In Sharia Law We Trust

In a show of disrespect for the rule of law, the militant Islamic group The Islamic Movement made comments that said that they won't obey anything but Shariah law. Here's what I'm talking about:
"Extremist Jewish groups may damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. If this were to happen, heaven forbid, it would inflame the region," the MKs wrote. The Islamic Movement's Northern Branch also warned of what could take place Thursday in the vicinity of the Temple Mount. The head of the movement, Sheikh Raed Selah, said in a radio interview that the Supreme Court does not have the authority to rule on the matter. According to Selah, "The Supreme Court isn't worthy of deciding on matters pertaining to the Al Aqsa Mosque, because Israel does not have sovereignty over it. Selah called on Islamic Movement supporters to reach the Al Aqsa Mosque on Thursday.
When Israel's Supreme Court rules on something, that settles it, despite Selah's claims. Selah wasn't done there:
The Islamic Movement warned Wednesday against the possibility that Jewish groups would try to reach the Temple Mount on Thursday (The Ninth of Av) and damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. The group's warning follows a Supreme Court decision made earlier this week, ordering police to allow whoever wants to visit the Temple Mount during regular visiting hours on the Ninth of Av.
Here's a little of what Islamic Movement followers believe:
The Islamic movement is a popular work based mainly on self-motivation and personal conviction. It is a work performed out of faith and for nothing other than the sake of Allah, in the hope of being rewarded by Him, not by humans.

The core of this self-motivation is that unrest which a Muslim feels when the Awakening visits him and he feels a turmoil deep inside him, as a result of the contradiction between his faith on the one hand and the actual state of affairs of his nation on the other. It is then that he launches himself into action, driven by his love for his religion, his devotion to Allah, His Messenger, the Quran and the Muslim Nation, and his feeling of his, and his people's, neglect of their duty. In so doing, he is also stimulated by his keenness to discharge his duty, eliminate deficiencies, contribute to the revival of the neglected faridas [enjoined duties] of enforcing the Sharia [Islamic Law] sent down by Allah; unifying the Muslim nation around the Holy Quran; supporting Allah's friends and fighting Allah's foes; liberating Muslim territories from all aggression or non-Muslim control; reinstating the Islamic caliphate system to the leadership anew as required by Sharia, and renewing the obligation to spread the call of Islam , enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and strive in Allah's cause by deed, by word or by heart, the latter being the weakest of beliefs, so that the word of Allah may be exalted to the heights.
This is pretty straightforward stuff. What this is unmistakeably saying is that everywhere is Muslim land and the only law that's to be obeyed is Sharia law. They don't hide their disdain for all other systems of laws. These are true believers. What's also clear is that they're trying to incite a riot. We'll keep you posted on that.

Posted Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:48 AM

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