Rush Nails Murtha

I mean he really nails Murtha as only Rush can. Check out this transcript & I'm certain that you'll wholeheartedly agree.
Tim Russert had an "exclusive" with Murtha. Exclusive? Murtha is everywhere! But I guess he was only on NBC for 20 minutes yesterday, so I guess they could call it an exclusive. Let's listen to some of what John Murtha said. First off, on Friday. You gotta hear this one if you didn't hear this, on Friday The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf says, "Now, you led the fight, congressman, against this resolution. It passed 256 to 153. That was the resolution to set a timetable to get out of Iraq. Is this a vote of confidence for the president's policy and strategy in Iraq by the House of Representatives?"

MURTHA: The thing that disturbed me and worries me about this whole thing, we can't get him to change direction. And I said over and over in debate if you listen to any of it, in Beirut, President Reagan changed direction. In Somalia, President Clinton changed direction, and yet here, with the troops out there every day suffering from these explosive devices and, and the, and look back as occupiers, 80% of the people want us out of there, and, and yet they, they continue to say we're fighting this thing. We're not fighting this. The troops are fighting this thing. That's who's doing the fighting.

RUSH: He's starting to ramble now, but this is a classic illustration and a serious example of why these people are not ready to lead. Somalia. He called that a change of direction, and he praised Clinton for understanding, you know, we can't get bogged down in this place. Okay, they killed some of our Rangers in a battle that we won. We won the battle that became the book and the movie, Blackhawk Down, but because they dragged through the streets of Mogadishu dead Army Rangers, "Oh, no! We couldn't handle that picture."

Osama bin Laden was watching, and it was that instance which told him that we could not take casualties and inspired him to come after us with even greater firepower and strategy.

So now here's Murtha calling this a change of direction, and Ronald Reagan "changed direction" in Beirut, he said. Clinton changes direction in Somalia, and that's what he wants to do in Iraq is change direction. He doesn't understand. I don't know if he understands it or not. This is the thing: his reputation, folks, Murtha's reputation and image is one of a great war hero, great Marine, been around for a long time, and so he's infallible. He's got credibility. You can't criticize Jack Murtha! Why, he was a Marine! Why, he fought for his country! Why, you can't attack him! The left always throws out these people that you "can't attack," they say. "Why, have you no shame going after Jack Murtha?"

Well, Jack Murtha, I don't care if he's a Marine or if he was a dogcatcher. If Jack Murtha is going to insert himself in a political sense, which he can and he should, he's a member of the House of Representatives, well, then by golly we're going to respond in kind, and he's stupid. This is dangerously stupid. Look it, folks. It's all academic. It really is all academic because every time the Democrats put it to a vote to get out of Iraq, in the Senate they get six, in the House they got 150 some odd, or was it 142? And 40 some odd Democrats voted with the Republicans. I mean, Jack, it's time to shut up about this. You keep losing it.
AMEN RUSH!!! Frankly, I think that Murtha's said so many stupid things that he's crossed a line from which he can't return. I also think that Diana Irey is a formidable opponent who's able to take the fight to Murtha in ways that he isn't prepared to handle.

I think that voters in PA CD-12 will think of it this way: When they see Murtha, they'll see the past; when they see Irey, they'll see the future. If that's how they see it, then this race is over.

Posted Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:10 AM

May 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Jack at 20-Jun-06 10:18 AM
Lets see, Rush avoided Vietnam because of a cyst on his ass.

John Murtha served as a Marine for 30 years, has the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and Last Billet was as an intell officer.. .

Yet, you think Rush nailed him?


You quote Rush on Black Hawk down, yet he conviently dosent mention Reagan's CUT AND RUN from Lebanon.

Per Blackhawk down, go back and read the newspapers of the time, and who was baying for our troops to be pulled out the loudest??

Why, Bob Dole, Newt, and all the other repubu bot leaders.

At least in Blackhawk down,

(which in a WWII sense was a victory for us, since we achieved our objectives, lost only 18 KIA, and killed somewhere between 3000 and 5000 Somalis)

the Secretary of Defense, Les Aspen, resigned over the mistake of not having organic US tanks with the Rangers. Even thou that was more the rangers fault, since the UN troops had tanks and APCs, and were in fact USED to rescue them. The rangers, as our own after action reports pointed out, and used the same tactic 5 times b4 the Blackhawk Down battle, so the Somalis were ready with the RPG v/chopper tactic.

Contrast that with the hundreds if not thousands of mistakes made by Donald Rumsfeld, the 2500+ dead Americans, etc etc.

At least Democrats know how to govern, and fire/force to resign INCOMPETENTS.

And you, unknown fawning sycophant of Rush and the Republicans, will be really suprised in November, when Murtha wins, the Dems take over at least the house, and Murtha becomes Majority Leader of the house. The investigations into the Republican criminal graft over the war is going to bring down a lot of crooked people who deserve to be in prison.

And I think it really pathetic that you take your talking points from a prescrition drug addict who if he wasnt such a hypocrite, should have pled guilty and be in prison right now, just as he advocated for years for all illegal drug users...

40 oxycotin a day must really mess up your mind, as well as making you go deaf...

And you have the nerve to quote this drug addled, draft dodging, never graduated from college imbecile over a Congressman and Marine Col?

Shows how STUPID you are.

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 20-Jun-06 11:05 AM
Jack, You're ignorant if you think that Murtha's gonna get re-elected. He's repeatedly smeared the military this past half year, most recently playing judge, jury & executioner on Marines who were under attack in Haditha.

I've done some checking & it's apparent that there's a sizeable number of soldiers/vets in that district. My contacts tell me that Murtha used to get a majority of those voters but that they'd rather walk across crushed glass than vote for him this year.


And that's before his involvement in several scandals is made public. I've read a bit about these scandals, including one involving steering government contracts to his brother, contracts that comprised 70+ percent of his company's revenues. These scandals will make Abramoff's troubles look mild.

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