of his nutroots fringe supporters. This type of ad won't appeal to undecideds. Its only appeal is to the nutroots idiots that already support him. In short, that ad buy is a waste of campaign contributions.

SIDENOTE: I can't wait to see the Nutroots' reaction November 7 when Lamont goes down in flames. There'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth in that bunch. (Plus probably some conspiracy theories about Rove rigging the voting machines to help Lieberman win.)


Posted Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:24 PM

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