Kerry 'Blasts' Rush On Israel

Jean Francois Kerry got out his pack of spitballs and attacked Rush Limbaugh for Rush's statement that President Bush is the best friend that the Israelis have ever had. Here's Kerry's official statement from his website:
"Rush Limbaugh's ignorance and willingness to divide Americans knows no bounds. His latest statement about Israel is beyond offensive to all of us who have fought to protect Israel in the face of enemies committed to its destruction."
Kerry's got a French definition of fighting for Israel. Here's Kerry's statement to the Arab American Institute in Michigan:
"I know how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli government's decision to build the barrier off of the Green Line, cutting deep into Palestinian areas. We don't need another barrier to peace. Provocative and counterproductive measures only harm Israelis' security over the long term, increase the hardships to the Palestinian people, and make the process of negotiating an eventual settlement that much harder."
That doesn't sound like he's being supportive of Israel. I'd doubt that Israel is looking for that type of 'support'. Here's what Kerry told a Jewish group right before the NY primary:
"Israel's security fence is a legitimate act of self defense. No nation can stand by while its children are blown up at pizza parlors and on buses. While President Bush is rightly discussing with Israel the exact route of the fence to minimize the hardship it causes innocent Palestinians, Israel has a right and a duty to defend its citizens. The fence only exists in response to the wave of terror attacks against Israel."
I think we could call that Kerry's 'I supported Israel after I supported the Palestinians' moment.
"Rush Limbaugh needs to pick up a history book instead of a donut."
Another shining example of Democratic graciousness in the face of GOP meanspiritedness? Thankfully, most Democrats aren't into personal attacks. Oh wait....
"It was a Democratic president who first recognized the State of Israel. It was a Democratic President who first sold Israel defensive weapons. And it was a Democratic President who first sold Israel offensive weapons."
True enough, Mr. Kerry. I wonder if he'd recognize today's version of his party? I'd doubt it.
"The people of Israel and the Jewish community don't need Rush Limbaugh to tell them who stands with them, and no one has time for right wing trying to score cheap political points while Israel fights to defend its very existence."
Wasn't Mr. Kerry happy with the notion of badgering Ehud Barak into surrendering large chunks of land to Yassir Arafat in the 90's? Israel doesn't need that type of support. They need a president that won't cave to the 'international community' just to keep his popularity ratings up.

That's why President Bush is seen by Israel as the best friend Israel's ever had in the White House. That isn't just Rush's opinion. It's part of the official record since at least 2002:
Who says that there are no more miracles today? US President George W. Bush's long-awaited speech on the Middle East, in which he upset the entire applecart of cherished assumptions upon which Middle East diplomacy has been based for more than a decade, certainly qualifies. At least if you believe the pundits, not one of whom came close to predicting what the president would say.

If a speech can be judged by those it ticks off, then Bush's was a smasheroo. Foreign Minister Shimon Peres was reportedly so revolted that he could not bear to listen to the end. No doubt he was indignant at the snub the president administered to his erstwhile "peace partner" and co-Nobel Laureate. In calling for a new Palestinian leadership, Bush did not even deign to mention Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat by name.
That was written by Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Rosenblum in July, 2002. That isn't the only person saying it. Many is the time that Ed Koch has said that President Bush has been Israel's best friend.

Instead of Kerry telling Rush to pick up a history book, I'd suggest that he pick up a newspaper. Better yet, he should start reading the Right Blogosphere so he finally gets a clue.

Posted Sunday, July 23, 2006 6:02 PM

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