Senate Clears Way for Offshore Bill

The Senate voted 72-23 to limit debate Monday night, assuring a vote on the entire bill later this week. Here's more details on the legislation:
Sen. Pete Domenici, (R-NM), one of the bill's principal sponsors, bemoaned "the crazy idea that these resources should be locked up" when the country needs more domestic oil and gas supplies. They've "been locked up for no good reason other than emotion," he argued.
Democrats have been filibustering energy bills forever, claiming that "the environment" is the proper 'altar' to worship on. Folks like me living in Minnesota think that's hogwash. The areas that will be opened will provide alot of natural gas for alot of years:
The Senate bill would require the Interior Department to issue drilling leases within a year in 2 million acres known as Lease Area 181 and in another 6.3 million acres just south of it in the east-central Gulf of Mexico. Both areas have been off limits to energy companies and are believed to have 1.2 billion barrels of oil and nearly 6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, enough to heat 6 million homes for 15 years.
Our home heating bills have jumped alot in prices the past 2 winters. Not tapping these reserves kills homeowners here in Minnesota almost as much as high prices at the pump. The AP couldn't resist throwing in this goodie:
But environmentalists maintain it will be years before the energy from newly opened leases would be available. "It's not going to bring energy prices down," said Melinda Pierce of the Sierra Club.
Ms. Pierce would be wise to learn that not tapping new areas of natural gas and crude oil preserves on a consistent basis is what causes energy price spikes. An example is Clinton's veto of drilling in ANWR in 1995. Had he not vetoed it, that would now be supplying enough barrels of oil to dramatically decrease the amount of oil that we're currently buying from the Middle East while keeping prices at the pump dramatically lower.

The flaw in Ms. Pierce's logic is the premise that you unlock these reserves to lower gas prices. That's bassackwards thinking. You unlock these areas to maintain a stable flow of oil so there aren't spikes.

This isn't rocket science for anyone with common sense, which explains why liberals don't get it.

Posted Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:58 AM

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