Just Political Theater?

It's insulting to read the title to Eleanor Clift's latest Newsweek column. Here's a sampling of the column:
"They might as well vote for it," says Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow with the centrist Democratic Leadership Conference. "It's meaningless anyway and will soon be forgotten."
Mr. Wittman doesn't understand the fact that elephants have long memories. It won't soon be forgotten. Rest assured that Republicans will remind voters this fall which political party voted to say that it's ok for media outlets to expose legal, important counter-terrorism programs and which took the fight against Islamofascists seriously.
The larger point is that journalists have taken up the task of holding this administration accountable.
That isn't the point at all. The NY Times said that there wasn't a question of legality with the program. They merely said that it's a matter of public interest, which is utter nonsense. It's a matter of national security. Ms. Clift's disinterest in national security is further proof that progressives don't think of national security as a high priority. Instead, Ms. Clift thinks it's just something that Republicans talk about to put Democrats on the defensive right before elections.

Further, Ms. Clift's claim isn't serious. It's merely meant to distract from the issue of the vote that she describes as pure theater. She knows, or at least should know, that national security is an important issue. She should know that covert counterterrorism programs should remain just that- covert. This is just another example of the ancient Agenda Media circling the wagons after one of their own is justifiably attacked for reckless reporting.

Posted Friday, June 30, 2006 7:47 PM

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