February 10-13, 2007

Feb 10 03:19 Rolling Thunder Joins Gathering of Eagles
Feb 10 05:07 Do the Unexpected: Think

Feb 11 21:43 The Audacity

Feb 12 05:25 Meet Mahdi Bray
Feb 12 16:57 Meet Waleed Bader

Feb 13 04:06 Why Should You Attend
Feb 13 04:40 MythBuster

Prior Months: Jan

Prior Years: 2006

Rolling Thunder Joins Gathering of Eagles

When Jane Fonda and Cindy Sheehan show up at the Vietnam War Memorial, they will be met by the Gathering of Eagles veterans group and the Rolling Thunder veterans group.
Riley believes Fonda-Sheehan group plans to target the Wall during the March demonstration. National Park police have said they will arrest any person who makes such an attempt. Rolling Thunder, the national organization of motorcycle-riding veterans who gather in Washington every year on Memorial Day, has agreed to form a barrier between the protesters and the monument.


Veterans of several wars, their friends and other Americans will protect the iconic monument and show their support for troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, said U.S. Army Col. Harry Riley, an organizer of the national counter-protest Gathering of Eagles.
Here's some more information on rallies supporting the troops:
A smaller number of veterans will add moral support by staging a 24-hour vigil at Kinston's (N.C.) version of the Wall in Neuseway Park. "Those who cannot go to Washington can show their support for the vets at our memorial here," said Vietnam veteran Eric Cantu. "We will show our support for the troops in Iraq."
Simply put, now is the time that pro-victory Americans stand their ground and send a message to these protesters and to the terrorists that we've got the will to win. It's time that we told the defeatists that pursuing unilateral defeatist options isn't an option. It's time that we told America's enemies that they will be defeated.

Most importantly, it's time we sent a message to the Fonda-Sheehan brigade that their protests won't bring the results they want.

Posted Saturday, February 10, 2007 3:21 AM

Comment 1 by Sam Meyers at 07-Mar-07 12:33 AM
I live in Northern Virginia and I am looking for an organized American Legion or any veterans group mobilizing to go to Wash on the 17th. Been talking to my customers (Military active and retired who are interested) who are interested in doing something. Anyone know of any organized group in Northern Virginia.

Do the Unexpected: Think

That's Jack Kelly's recommendation in his latest column for Jewish World Review. Here's a jab that Kelly throws at the former future President of the United States:
Skeptics are, global warming alarmists say, a "fringe" who are paid by CO2-spewing corporations to express doubt. But numbered among the skeptics are some of the world's most renowned climatologists, such as Richard Lindzen of MIT and Patrick Michaels of the University of Virginia. All have better credentials than does the divinity school dropout from whom alarmists take their cues.
I've seen the Agenda Media highlight Al Gore's and Ted Turner's alarmist remarks about global warming but we rarely hear them cite scientists who aren't convinced by the alarmists' claims. Thankfully, Jack Kelly hasn't relied on the alarmists' hyperbole but has investigated things on his own. Now he's asking that we do the same. That's sound advice especially when dealing with fanatics like Gore and Turner. Here's some other sound advice:
"Follow the money," said Alabama state climatologist John Christie, a professor at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. "To justify their funding, they have to show a huge problem."
Dr. Christie's advice should be applied anytime something that the government does doesn't make sense. That's doubly applicable in this instance. This next information should tell you just how bogus the alarmists' claims are:
"A major person working in the area of climate change sent me an astonishing email that said: 'we have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period,'" Prof. Deming told William Tucker, who is writing a book about global warming.
If Prof. Deming is telling the truth, which I think he is, then the person who sent this email is telling the world that their claims aren't based on verifiable data. They're based on fabrications and hyperbole. Finally, there's this:
A reporter for National Public Radio also called and offered to interview him, Dr. Deming said, but only "if I would state that the warming was due to human activity. When I refused to do so, he hung up on me."
Whatever happened to reporting the truth? Did that go out with the Medieval Warm Period, too?

Posted Saturday, February 10, 2007 5:09 AM

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The Audacity

I'm sure that Andy will have more to say but let me get my 2 cents in on Ron Carey's statement. Here's what he said:
Republican Party Chairman Ron Carey said he knows of no opponent "on the horizon" and says he likely also will seek a second term at that party's June convention. "There's no groundswell of anger or assigning of culpability" to party officials and there's an acceptance that anti-war sentiment and Washington scandals drove the election verdicts in all states, Carey said.


"We were one of the very few purple [competitive] states to hold onto key Republican seats."
Thanks to Mr. Carey, many candidates didn't get the funding that they needed. I've talked with several candidates that said they didn't get a nickel from the state party. Thanks to Mr. Carey, we're no longer a purple state. In case he hadn't noticed, we lost a seat in the U.S. House to a one term wonder like Tim Walz, our Minnesota House & Senate are only a few votes short of a veto proof majority. This is noteworthy stuff because Republicans controlled the House prior to the election.

I'd further say that Carey's lying through his teeth when he said that "There's no groundswell of anger or assigning of culpability". He obviously didn't read this:
But I did have a lot of support today. We set in motion the movement to take back our party. It may not have been by brow beating Ron Carey from the mic. It may not have been by taking away his $95,000 a year salary he so graciously set himself, but we did identify who was with us or against us.
Andy's been a warrior in challenging Carey's 'leadership' & decisionmaking. One of the things that Andy's talked about is that Carey's communications staff only tore down Democrats. It did nothing to talk about what we stood for. I've talked before about the midterms being called an 'ideology-free' election. When that happens, the election is, by definition, mostly about personalities.

That's a disaster waiting to happen. The GOP must be the party of ideas to win. Carey deserves to get fired from his position because he hasn't shown that he has a vision for the MNGOP. He hasn't lived up to his promises of funding candidates all around the state. Mr. Carey knows that there's a fight brewing in the MNGOP. Thus far, the conservatives in the Minnesota House are standing up for conservative principles. They'll get lots of support from the activists.

On the other hand, if Carey doesn't show a vision for 2008, we'll come up with one ourselves. And we won't support the state party. The activists will support the candidates that they agree with but we won't support a spineless state party that's adrift & without principles. It's just that simple.

Posted Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:45 PM

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Meet Mahdi Bray

As part of my continuing series on the sponsors for the March 17th anti-America protest in Washington, DC, Here's what I've found out about Mahdi Bray:
As WorldNetDaily reported, the Muslim American Society held a rally last month during which a Jewish activist was physically assaulted and threatened. The event at Boston's City Hall Plaza was the group's "Justice for Palestine and Lebanon Protest." Signs brought by participants included some including some calling for "victory" for the terrorist group Hezbollah and the "Palestinian Resistance."

In a WND interview, the group's executive director, Mahdi Bray, blamed the United States and President Bush for the war between Hezbollah and Israel. Bray said that while there are "no clean hands" in the escalating violence, the United States has failed completely. "We have the,capability of doing something," he said. "Our position is not defensible that we have not used our leverage to obtain a cease-fire."
Mahdi Bray is a very smooth talker. He's also anti-semitic. Here's a picture that offers proof of his anti-semitism:

If that phrase sounds familiar, it should. It's a combination of two statements which I posted about here. Here's what I found on FPA's website:
10. Divestment, Corporate Boycott, and Ending all Support to Israel: The FPA regards the implementation of a full divestment program in the United States coupled with effective corporate boycotts to be a necessary material formulation of the overarching goal of ending all forms of governmental and private economic, political, and military support to the Apartheid State of Israel.
In other words, Mahdi Bray is seen speaking to a group of people that agree with the FPA. furthermore, FPA thinks that Israel shouldn't exist because it thinks that Israel is occupying the Palestinian homeland. FPA thinks that Israel doesn't have a claim to the land that the international community says it owns.

Don't be surprised if Bray is also associated with Palestine Remembered. Palestine Remembered put together this map:

That isn't all that I've found out about Bray. Here's what Discover the Network said about him:
"In October 1998, Mahdi Bray coordinated and led a Washington rally of 2,000 people," reported columnist Debbie Schlussel, "during which he played the tambourine as the crowd repeated, 'Let's all go into jihad, and throw stones at the face of the Jews.'" On December 22, 2000, Bray organized and spoke at a rally outside the White House at which the emcee and crowd chanted responsively in Arabic: 'O Jews, the Army of Muhammad is coming for you!' The Nazi swastika was openly displayed."

At this second Mahdi Bray-organized rally, wrote Steven Emerson in his book American Jihad, "posters calling for 'Death to Israel' and equating the Star of David with the Nazi swastika were openly displayed and anti-Semitic literature calling for the destruction of the Jews and Israel was distributed. Members of the crowd burned the Israeli flag while marching to the White House."
Mahdi Bray thinks it's acceptable to chant "Death to Israel" and to "equate the Star of David with the Nazi swastika." I'd doubt that any rational person would honestly think that, meaning that Bray is either irrational or that he's being dishonest. Personally, I believe he's being dishonest. I suspect that Bray is so anti-semitic that he'll say almost anything to make Israel disappear. I suspect that Bray's brash advocacy is designed in part to increase fundraising for his anti-semitic, anti-American and anti-reform causes.

One last thing worth noting is this Weekly Standard article written by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross. Here's the opening of Gartenstein-Ross's article:
ON MAY 14, 2005, PAX-TV's Faith Under Fire broadcast a debate that I took part in against Mahdi Bray, the executive director of the Muslim American Society's (MAS) Freedom Foundation. Bray had selected the debate topic in advance, and chose to argue about "The United States of Islam?"--that is, whether American Muslims wanted to see Islamic law (sharia) implemented in the United States. While I unwaveringly agreed that most American Muslims don't want to see the United States ruled by Islamic law, I nonetheless jumped at the chance to debate this topic against Bray. After all, the Chicago Tribune recently published a story detailing how the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood operates in the United States as none other than MAS. So while most American Muslims don't want to see the United States governed by sharia, Bray's organization does. And while researching for the debate, I found that MAS, except in its most public of statements, is quite open about its agenda and allegiances. Even a brief review of various MAS chapters' websites provides a revealing look at what the national organization is teaching its members.

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is an international Islamist group that largely operates underground and behind the scenes, with branches in about 70 countries. The Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, an Egyptian schoolteacher who, in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and abolition of the caliphate, bemoaned the sickness of the Ummah, or larger Muslim community.

Now we've uncovered something that should make any American run from Mr. Bray. His organization, the MAS's Freedom Foundation, has as a goal the turning of America into one part of the greater Islamic caliphate. Think of this Islamic caliphate as a worldwide government that al Qa'ida or Taliban would embrace.

I'd doubt that Jane Fonda would approve of a Taliban-like rule where women are treated as property.

Posted Monday, February 12, 2007 5:30 AM

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Meet Waleed Bader

Another of the sponsors of the March 17th anti-Israel, anti-America and anti-war protest is Waleed Bader, the founder of the Arab-Muslim Federation of New York. Bader spoke at the al Awda convention in New York City in 2004. Here's some interesting information contained in a "final communique" from the event:


Al-Awda, noting the plight of our comrades in Zionist and imperialist jails, and believing that their struggle for freedom and honorable treatment is part and parcel of the Palestinian struggle for freedom and return, expresses solidarity with all Palestinian and Arab prisoners awaiting trial or presently on trial, and those serving terms of imprisonment.
The people they call their "comrades in Zionist and imperialist jails" are people that we'd consider terrorists. I'll give them this much: they're good at spinning things. Here's more information from that communique:
Al-Awda 2003 Convention opposes the US sponsored Road Map, which aims at suppressing the human and national rights of the Palestinian people. The Convention expresses support for the struggle of the Palestinian people, currently spearheaded by the Intifada, to achieve national resistance goals including, but not limited to, ending Zionist colonization, implementing the right of return, and achieving self-determination. Al-Awda Convention does not recognize any self-proclaimed Palestinian leadership, elected or appointed, in compromising any Palestinian national rights, especially the right of return.
Here's what President Bush said in a speech describing the Road Map:
The Palestinian state must be a reformed and peaceful and democratic state that abandons forever the use of terror. The government of Israel, as the terror threat is removed and security improves, must take concrete steps to support the emergence of a viable and credible Palestinian state, and to work as quickly as possible toward a final status agreement. As progress is made toward peace, settlement activity in the occupied territories must end. And the Arab states must oppose terrorism, support the emergence of a peaceful and democratic Palestine, and state clearly that they will live in peace with Israel.
I'm betting that al-Awda, and therefore Bader, objects to the demandment of a Palestinian state being "a reformed and peaceful and democratic state that abandons forever the use of terror." I'm also fairly certain that they'd object to the section that demands that "the Arab states must oppose terrorism, support the emergence of a peaceful and democratic Palestine, and state clearly that they will live in peace with Israel" because that would be asking them to stop being who they really are. They can no more enact true reforms or stop terrorist attacks or live in peace with Israel than a leopard can change its spots. Al Awda, by saying that it rejects the Road Map, essentially admits that they will continue being terrorists. They're also saying that they'll fight with everything that they've got to keep the Middle East a terrorist region.
Al-Awda 2003 Convention demands the immediate termination of the use of the term "Israel/Palestine", and any of its combinations, in all and any Al-Awda related documents.
I've posted the map called the Topography of Palestine, which explains why they're opposed to the use of the name Israel. They see the Jews as occupiers of Palestinian territory.

Here's what Resolution 1 says:

Resolution 1

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, in its Second International Convention, hereby calls for the full national unity of all Palestinian National and Islamic forces, civil organizations, and institutions, in the collective struggle against military occupation and Zionist apartheid, and for the right of return.

We join the Palestinian people in calling for national unity amongst National and Islamic forces and reviving the PLO institutions, inside and outside of Palestine, on a democratic basis utilizing proportional representation in its structure, leadership and decision making, and including all factions.

It is critical that all Palestinian National and Islamic forces join hands in a common national front and unified national leadership, expressing the democratic will of the Palestinian people and rejecting all such attempts to negotiate or undermine any and all of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.

By saying that they reject any "attempts to negotiate" away "the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people", they're saying that they reject any peaceful settlement of what the world calls "the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict".

By aligning himself with such groups, Bader has shown that he isn't bashful about aligning himself with terrorists.

Posted Monday, February 12, 2007 4:59 PM

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Why Should You Attend

Heidi Theiss of Euphoric Reality and Gathering of Eagles has posted a link to a video that I strongly recommend you viewing. The video is called Do You Remember Me?

I think it's a perfect visual explanation why the March 17th Pro America, Pro Victory, Pro Troops rally is important in the war against violent jihadists. One warning, though: It'll yank on your emotions at times.

Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:06 AM

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Count Czech president Vaclav Klaus as a skeptic of the IPCC report. Here's the transcript of an interview he did with a Czech economics daily. Here's some noteworthy quotes from the interview:
Q: IPCC has released its report and you say that the global warming is a false myth. How did you get this idea, Mr President?

A: It's not my idea. Global warming is a false myth and every serious person and scientist says so. It is not fair to refer to the U.N. panel. IPCC is not a scientific institution: it's a political body, a sort of non-government organization of green flavor. It's neither a forum of neutral scientists nor a balanced group of scientists. These people are politicized scientists who arrive there with a one-sided opinion and a one-sided assignment. Also, it's an undignified slapstick that people don't wait for the full report in May 2007 but instead respond, in such a serious way, to the summary for policymakers where all the "but's" are scratched, removed, and replaced by oversimplified theses. This is clearly such an incredible failure of so many people, from journalists to politicians. If the European Commission is instantly going to buy such a trick, we have another very good reason to think that the countries themselves, not the Commission, should be deciding about similar issues.
As I've said before, the IPCC started with a conclusion, then scrubbed the information so it fit their 'verdict'. That isn't science; it's politics as usual. Here's my favorite exchange:
Q: Don't you believe that we're ruining our planet?

A: I will pretend that I haven't heard you. Perhaps only Mr Al Gore may be saying something along these lines: a sane person can't. I don't see any ruining of the planet , I have never seen it, and I don't think that a reasonable and serious person could say such a thing. Look: you represent the economic media so I expect a certain economical erudition from you. My book will answer these questions. For example, we know that there exists a huge correlation between the care we give to the environment on one side and the wealth and technological prowess on the other side. It's clear that the poorer the society is, the more brutally it behaves with respect to Nature, and vice versa.
Not only does he say that Mr. Gore isn't sane but then he dumps salt in the environmental extremists' wounds by saying that "there exists a huge correlation between the care we give to the environment on one side and the wealth and technological prowess on the other side." That's the last thing that a socialist like Gore wants to hear.

I recommend you read the entire transcript.

Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:42 AM

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