Reid, Dean Spinning Lamont Victory

As you'd expect, Howard Dean and Harry Reid tried spinning Ned Lamont's primary win in Connecticut as a referendum on the Iraq war. Here's Dean's take:
"Republicans can try to spin their propaganda, but the truth is Republicans are out of touch with America and the November elections will be a referendum on George Bush's failed policies," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "The American public does not trust Republicans to take care of the people's business. And why should they given what George Bush's policies have done to America? The majority of Americans think the war in Iraq was a mistake. Republicans are clearly out of touch, on everything from raising the minimum wage to fighting for better health care to addressing sky-high gas prices to the war in Iraq. Democrats are united and will take our country in a new direction this November."
Dean should know better than to shoot his mouth off like that but I guess it's the nature of the beast. Democrats are the ones out of touch with Americans when it comes to fighting terrorists. Reasonable people can disagree on the best tactics and strategies in fighting terrorists but can't disagree that we should fight terrorists. The Lamont position is that we not fight terrorist-sponsoring nations like Iran. Here's a Lamont quote on Iran:
"We should work diplomatically and aggressively to give them reasons why they don't need to build a bomb, to give them incentives. We have to engage in very aggressive diplomacy. I'd like to bring in allies when we can. I'd like to use carrots as well as sticks to see if we can change the nature of the debate."
If that's the new direction that Dean's talking about, I'd rather stay the course. Here's Reid's mindless blather:
"Americans aren't buying the same, old, tired, Republican line that being strong on national security means being wrong on Iraq. It's a ridiculous assertion and the sort of divisive politics that the American people reject. The truth is this White House and Republican Congress have made America less safe by stubbornly staying the course in Iraq in the face of mistake after mistake. With our troops in the middle of an Iraqi civil war, a crisis brewing in the Middle East, and threats to our safety like North Korea and Iran on the rise, the American people understand something the Bush White House does not, we need a new direction in Iraq to keep our country safe."
What an idiot. Who does Reid think is financing the sectarian violence in Iraq? Brussels? Iran is financing Muqtada al-Sadr's insurgency. If the US left, we'd soon see Iran controlling Iraq through the 'al-Sadr conduit'. I'd prefer not going down that "new direction." I suspect that I'd be part of a vast majority on that.

Posted Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:44 AM

July 2006 Posts

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