Kerry Accuses Bush of Cutting & Running in Afghanistan

Jean Francois Kerry made another totally dippy statement today, accusing the Bush administration of cutting and running in Afghanistan. Here's a portion of his statement:
"The administration's Afghanistan policy defines cut and run," Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery at Howard University on Thursday. "Cut and run while the Taliban-led insurgency is running amok across entire regions of the country. Cut and run while Osama bin Laden and his henchmen hide and plot in a lawless no-man's land."
Sen. Kerry should read the newspapers before making such a stupid comment. The Taliban are trying to mount a comeback of sorts but NATO troops (aka the Allies) keep killing them, according to this CBS article:
An Associated Press reporter who traveled to Pashmul saw warplanes drop five bombs within about 20 minutes on orchards where militants were believed to be hiding. Explosions echoed across grape and pomegranate fields and clouds of dust rose amid the greenery and dried-mud houses of the Panjwayi district, which is about 12 miles from Kandahar city.

Operation Medusa was launched Saturday to flush out Taliban fighters from Panjwayi and neighboring Zhari district. NATO spokesman Maj. Scott Lundy said alliance and Afghan troops had gained ground and disrupted the militants' command system so guerrillas were moving in confusion. Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak said Taliban casualties were high, but could not confirm the NATO report of more than 200 dead.

A NATO statement said its figure was derived from "surveillance and reconnaissance assets operating in Panjwayi and Zhari districts, as well as information reported by various Afghan officials and citizens living nearby." About 80 other suspected Taliban were arrested by Afghan police and a further 180 fled the area, it said.
Frankly, I'm betting that the Taliban are wishing that the allies would cut and run. They're SOL, though, because Democrats don't occupy the White House.

It's also worth noting that his statement today is a signal that Kerry wants to run for president again. Couple that statement with his interview with the Washington Examiner, where he said that he was "prepared to kick [the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth] ass from one end of America to the other" and you get the impression that he's running again.

What this means to me is that Kerry still thinks of himself in presidential terms even though most people don't take him seriously. How can you take him seriously when he makes statements like that? How can people take him seriously when he can't even get the most elemental facts right?

Posted Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:51 PM

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