Rep. Rangel to Retire

That's the partial headline to this article. Here's the full title:
Rep. Rangel to Retire if Dems Falter
If I were the editor, I'd title it:
Rep. Rangel to Retire When Dems Falter
But that's just me. Here's a Rangel quote:
"I'm a poker player and I've had good hands all night long. This is all in," Rangel said in an interview. "I would not put everything on the table if I thought for one minute we would lose."
I don't think he's as confident as this phrase conveys. Here's why:
"Hell, if we don't take back the House, then the Democrats would go down in history, saying that there's no group in the world that can grab defeat from the jaws of victory," Rangel said in an interview Wednesday. "It just seems like America is so frustrated and fed up like I am and if she's not, then I may have to say maybe it's me."
How would Charlie Rangel, as old guard a politician as exists, from as liberal a state as exists, know much about the mainstream of American politics? Charlie's a great quote machine but he's definitely out of touch with Heartland politics. In short, it's him. I think he knows that.

Posted Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:58 PM

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