Lamont's Naievete Is Showing

I just took another look at Ned Lamont's website to see what his foreign policy beliefs are, especially about the Middle East. It's safe to say that I found them just as unsettling this time as I did last time. Here's part of what I found unsettling:
Let's be clear that Bush emphasized Iraq at the expense of an Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement, and we are reaping the consequences. Just think what the situation could have been if the United States had invested its power, prestige, and resources in a peace settlement. Instead we chose a failed war and stand virtually alone, paying a heavy price for a profoundly failed set of decisions.
Lamont can think whatever he wants but anyone that thinks that peace in the Middle East is possible is dangerously delusional. Hamas is now running the Palestinian Authority. They're committed to wiping Israel off the map. They're funded by Iran, whose biggest goal is wiping Israel off the map. Why does Lamont think that anything remotely resembling peace with Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran is possible? Is he a graduate of the Jimmy Carter/Bill Clinton School of Peace that believes that peace is only attainable through worthless treaties? The reality is that signing peace agreements with any of these groups is as productive as the treaties that were signed with Hitler's Germany in the 1930's.

Here's another part that I found disturbing:
All Americans want the kidnapped soldiers to be returned and this cycle of violence to end, based on the principles of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559 of 2004, which calls for Hezbollah militias to be disbanded and disarmed, with the government of Lebanon taking full control of all of its territory.
Count me out of that type of arrangement, Mr. Lamont. I want nothing of the sort. I'd prefer that "this cycle of violence" ends when the last Hezbo terrorist dies and not a split second sooner. The belief that the U.N. and Lebanon will fully implement UNSCR 1559 is naive and dangerous. You can wish all you want for it but it won't make peace a reality.

Frankly, the only thing that's been successful is when Israel uses big guns and powerful tanks, when Israel is as ruthless as their enemies. Anything less than that is simply an exercise in futility. It's time that Mr. Lamont stopped living in that dream world that Martin Peretz talked about when he said:
"It is a fortunate world that Mr. Lamont lives in, but it is not the real one."
Mr. Lamont isn't just naive. He's dangerous. And we can't have that in the U.S. Senate.

Posted Sunday, August 27, 2006 2:57 AM

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