Rushing to Judgment

That's what Jack Kelly thinks is happening with the Haditha fiasco. He's particularly upset with Jesse MacBeth:
Jesse Macbeth, a self-styled "special forces ranger," regaled moonbat audiences with tales of the atrocities he committed in Iraq:

"Fallujah is where we slaughtered people in mosques," he said. "We would dig holes and leave mass graves of children, women and old men."

Unfortunately for Mr. Macbeth, he made a video which was seen by actual veterans. In it, he is wearing his beret improperly ("like a pastry chef," said an Army spokesman). He's wearing a Ranger beret, but it has a Special Forces flash. The sleeves on his battle BDU jacket are rolled up the way the Marines do it; not the Army. In short, Mr. Macbeth was a fraud so obvious even the moonbats should have seen through him, but they didn't because they wanted so badly to believe the terrible things he was saying about U.S. forces in Iraq.
Look at the key sentence. "Mr. Macbeth was a fraud so obvious even the moonbats should have seen through him, but they didn't because they wanted so badly to believe the terrible things he was saying about U.S. forces..." This is proof positive that the moonbats are heavily invested in America being defeated in Iraq.

If you accept that premise, it explains most of Murtha's antics. Instead of seeing American patriots trying to bring freedom to the Iraqis and safety to America, some Democrats see pawns in the President's diabolical plot to seize Iraqi oil and rule Iraq like a puppeteer. How sad is it that people have that sinister a view of the US?

He isn't lenient on John Murtha either:
To his everlasting shame, Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat from Johnstown and a retired Marine reserve colonel, is playing to the same crowd. He's accused Marines of having committed "cold-blooded murder," and their superiors of covering it up. "It goes right up the chain of command right up to Gen. [Peter] Pace [chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff]," Mr. Murtha said on ABC's "This Week" program last Sunday.
The phrase "cold-blooded murder" has a specific meaning. To Jack Kelly, "Cold-blooded" implies emotionless premeditation..." Furthermore, Murtha doesn't have proof that "It goes right up the chain of command right up to Gen. [Peter] Pace [chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff]..." If he did, he would've provided it to the press.

Check the rest of Jack's article out. It's a strong indictment of John Murtha and his allies the moonbat, hate-America-first crowd.

Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:14 PM

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