MNGOP Endorsed Candidates

MNGOP Chairman Ron Carey issued the following statement on the endorsed candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives:
"We have fielded a team of Congressional candidates for this election that is second to none. Each of them brings to the table exactly what we need to help our entire team be successful in November."

1st Congressional District

"Gil Gutknecht, from the Republican Revolution in 1994, will continue to lead with a real passion for reform. He will continue to be a critically important voice for Greater Minnesota on immigration, taxes and national defense."

2nd Congressional District

"John Kline is a key leader in Congress for our military and for our veterans. No one is a stronger defender in Congress for the men and women who defend us. He is also a key voice in Congress for excellence in education and our children are better for it."

3rd Congressional District

"Jim Ramstad has become a true statesman in Congress, and one of the most vocal proponents of lower taxes and spending restraint. No wonder he's so well-liked in his district."

4th Congressional District

"With his uniquely American story, Obi Sium represents the face of hope and opportunity that defines the very values of our Republican Party."

5th Congressional District

"Alan Fine will be a mainstream voice, and the kind of consensus builder the 5th Congressional District needs to cut through the partisan rancor."

6th Congressional District

"Michele Bachmann is one of the most passionate and principled leaders in public service today. Her values are the very values we see in people throughout the 6th District, and she has the real experience 6th District voters expect."

7th Congressional District

"Mike Barrett will be a strong voice for serious border control, low taxes and a muscular national defense. He is just the candidate to hold Collin Peterson accountable."

8th Congressional District

"Rod Grams will lead as he did during his earlier years in Congress: with passion, conviction and an effective voice. The Eight Congressional District is fertile ground for Rod's message of hope and opportunity."
That's the most solid list of GOP candidates for the U.S. House I've ever seen. Rod Grams has run before for statewide office & should, at minimum, give Jim Oberstar alot to worry about. This is my personal pick as the most exciting Minnesota race for U.S. House. Grams faces an uphill battle to be sure. Incumbency has it's benefits & it'll show here. That said, Oberstar would be foolish to not take a Grams campaign seriously.

From what I heard, Obi Sium gave one of the best endorsement speeches & electrified the crowd. It sounds like he's got the type of charisma that will make him a compelling story this fall. Betty McCullum will have her hands full there.

I can't picture a scenario where Patty Wetterling beats Michele Bachmann. I know that Ms. Wetterling has great name recognition but I don't think that she's got the drive that Michele's got. Michele's positions on the issues enjoy more support than does ms. Wetterling's. In the end, those 2 factors will decide this race in Michele's favor.

Gil Gutknecht, John Kline & Jim Ramstad are solid incumbents who will win their races in solid fashion. Alan Fine has an uphill fight in highly liberal CD-5 & Mike Barrett faces a popular incumbent in Colin Peterson, though he's been trending more leftward the past 2 years. Peterson used to be part of the Blue Dog Democrats, staking out a more DLC-friendly position during the Clinton years. He's voting with Nancy Pelosi more often lately. If I were Mike Barrett, I'd heavily emphasize Peterson's recent voting habits, tying him as closely to Ms. Pelosi as possible.

Here's Mr. Carey's statement following the wrapup of the MN GOP Convention:

We leave our 2006 convention unified and energetic behind the common sense leadership of Governor Pawlenty, Congressman Kennedy and the rest of our Republican team. This morning we completed our work by enthusiastically endorsing three constitutional officer candidates to protect our kids, protect the taxpayer and protect the ballot box.

Representative Jeff Johnson represents exactly what Minnesota needs in an Attorney General. He will chase criminals rather than headlines and continue to be a leader on issues of tougher penalties for Sex Offenders and on ridding Minnesota of the scourge of Meth.

State Auditor Pat Anderson is THE Taxpayers Watchdog. She will continue to shine a bright light on how our tax dollars are spent.

Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer has been a vigorous defender of the integrity of the ballot box while she has fought to increase voter turnout and civic participation in our electoral process.

With these three, Governor Pawlenty, Congressman Kennedy and our GOP candidates up and down the ballot, the voters of Minnesota have a team they can be proud of.

And the voters of Minnesota couldn't have a clearer choice this November.

  • If voters are concerned about lower taxes and real spending restraint, they will choose this Republican team every time.
  • If voters are concerned about securing our borders and stopping Illegal Immigration, they will choose this Republican team every time.
  • If voters want real reform and accountability in education and health care rather than just more money, they will choose this Republican team every time.
  • If the voters want to be tough on crime, and unapologetic about efforts to keep Minnesotans safe, they will choose this Republican team every time.
  • And if voters want common sense Minnesota values like defense of life, liberty and the family, they will choose this Republican team every time.
Elections are about choices not sound bites, and as our party leaves Minneapolis to take our unified message to the voters, our Republican party could not be more enthusiastic about our prospects for success in November.

This is a strong team of candidates that will put big issues before the voters. Mary Kiffmeyer's mission is to tighten up the laws to make voter fraud next to impossible while keeping voter turnout rate among the highest in the nation. Pat Anderson's mission as the State Auditor is to ensure that our tax dollars get spent wisely. Jeff Johnson promises to not imitate Mike Hatch's habits of "chasing headlines". Instead, he said that he'll chase crooks. What a refreshing change that'd be. Maybe he'll even get Amy Klobuchar interested in that when she's defeated by Mark Kennedy. (Yes, I believe in miracles.)

Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 7:35 PM

May 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Karen at 12-Jun-06 02:00 PM
Mike Barrett is pinning Collin Peterson into a corner, so hard he's squealing like a stuck pig!

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 12-Jun-06 07:37 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that. NOT!!!

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