The Joe Wilson Of Minnesota Politics

The Pioneer Press's Patrick Sweeney is reporting that Matt Entenza's week from hell isn't getting any better. Here's why:
During one of two long conference-call interviews with reporters Thursday, Entenza was pressed on whether he had paid for background checks, known as opposition research, on Johnson, a state representative from Plymouth. "I don't need to do opposition research. I have his voting record," the St. Paul lawmaker said.
Again, this sounds awfully authoritative; it sounds like a categorical denial. Let's find out if it withstands closer scrutiny:
But Friday, in an apparent effort to correct either the substance or the flavor of his Thursday denials, Entenza telephoned reporters to clarify that his campaign did, indeed, possess opposition research on several Republicans. After leaving his voice-mail message with the Pioneer Press, which referred only to possessing "some opposition research on Republicans," Entenza did not respond to requests for a follow-up interview.
Does this guy ever tell the truth the first time? This guy's getting the reputation of being the Joe Wilson of Minnesota politics. I say that because Wilson got the reputation of lying everytime that he opened his mouth. Frankly, I can't recognize a difference.

Originally posted Saturday, July 15, 2006, revised 21-Nov 12:06 AM

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