Lurch, Ms. America Badmouth American Economy

Following today's jobs report, John Kerry, aka Lurch, aka Jean Francois Kerry and Nancy Pelosi, aka Ms. America (Rush's nickname for her), issued statements that couldn't have sounded more pessimistic. Here's Ms. Pelosi's statement:
President Bush and Congressional Republicans are crowing about the economy even while it continues in the wrong direction for most American families.
Ms. Pelosi, what report are you citing as proof of this accusation? Or is this simply your opinion? Or is this pure propaganda intended to deceive the American people?
The President just doesn't get it.
Ms. San Francisco Liberal is accusing the President who won the most votes in a presidential election of not getting it? This is too rich.
Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and families are struggling to make ends meet, as gas prices and health care costs are doubling, oil prices remain at record level, and real family income has stalled.
I wonder how many of those Americans wouldn't be "living paycheck to paycheck" if you'd voted for opening ANWR for drilling back in 1995. If you'd done that then, we'd have alot more crude available and we wouldn't have the high oil prices that we've currently got. How much worse off would people be if President Bush and the GOP hadn't pushed through the tax cuts that make our economy the envy of the world? Suppose you explain how taking more money away from the average working couple will improve their lives.
Republicans continue to drive up America record national debt with tax breaks for their Big Oil cronies, while denying a pay raise for 15 million Americans.
Actually, the driving up the deficit line is outdated. It was announced today that the deficit will come in under $300 billion this year. It was originally forecast at $421 billion. It's been dropping steadily for over two years but I guess those don't count to a lying liberal trying to cheapshot the President with fake 'facts'.

Then there's Kerry's statement:
Today President Bush missed yet another opportunity to actually do something to help small businesses. The president praises the optimism of Illinois businesses, yet more of the state's businesses closed their doors in 2004 than new businesses were opened.
I hate telling Kerry this but most of the problems in Illinois' problems are tied directly to Rod Blagojevich's economic plan. Like Jennnifer Granholm's in Michigan, Blagojevich's economic plan is a disaster. He's done little to reduce taxes. What little he's done to reduce taxes he's made up for by increasing the state's regulatory burdens on small businesses.
Instead of doing something to address sky-high gas prices, expensive loans and outsourced jobs, this president is holding photo ops touting his policies that are failing small businesses.
Sen. Kerry, you and Ms. Pelosi keep blustering on and on about "sky-high gas prices" but you've either voted against expanding our refinering capacities or you've filibustered bills that would've opened more land for oil drilling. Bill Clinton took millions of acres of land where oil could've been mined from and put it into wildlife refuges and national parks. For that, he was hailed as a great environmental president. Now we're paying for his 'accomplishments'.

As for holding photo ops, it's your buddy Chuck Schumer who's having Democratic Senate candidates run around campaigning via photo ops. Wbhy aren't you decrying that? It isn't like Amy Klobuchar's got any solutions to our energy woes. But she sure jumped at the opportunity to have Hennepin County's taxpayers pay for her to show up at a Brainerd gas station to "highlight the high energy prices."
"Not once today did President Bush talk about fostering entrepreneurship for every sector of our society. If Washington is going to help small businesses thrive, we have to invest in the innovative ideas and hard work of all small firms, including those owned by minorities, women and veterans. It's common-sense that's long overdue."
What an intellectually vacant, not to mention gratuitous, line that is. Is it Mr. Kerry's opinion that tax cuts for all small businesses don't reach "minorities, women and veterans"? That's pure opinion on Kerry's part. I'd doubt that he could cite any reputable study that supports his opinions. As such, his opinion isn't worthy of serious consideration.

The reality is that Democrats have to mischaracterize the U.S. economy because if they didn't, they'd get slaughtered this November.

Their only chance of gaining seats in the House and Senate is if they convince enough people that (a) this durable, dynamic economy is tanking and (b) Iraq is a hopeless situation. The likelihood of them convincing people of either is slim and their chances of convincing enough people of both things is nil.

Posted Saturday, July 8, 2006 12:51 AM

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