Diana Irey Meets the Blogosphere

The good people at Free Republic hosted Diana Irey for an electronic interview this evening. Here's the transcript of the interview: To: Diana Irey

Glad you made it! Here we go. This is a really good idea.

I would ask Commissioner Irey: If she were to win and get into Congress, what would be her top three priorities that she would like to see achieved during her term?

To: Admin Moderator
  • 1. Win the War on Terror.
  • 2. Secure our borders, and address the illegal immigration problem.
  • 3. Reform our cumbersome tax code.
To: Diana Irey

Three questions posed together:

Taxes. Pennsylvania is drowning in them! What are your positions on property tax relief, and income tax reform?

I'd like to know where [Diana] Irey stands on Tax Reform.

Flat Income Tax? Forbes style with huge personal exemptions, or truly flat from the first dollar?

Or does she favor wiping out the entire Income Tax system in favor of the Fair Tax?

What do you think about John Linder's Fair Tax proposal (House Bill HR 25, or Senate Bill SR 25)?
To: Admin Moderator
First let me say there is usually a way to meet the public needs without raising taxes. I have delivered 7 consecutive balanced budgets to Washington County with no tax increase. Our current federal tax code has approximately 17 million words. This is not a tax system most citizens can understand. Although not a federal issue, I would like to see the property tax eliminated. I am currently looking at the Fair Tax plan as an alternative.
To: Diana Irey
Ms. Irey:

I'm from the Detroit area and my father's family is from Republic, PA (Fayette County). I believe that's in Congressman Murtha's district. According to the Herald Standard Newspaper (Uniontown) E-Mail headlines Fayette County is one of the top five poorest counties in America. How will you [if elected] change that? Thank you for your response, and good luck.
To: Admin Moderator
Since I took office in 1996, Washington County's unemployment rate has dropped 18%. I believe some of this success can be attributed to low taxes, a one-stop shop for economic development, available ready sites for businesses to locate and a good transportation system. These initiatives have provided a climate where economic prosperity can be achieved. I would apply the same principles for neighboring Fayette County.
To: Diana Irey
The GOP has been very weak in getting [its] message out in a timely manner, often resulting in the media or the Democrats controlling public perception. What would you do/request that would help this marketing/public relations gap on our side?
To: Admin Moderator
I think often times Republicans are afraid of stating the facts surrounding an issue. I would simply encourage other Republicans to not be afraid of the fight.
To: Diana Irey
Okay, here's my question. it is of special relevance to the 12th district, and I was born in Canonsburg, PA (not in the district but in Washington Co., though now living in TN) There have been several mining incidents in the past few years...my preferred solution is more strip mining, it strikes me as a far safer way to mine coal, and the landscape can be repaired. My father always said that if the mines were closed when gas levels were too high, the mines wouldn't make any money. What [are your thoughts on] mine safety?
To: Admin Moderator
My husband is a mining engineer by education. Mining is an important industry in the 12th district. Strip mining is an alternative. Mining safety needs to be a top priority.
To: Diana Irey
Dear Ms Irey, can you propose any viable solutions to the impending "social security crisis"?
To: Admin Moderator
Social Security faces 2 problems. First, in 10 years we will spend more in benefits than we take in with payroll taxes. Second, our current system provides a very low return for lower income earners.

I am looking for new solutions to this problem. The social security lock box was a good first step.
To: Diana Irey
Residents of District 12 were directly impacted by the events of 9/11 as Flight 93 crashed in Somerset county. Some have labeled the brave actions of Flight 93 passengers as "the first battle of the war on terrorism." What would you say to the military families who might be getting fatigued by the relentlessly negative media spin about Iraq and the [war on terror]?
To: Admin Moderator
Americans do appreciate our soldiers and their families. It is only a minority of Americans that do not share in their resolve. Americans believe we are winning the War on Terror in Iraq. We must be united behind our military in their battle, so the war is not lost here on the streets of America. Our military and their families are in constant prayer.
To: Diana Irey
Thank you for taking the time to discuss your candidacy with FReepers. What is your position on the 2nd Amendment, and will you oppose any federal firearms legislation?
To: Admin Moderator
I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. I have been an endorsed candidate of Firearm Owners Against Crime since 1995. We do not need any additional federal firearm legislation that will restrict the rights of law abiding gun owners.
To: Diana Irey
What is your opinion the next priority should be in the military's 21st century transformation process?
To: Admin Moderator
I believe that it is essential we provide our military with the tools necessary to defend our country and keep them as safe as possible. In today's information age it is important that we provide current technological resources for our military.
To: Diana Irey
I recently toured Rolling Rock's brewery in Latrobe, which I understand is in PA's 12th district. The recipe's sale to Anheuser-Busch and the brewery's pending closure saddens me here in Virginia, so it must really be a hard blow for many of the district's residents. If elected, do you have any plans to try to save the brewery, either for another company or as a historic site?
To: Admin Moderator
Rolling Rock is an important tradition here in Pennsylvania. It is imperative that we work hard to protect jobs here in the 12th District, and that we find innovative ways to bring new business here to Western Pennsylvania. I would use every resource available to me to recruit another company and/or save their historic building.
To: Diana Irey
What are your thoughts on the size of the federal government? Is it too big, too little, or about right?
To: Coop
I believe our government is too large on the federal, state and county levels. As a Commissioner, I have witnessed terrible waste of taxpayer dollars. All levels of government can and should be downsized.
To: Diana Irey
Mrs. Irey, how do you intend to overcome the media's protection of Murtha and point out to voters that Murtha's voting record is far more liberal than he admits to at home? Specifically to inform voters that:

  • [Rep.] Murtha voted against the Real ID Act, to establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver's license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and removal, and to ensure expeditious construction of the San Diego border fence;
  • [Rep.] Murtha was one of only 58 Representatives to vote against allowing federal courts to review the Terri Schiavo case while she was being starved to death;
  • Murtha voted to use taxpayer dollars to finance research that destroys embryos for their stem cells;
  • Murtha voted against the USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act; and
  • Murtha voted against the Gasoline for America's Security Act, to expedite the construction of new oil refineries in the United States and implement penalties to prevent gasoline suppliers from overcharging consumers?
To: Admin Moderator

The information you just shared and so much more will soon be available through our campaign efforts. I applaud your in depth education on a political figure. My campaign will show that Mr. Murtha is not the same man that was elected to this office 32 years ago. As you have pointed out, he has lost his way.
To: Diana Irey
We appreciate your time here. We're sure you have a hectic schedule these days. One general question presented by many FReepers is how can someone outside of your district help in your race against Rep. Murtha. Would you care to address that in any closing remarks you may have?
To: Admin Moderator
Thank you for having me with you this evening. Please accept my apologies for the reoccurring technical difficulties we have experienced. I hope I have begun to answer some of your questions. I will be happy to do this again as the campaign progresses. I greatly appreciate the support of so many of you with Free Republic. This will be a difficult race. The 2 biggest challenges will be fundraising and getting the message to the voters. I encourage you to visit irey.com frequently for campaign updates. My family and I thank you.

Posted Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:23 PM

May 2006 Posts

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