Introducing Steve Beren

I had the good fortune of talking with Steve Beren tonight. Steve posted a comment to my NSA story from a couple days ago. Steve's the endorsed GOP candidate to unseat Jim McDermott in Washington CD-7. I've always thought that anyone who's vehemently opposed to Jim McDermott is likely a good guy.

When I called Steve, we quickly got into what turned out to be a friendly, lengthy interview. The thing that most animated Steve during this interview was his passion for protecting the U.S. from future terrorist attacks. Steve made quick mention that he's the only representative in that race that thinks that terrorism is a genuine threat to national security. Based on my past readings of McDermott's quotes, I totally agree with that assessment.

Steve is a former "radical antiwar protester, an opponent of the U.S. government, and a revolutionary socialist activist" from 1968-1990. "Since then he has become an evangelical Christian, a patriot."

Another issue that Steve was quite animated about was border security. Here's Steve's plan for that:
STEP #1: First, we must strengthen border security to sharply reduce additional illegal immigration. Second, we must eliminate the incentives that encourage illegal immigration and increase the penalties to discourage it.

STEP #2: Dishonest businesses that hire illegal aliens should be severely punished. Their goal is to evade taxes, and their goal is to avoid providing workers with proper pay and benefits. My support for severe punishment of companies that hire illegal aliens does not stem from any anti-business sentiment. In fact, this is a pro-business position, because allowing amnesty for such dishonest businesses is unfair to the vast majority of honest businesses that play by the rules.

Taking action against companies that hire illegal aliens will dry up the illicit job market that attracts illegal immigration. Some illegal immigrants will decide to return to their country. Others, contemplating illegal immigration to the U.S., will choose to stay in their homeland.

STEP #3: We should discontinue providing free education, free health care, free social services, food stamps, welfare, driver's licenses, and other benefits to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants have become a massive underclass, not paying taxes to support social services, yet using these services disproportionately because of their poverty status. This greatly increases the tax burden on the American citizen taxpayers, while also depressing wage levels. This is a great disruption to the American economy, and curtailing of benefits for illegal aliens would further destroy a big part of the incentive to come to the U.S. illegally.

STEP #4: Strict law enforcement. If a person is arrested on a traffic offense, misdemeanor, burglary, assault, or any crime, and it is determined that they are also in the country illegally, deportation proceedings should take precedence over any other minor crime of which they might be accused.
Frankly, that's a plan I think most conservatives nationwide would agree with. Let's hope that what President Bush says Monday night includes most of that. If that's President Bush's message Monday night, he'll do alot to rally the GOP faithful. Not only that, he'll give GOP candidates a strong wind at their backs for this fall's campaign.

For those who want to familiarize themselves with Steve's policy beliefs, just click on this link.

Here's a few things that stood out from Steve's website:

Senator Kennedy sees only doom and gloom in Iraq. He says we are in a "quagmire."

Let me say that I can respect a political opponent, and I have a lot of respect for many people with whom I sharply disagree. But not Kennedy. I have no use for him, I have no respect for him. He has no moral standing with me.

Iraq is no quagmire. It is a success. And it will be even more of a success in the future.

Let's look up the word "quagmire" in the dictionary. According to Merriam-Webster Online, "quagmire" is defined as follows:

  1. a soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot
  2. a difficult, precarious, or entrapping position : predicament
Kennedy, from his own life experiences, and from his own past mistakes, knows about real-life quagmires. He has first hand experience. And I think he is engaging in a bit of projection in his views on Iraq.
Anyone that "can't respect" and "has no use" for Ted Kennedy is off to a good start in my eyes. That he also doesn't think highly of Jim McDermott's opinions on the GWOT is a bonus in my eyes.

McDermott doesn't think we're fighting a real war against terrorists. He's been for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. In fact, McDermott once was dubbed 'Baghdad Jim' after he and David Bonior visited Baghdad right before the war. While he was in Baghdad, 'Baghdad Jim' said that he trusted Saddam but he didn't trust President Bush. Talk about a left wing radical.

The truth of the matter is that the House needs more sane people like Steve Beren and alot fewer loons like Jim McDermott, Jim Moran, Maurice Hinchey, Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha.

I strongly encourage my readers to visit Steve's website, to read his positions on the issues and, if the spirit so moves, to contribute to his campaign. The House needs more good men like Steve.

Posted Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:41 PM

Comment 1 by The Lady Logician at 15-May-06 08:32 PM
I know Steve from a couple of political groups and all I can say is that the people of Washington would be well served with him representing them.

Comment 2 by Gary Gross at 15-May-06 10:14 PM
Lady L, I totally agree with you about Steve. He's articulate & he believes in the right things. You don't do better than that.

PS- I read a little bit of your "What will happen in November if we stay home, Part 2" article. I've posted a couple articles about that subject myself that you might want to read. I totally agree with your points.

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