Irey: Terrorists Continue to Plot

U.S. Congressional candidate Diana Irey issued this statement about the thwarting of the terrorists' hijacking plot:
"Today's arrests in the United Kingdom represent a significant victory in the ongoing war on terror. I congratulate the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the UK. The arrest of these 21 alleged terrorist plotters in the United Kingdom is a dramatic reminder that transnational terrorism is not confined merely to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. Those determined to seek our destruction continue to plot against us, and we must remain ever vigilant.

"The arrests should also serve as a reminder that our intelligence and law enforcement authorities need more weapons in the war on terror, not fewer. Tools such as the terrorist surveillance program and sophisticated financial tracking are indispensable in our ongoing efforts.

"Perhaps most importantly, these arrests remind us that the best defense is a good offense, that, rather than wait until after the bombs have gone off and thousands, or tens of thousands, of innocent lives been lost, we must continue to support efforts to strike pre-emptively, BEFORE the bombs go off."
Ms. Irey makes a great contrasting point when she opines "The arrest of these 21 alleged terrorist plotters in the United Kingdom is a dramatic reminder that transnational terrorism is not confined merely to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East." In Murtha's world vision, he doesn't acknowledge that there's a global war on terrorism. Unfortunately, too many of Murtha's colleagues share that worldview. John Kerry isn't alone in asking where bin Laden is.

It's just an opinion but it makes too much sense not to be right: People aren't as worried about what hasn't been accomplished because the Bush administration has thwarted terrorist plots. They know that the Bush administration has put alot of valuable tools into law enforcement's hands, which they've used to keep us safe.

At the end of the day, that's what they're most concerned with.

Posted Friday, August 11, 2006 12:30 PM

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