Propaganda Central

I've only read a couple things on but that's what the articles seem to point towards. Here's one of my favorites thus far:
How many Senators will it take to pass an amendment to ban gay marriage? Fortunately, not enough today. The Senate voted to kill the amendment. A majority had been predicted by the Republicans, but fell short with a 49-48 vote. The vote not only killed the amendment, but it also killed the energy the Republicans are trying to build for the election season.
I have a question for all my conservative readers out there: Does the Defense of Marriage Amendment not passing make you less likely to be energized to vote this fall? Or more energized? If you're like me, this just makes me more energized to vote GOP this fall because I know what a Democratic House and/or Senate would do to the moral climate in America.
With the situation in Iraq and energy crisis, elected officials have more important pressing issues to deal with than same-sex marriage.
When did the high gas prices turn into an energy crisis? When Democrats shot down the drilling in ANWR? Or when Ted Kennedy blocked the building of a windfarm where his family's favorite yachting area is? Or was it some other time?
If politicians put as much passion and energy into bills addressing real domestic problems rather than trying to pass discriminatory legislation, then progress would be made in solving more pressing issues.
So Bill Clinton was a bigot when he signed the DOMA law in 1996? Or was he just being a phony? Are the people in all the states that overwhelmingly passed Definition of Marriage constitutional amendments bigots?

Here's another of the goofy articles on that blog:
So when Kennedy says he's an independent thinker, he really means just three percent of the time. With Bush's approval rating falling to new lows each day, it's no wonder Kennedy prefers voters ignore the 97 percent of the time he played the President's lapdog.
What this idiot doesn't say, and what the Strib doesn't say, is that Mark Kennedy voted against two of the biggest initiatives of the Bush adminnistration, No Child Left Behind and drilling in ANWR.

The problem with statistics is that clever people can make them say just about anything. That's the instance here. If you looked at all of Mark Kennedy's votes, I don't doubt the accuracy of the claims. If, however, you want to look at how often Mark Kennedy agrees with President Bush on each of the issues, I'd suspect that you'd get a much different picture. In fact, I'd guarantee it.

Besides, who's calling who a lapdog? Amy Klobuchar won't make a campaign move without first getting permission from Chuck Schumer. Schumer tells her to stage a photo op at a gas station to highlight high gas prices, which he's partially responsible for. Next thing you know, Amy's at a Brainerd gas station for a photo op. Nevermind that she doesn't offer a plan to solve the problem. Is this idiot telling us that Amy Klobuchar isn't a lapdog who doesn't have an idea of her own? Give me a break.

Originally posted Wednesday, June 7, 2006, revised 30-May 11:02 PM

May 2006 Posts

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