Hillary Shafts Dean

This Newsmax article highlights the divisions within the Democratic Party. Specifically, this shows the divisions between the Deaniacs and the Clintonistas.
A longtime aide to Sen. Hillary Clinton has launched a massive data mining project in a bid to get the Democrat vote out in 2006 and 2008, a direct snub to DNC chairman Howard Dean, whose job it is to run his party's turnout machine. Harold Ickes, who strategized Mrs. Clinton's first Senate campaign, as well as others involved in the project, tell the Washington Post that their activities are in part a vote of no confidence in Dean. "The Republicans have developed a cadre of people who appreciate databases and know how to use them, and we are way behind the march," Ickes complained, before slamming Dean's operation. "It's unclear what the DNC is doing. [Are their lists] going to be kept up to date?"
Folks, those last two sentences are a direct shot at Dean and his disciples. That entire paragraph is a shot at the misadministration of the DNC by Dean. It's also confirmation that Hillary's running for president in 08. She wouldn't put this type of data mining operation if she didn't have need for the information it'd generate.
Meanwhile, feathers have been clearly ruffled over at DNC headquarters. "Building this voter file is part of our job," Dean spokeswoman Karen Finney told the Post. "Our job is to build the infrastructure of the party." In the 2003-2004 election cycle, the DNC began building it's own voter data base and it proved highly effective in raising money.
That's Democrats' idea of unity? If you factor in Dean's war with Rahm Emanuel, it's obvious that the two camps within the Democratic Party are at war with each other. The DLC types hate the Kos Kidz and the Kos Kidz hate the DLC.

Posted Thursday, September 14, 2006 2:59 PM

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