Fox Faking It

That's the declaration from disgraced NY Times Executive Editor Howell Raines. Here's Raines' specific quote:
"Fox, by its mere existence, undercuts the argument that the public is starved for 'fair' news, and not just because Fox shills for the Republican Party and panders to the latest of America's periodic religious manias. The key to understanding Fox News is to grasp the anomalous fact that its consumers know its 'news' is made up. "It matters not when critics point this out to Foxite consumers because they've understood it from the outset. That's why they're there."
This coming from the man that let Jayson Blair write fictional stories for over a year. All I've got to say to Mr. Raines is "PUUHHHLEEAZE!!!" This is the type of paranoid babbling that we've gotten used to, as much as is possible. Raines undoubtedly put that in there to sell books but I wouldn't be surprised if his autobiography jumped off the shelves by the dozens. Don't be surprised if you read an article a month from now talking about how poorly the book is selling. It wouldn't surprise me if his autobiography is this summer's equivalent of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth".

Posted Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:39 AM

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