Hagel: Thy Middle Name Is Chutzpah

To see the Agenda Media swarming around Chuck Hagel after an appearance on a Sunday morning talk show isn't unusual. He's gotten into the habit of saying all kinds of sour things about Republicans, which means he's the Agenda Media's go to guy. This week's appearance on Fox News Sunday didn't disappoint them.
Hagel asked: "Where is the fiscal responsibility of the party I joined in '68? Where is the international engagement of the party I joined, fair, free trade, individual responsibility, not building a bigger government, but building a smaller government?"

His frustration does not lead him to think Democrats offer a better alternative. But Hagel wants to see the GOP return to its basic beliefs. "I think we've lost our way," Hagel said. "And I think the Republicans are going to be in some jeopardy for that and will be held accountable."
While it's true the GOP can't accurately be described as the party of fiscal responsibility, the GOP is pretty strong on free trade, individual responsibility and most pocketbook issues. As for his statement that I think the Republicans are going to be in some jeopardy for that and will be held accountable", I wish that he'd let the political strategists handle that and get back to not being such a foreign policy wimp.

Frankly, it's people like Hagel that most conservatives are upset with. there's little, if any, difference between Hagel's worldview and John Kerry's. That's all you need to know what type of elitist Hagel is.
Hagel has not decided whether he will run for president in 2008. But he respects his wife's reservations about being first lady, cited in a book about Hagel.
What chutzpah. We don't care if he's made that decision. We'll make it for him. He's a foreign policy wimp who pays more attention to the amount of microphone time he gets than he does to foreign policy solutions. If you've ever read his comments on foreign policy, they're totally focused on process, not solutions. Politicians like that are a dime a dozen.

Furthermore, what makes him think that he's got the mettle to handle the job? For that matter, what makes him think that voters would pick him over a real heavyweight?

Posted Monday, August 21, 2006 2:53 AM

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