Yeah Right

That's my initial reaction to a line in this Strib article. First the announcement:
Rep. John Kline unanimously took the Republican endorsement for Congress Saturday as he seeks a third term in his southern Twins Cities metro district. Kline, a retired Marine colonel, was endorsed at the 2nd District GOP convention at Prior Lake High School. He told the delegates he kept his promise to carry conservative beliefs to Washington.
then the line:
He faces a challenge from FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, who won the DFL endorsement on May 6.
I'd doubt that Coleen Rowley, despiter her name recognition, will pose much of a threat to Kline. I haven't seen any recent polling but I'd doubt that Rowley even gets 40% of the vote vs. Kline, who is a strong conservative and a former Marine. I'm basing that opinion mostly off the fact that Rowley traveled to Crawford to protest the President with Cindy Sheehan last August.

For those reasons, I reject the part about Ms. Rowley challenging Rep. Kline.

Posted Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:04 PM

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