Goodbye Nancy?

That's what reporter/columnist extraordinare Robert Novak wonders in his latest article. Here's what he's reporting:
Talk is increasing among House Democrats that if they fail to regain control after 12 years of a Republican majority, Rep. Nancy Pelosi should be replaced as the party's leader in the House.
It sounds like we won't have a Minority Leader Pelosi next January. Since I don't see Democrats winning control of the House, I'd say we'd see Pelosi serving as ranking member of some committee.
The highly regarded Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, second-ranking in the House hierarchy as Democratic whip, ordinarily would be in line to succeed Pelosi. However, tension between Pelosi and Hoyer has been so great that many Democrats would prefer somebody not identified as her antagonist. Consequently, there is speculation about Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, a second-termer who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as Pelosi's logical replacement.
Rahm Emanuel would actually be a good alternative to Pelosi's brain-dead daily diatribes if not for one thing: He's from the DLC school of thought, which is anathema to the Daily Kos/ people. What's that they say about a house divided?

Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:30 PM

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