Terrorists Attack U.N. HQ In Gaza

Proving that militant Muslims don't care if you're the wimpiest appeaser or the most fierce hawk, terrorists "stormed the main U.N. compound in Gaza City" during an anti-Israel protest.
Palestinian protesters stormed the main U.N. compound in Gaza City on Sunday during a demonstration against Israel's bombing of southern Lebanon that killed around 60 civilians, witnesses and U.N. staff said. Hundreds of members of the Islamic Jihad militant group, some throwing stones and others firing assault rifles, attacked the compound at the end of a rally, witnesses said. At least five people were wounded, police said.

U.N. staff were inside the compound at the time, but managed to escape after U.N. guards let off tear gas canisters. A U.N. official said the compound, which includes scores of buildings, was ransacked and eight vehicles damaged.
I wish I could be surprised at this behavior but I'm not. The notion that Palestinian Muslims practice the so-called "religion of peace" is utter nonsense. It's bad enough that a throng of people show up to protest Israel for defending herself against a terrorist attack. It's even worse when these protesters get worked into such a rage that they attack the U.N. compound in Gaza. It's impossible to think of a rationalization for attacking the U.N. compound, much less a legitimate reason for it.

Sadly, some Democrats think that we should be negotiating with Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice should pull a Kissinger, Brzezinski said, and "stay in the region" until the fighting stops. To that end, Brzezinski offered five practical suggestions for how the Bush Administration might quell the violence.

1. Recreate viability for the Palestinians by working with Hamas.

2. Talk to the Syrians, with or through the French.

3. Talk to the Lebanese government, so they don't just appear as victims screaming for help.

4. Talk to Hezbollah through Syria.

5. Negotiate the sequential release of prisoners between Israel and Hezbollah.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is architect of one of the biggest foreign policy failures in presidential history. That anyone would take him seriously tells you everything that you need to know about the Democratic appeasement crowd otherwise known as the Daily Kos/Democratic Underground/MoveOn.org wing of the Democratic Party.

Posted Monday, July 31, 2006 3:15 AM

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