Rumsfeld's Analogy Infuriates Democrats

Democrats expressed their outrage over Donald Rumsfeld's comparison of today's anti-war crowd with the Hitler appeasers of the 1930's:
"It is a dangerous business to accuse those who disagree with you of moral and intellectual confusion," said Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee. "Debate in our democracy is based upon respect, not vilification."

Said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA): "If Mr. Rumsfeld is so concerned with comparisons to World War II, he should explain why our troops have now been fighting in Iraq longer than it took our forces to defeat the Nazis in Europe."

Sen. Jack Reed, a member of the Armed Services Committee, said Rumsfeld has been "substituting sloganing for strategy" and delivered a "calculated political argument" to make people believe that to support a war against terror requires support of the administration's policies. "I think the analogy is very, very weak," Reed, (D-RI), said of Rumsfeld's comparison of Iraq to World War II.

Sen. Charles Schumer of New York called Rumsfeld's portrayal of Democrats a "straw man" and said Americans need answers on how to deal with a looming civil war in Iraq.
Frankly, I don't think that the comparison is weak at all. The administration didn't pick a great messenger but they got the message right. The good news is that Republicans aren't staying silent on the issue:
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, (R-TN), shot back, saying Democrats were not committed to winning the war on terrorism. If they were, he asked, "Why does [Schumer's] party attack the president over and over again for using all the tools necessary to identify, track down and stop those who want to do us harm?"
Sen. Schumer, consider yourself zinged. Don't think that America hasn't noticed which party is the one that's putting up roadblocks to every program designed to thwart future terrorist attacks. Don't think that that won't be the final consideration for thoughtful people when they enter the voting booth this fall.

The reason why you see these Democratic leaders coming out so loudly is because they know the analogy paints an accurate, unflattering picture of them. They know that Jimmy Carter telling people to "give Hamas a chance" just re-inforces the appeaser image of Democrats.

If the shoe fits...

Posted Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:13 AM

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