MNGOP Asks For Investigation Into Hatch Ethical Violations

In their most direct complaint into Mike Hatch's ethical behavior, MNGOP Chairman Ron Carey asked Legislative Auditor Jim Nobles to investigate potential violations by Attorney General Mike Hatch of Minnesota's code of ethics. Here's a Carey quote from the pres conference:
"It is becoming increasingly clear to us at the Republican Party, and apparently to those at the Independence Party, that Mike Hatch has made this office, his official, taxpayer funded office, into a shadow campaign headquarters. His use of public resources for campaign purposes represents a serious violation of the public trust," Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman Ron Carey said.
This set of accusations are difficult, if not impossible, for Hatch to dodge because villifying Republicans doesn't wash away the problem. That the Independence Party was the first to publicly call attention to this issue is huge because the public doesn't see them as partisans, much less hyperpartisan. Here's a list of concerns Carey cited:
  • In a press release on state letterhead, Hatch referenced a press conference his campaign held, and specifically cited his running mate Judi Dutcher numerous times.
  • Hatch has used lengthy research reports prepared and paid for by the taxpayers of Minnesota for political purposes.
  • On state letterhead, Hatch wrote a lengthy complaint to the Minnesota News Council, which included numerous references to the political campaigns for attorney general and governor.
The last complaint is the most damning. Hatch wrote a threatening-sounding letter to the Minnesota News Council on OAG stationery. Implicit in that action is that the Attorney General's office would be looking into that. That's the ultimate chilling effect that government has had on free speech that I've come across. What's worse is that his campaign would be the only organization to benefit from that threat.

It's safe to say that Mike Hatch is one of the most, if not the most, ethically-challenged candidates for governor in my lifetime. It's time that Minnesotans rejected his ethically-flawed candidacy.

Posted Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:56 PM

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