Isn't It Curious?

I just read a press release by New Jersey Sens. Lautenberg and Menendez and NY Sen. Schumer calling for a "new direction to give the American people the real security they deserve." Here's one of the specifics of the Democrats' plan:
The Real Security Act of 2006, as well as the Menendez amendment to the Port Security bill under debate in U.S. Senate, will require 100 percent screening of cargo at our nation's ports, and will change course in Iraq to allow America to finally win the war on terror.
Isn't it curious that Sen. Clinton wasn't part of this? You'd think that they'd accomodate her so that she'd bring more media coverage to this, wouldn't you? there's only two reasons I can think of why she wasn't there; either she didn't want to be associated with this legislation or they didn't want alot of coverage on this. I'd seriously doubt that they didn't want some coverage of this.

Screening 100 percent of the cargo coming into America's ports simply isn't feasible because it'd tie up our ports while providing little real benefit. This has been a Democratic carping point for ages. I haven't seen proof that screening 100 percent of the cargo will make us safer than screening 5 percent. I'd bet that that proof doesn't exist.
"It would be unacceptable to screen only five percent of White House tourists, so why is it acceptable to scan only five percent of cargo entering our country," Menendez said. "Scanning anything less than 100 percent of cargo that enters our ports is irresponsible and downright negligent. The Bush administration needs to provide a tangible plan, in writing, that describes how they will move America closer to 100 percent scanning."
Comparing scanning people entering the White House to scanning cargo coming into U.S. ports is comparing apples to cars. This is what Democrats think passes for serious debate about terrorist prevention. They know that they can't win this fall without putting forth something resembling an agenda to deal with preventing terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, they put this out instead.

Posted Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:22 AM

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