Lieberman In Trouble?

That's what Ned Lamont is hoping. Just how much anti-war resentment exists will be the deciding factor in this primary. Let's take a look at Reuters' article on the Connecticut primary:
Lieberman, the party's vice presidential nominee in 2000, faces a growing challenge from a political neophyte who has rallied Democrats angered by the senator's enthusiastic backing of the war and willingness to support Republican President George W. Bush on other issues.
This should tell every moderate in the Democratic Party that they aren't welcome. While it's doubtful that the Kos gang can win elections on their own, their uncompromising nature is making it impossible for their candidates to win. Their uncompromising insistance that Democrats take an anti-war position would lead to the destruction of the Democratic Party if left unchallenged.

The American people might not agree with the war in Iraq but they know that there's still evil people out there that want to kill large numbers of us. Until Democrats offer a more coherent and muscular stance on winning the GWOT, the American people won't consistently vote for them.
Lieberman has refused to rule out an independent bid if he loses the primary, giving rise to Democratic fears he could split their vote and give the seat to Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger, a state legislator.
If Lamont wins the Democratic primary, expect Lieberman to run as an independent or for Mr. Schlesinger to win in November.

Posted Monday, June 5, 2006 4:28 PM

May 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Leon J Karvelis Jr at 18-Jun-06 08:08 AM
The fear of Lieberman's switch to running as an independent is entirely unfounded: he will be made to look the spoiler that he would intend to be. The same people that doubted Lamont's ability to garner 15% of convention support will again be shocked as a Blue Democrat state stays Blue. What advantage would it be to Connecticut to have an independent sitting in the Senate, especially if Democrats take that body back? Lamont's primary win would shake the state, shake the nation and bring even more money into his campaign coffers. Independent voters abhor the mess in Iraq as much as Democrats and traditional Republicans. Lamont, a Greenwich Democrat used to living with Republican neighbors, knows full well how to attract reasonable Republicans and Independents.

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