Democrats: Party of Defeatism

I've long believed that but now I've got syndicated columnists that agree with me. Based on this week's columns, Ralph Peters definitely agrees with me.

Here's part of his mocking of the Democrats Council of Defeatists:
Iraq's government just released the first insider documents captured from terrorists in the raids surrounding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death. The contents will horrify America haters in our media but won't surprise Post readers:

We're winning.

Yeah, the good guys. Our troops. And the Iraqi army. We're winning. We were winning big even before we nailed Zarqawi. The terrorists themselves said so. In their state-of-the-troubled-union message to themselves. According to al Qaeda in Iraq, critics of "stay the course" need to stick it where the sun don't shine: One key captured document states that "time is beginning to be of service to the American forces."

Guess we ought to pull our troops out now. Right, Nancy? Howard? Teddy? John?

And that's just a fraction of the good news that was plaguing the masters of terror. Zarqawi's inner circle had concluded that:
  • The Iraqi military and security forces had become painfully effective, paralyzing terrorist efforts in parts of Iraq where they'd previously moved freely.
  • Losses due to U.S. and Iraqi strikes had badly sapped terrorist strength, and they were having grave difficulty gathering new recruits. Guess not everybody wants a Saturday-nighter with the virgins of paradise.
  • While elements in our own media continued to claim that the terrorists couldn't be defeated, the terrorists themselves felt that the Iraqi media's reporting on terrorist atrocities had badly undercut their base of support.
I can't put my finger on it but, for some reason, I don't recall the Agenda Media painting that picture in American papers. Maybe I missed it as I read through the LA Times, Washington Post, NY Times, the AP and Reuters wires each day. Coming to think of it, the only place I saw it reported was in the Washington Times and NY Post. I probably just discounted it because those papers are just Rupert Murdoch-owned right wing propaganda rags.

That's just a portion of what Col. Peters' column. I'd strongly recommed that you read that entire column.

Then there's this from his column from earlier in the week:
The strategic momentum has shifted. Fighting a terrorist movement takes time, sometimes a frustrating amount of it. But Bush's trip drove home some undeniable facts:
  • The American president can go to Baghdad. And our enemies can't stop him. And the White House didn't black out news of this visit until the prez was wheels-up for home; word broke while he was still in the Green Zone. One big Bronx cheer for the bad guys, for whom Bush's visit was a humiliation.
  • Iraq has an elected, functioning government of a quality that deserved a presidential visit. Image matters in the Arab world, and the symbolism of our president going to Baghdad to confer with Iraq's prime minister instantly raised that new government's stature.
  • Americans aren't quitters. As Bush pointed out to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, when Americans give their word, we stick to it, at least under this president. The terrorists and their media sympathizers haven't been able to budge us. And we won't come back 'til it's over, over there.
  • Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead and won't easily be replaced. The months ahead will still see plenty of violence, but Iraq's already better off.
The hundreds of raids and arrests of terrorists in the wake of Zarqawi's death have received scant media coverage (those three sweet, virtuous Gitmo terrorists were more important, you see), but this is huge news.

Once you crack a terror system open, one success leads to another. For a long time, the terrorists held the tactical initiative; now we've grabbed it. It's a credit to fine intelligence work, good soldiering, and to the Iraqis struggling to save their country.

One presidential visit to Baghdad is worth a thousand pathetic declarations of defeat from Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean or Ted Kennedy, none of whom has shown the least respect for the democratically elected and courageous leaders of reborn Iraq.
The Agenda Media, along with the Democrats, put their eggs in the basket labeled "Teh President, and the military, can't win in Iraq. For awhile, they thought they could garner enough support for that perspective to win. Bush's Baghdad meeting with al-Maliki demolished that.

The only thing that I'd change from Col. Peters' column is actually an addition to his "One presidential visit to Baghdad is worth a thousand pathetic declarations of defeat from Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean or Ted Kennedy..." I mean, what's a sentence like that without having John Murtha linked to that crowd?

Based on this week's events, you can either think of the Democrats as the Cut-And-Run party or the Party of Defeatists. Both fit them to a T, though neither paints a flattering picture of them.

Posted Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:46 AM

May 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Jack at 18-Jun-06 10:02 PM
ou state Democrats are the Party of Defeatism.

How about the party of seeing reality?

The Republicans, and especially the President, Rumsfeld, and the neocons who enginered the Iraq war,


They made the decisions, fudged the intelligence, ignored advice from the uniformed military.

Heh, your beloved Condi Rice, stated that THOUSANDS OF MISTAKES have been made in Iraq.

Do we have to make you suffer thru the old stupid claims of Republican idiots that-

,We would be greeted as liberators, that Iraqis would throw candy and flowers.

,Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction.

,We would only have to spend a few billion dollars..

Yeah, Its the Democrats defeatist talk that is dooming our effort in Iraq.. Not the consistently wrong decisions to get into this war, the criminal decision to try and fight it with not enough troops to secure the country after taking down Saddams govt and Baghdad, and not mobilizing the country to support the troops with armor vehicles, personal armor, enough ammo, etc. Not to mention a real push to either increse enlistments, or institute a draft so that we dont have to send the same soldiers to THREE OR FOUR DEPLOYMENTS IN COMBAT.. At one point in 2003, we had to buy 5.56 mm rifle/SAW ammo from the Isrealis.

This is pitiful. If this really is a clash of decades, a clash of the West against hard line Islamists, then where the hell was the MOBILIZATION OF THE COUNTRY? LIKE YOU, KNOW, IN WWII? Go read about the thousands of planes, tanks, ships, billions of tons of supplies and ammunition that the US supplied not just our own forces, but all of the allies:Not to mention building the atom bomb as the clincher. After 9-11, the nation was ready for just that.. And we were told to just go out and shop:

That would include increasing the size of the army and marines, providing armored vehicles better than the pathetic humvee (a great utility vehicle.. NOT DESIGNED TO BE A DECENT ARMORED VEHICLE). Hell, we have 15 thousand M-113 APCs in storage, and Anniston Army Depot has an upgrade program for them that provides better armor, anti RPG measures,etc. They have done about 800 of them.. FOR THE IRAQI ARMY. WHAT ABOUT OUR SOLDIERS, STILL RATTLING AROUND IN HUMVEES?

I'm old enough to have lived thru the Vietnam era.. And a lot of conservatives then decided about 69-70 that if the Feds were not going to fight the damnd war right, then we should get the hell out of it.. Today's conservatives seem to be reinacting Kevin Bacons role in Animal house.. shreking "all is well" except for the media and the democrats.

I think that is why this democrat is ready to get the troops out.. Because you Republican idiots have proven you are murderously incompetent.

Because you are trying to fight a war and give tax cuts at the same time, WHICH NO OTHER GROUP IN 5000 YEAR OF RECORDED HISTORY HAS EVER TRIED TO DO.. most counties at war usually RAISE TAXES to pay for wars.. But NOooo, Bush and his INCOMPETENTS KNOW BEST??

Meanwhile, Afghanistan is slipping into big problems, the Taliban has gone from squad size units to BATTALION SIZE (for you idiots, that is from about 10 man units to 300+), and Afghanistan is again the world leader in heroin poppies. The sale of which FUND THE TALIBAN. Great job there, Bushies. BTW, where is Osama? Geez, by just about this time in WWII, Hilter was dead:

Let's not forget the sheer waste of the war.. not just in the dead, the broken bodies, but the contractor greed heads.. the fact that in the CPA's short life, it managed to LOOSE TRACK OF 9 BILLION DOLLARS OUT OF A TOTAL BUDGET OF 27 BILLION.

It use to be that Republicans were the party of fiscal responsiblity.. But since 1981, every one of your repub admins has run up the debt big time. When's the last time the budget was balanced? ..Back in the LBJ admin, and then for THREE YEARS IN THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.

If the demos would stop whining with each other and get a pair, the simple truth is that they have become the responsible, good government party, and the Repubs have become spendthrifts and grafters, just like back in the Gilded Age: Did you see the latest about the Denny Hastert land deals near the new parkway? a cool 1.5 million on property that was cheap until Denny managed to route the new parkway by it:.

And Duke Cunningham in jail for 2 mill in bribes, Abramoff, Delay.. Oh, let's not forget the shining example of FEMA and Katrina.. Great job there, bushies.. Contractors gulping down big dollops of graft, and half of New Orleans population still scattered to the winds..

When you guys arent incompetent, many of you are thieves.

So, keep deluding yourselves that all is well.. I think in November you are going to get a BIG suprise. .

Comment 2 by Jack at 18-Jun-06 10:22 PM
Oh, and its a victory that Bush got in and out of Baghdad without getting killed. Wow, what a pathetic metric.

Lets see, he flies in with no notice to Baghdad Airport, with AF 1 taking very steep paths in and out of the field to prevent being shot down by shoulder fired AAMs. Then a quick trip to the Green Zone, the most heavily defended place on EARTH, in helicoptors and wearing body armor and kevlar helmets (I laughed my ass off at the picture of Tony Snow and the communication director in helmets and body armor.. it looked like they were about to pee their they were getting flashbacks about how they almost had to go to Vietnam)

Did you ever stop to think, MORON, why they just couldnt drive the 4 lane expressway the ten or so miles from the airport to the Green Zone? Would that be because it has the humorous name THE ROAD OF DEATH? and this is like, 1700 days, THREE YEARS, after MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Bush doesnt trust the Iraqis to even tell them he is coming until he's already in country and the Iraqi president is told 5 minutes before the Pres sees him?

What I know about diplomacy is that presidential level trips to normal counties involve lots of coordination with the govt of the country being visited.. Maybe if the Iraqi leaders met the Pres at the airport with the normal diplomatic pomp and circumstance, then you might have a point. BUT WE CANT TRUST THEM ENOUGH TO EVEN LET THEM KNOW THE PRES WAS COMING, EH?

If you think this was a victory, then you must have thought the fall of Batann and Corregidor were just fantastic triumphs, eh?

Your post is the epitome of grasping at straws...

Comment 3 by Jack at 18-Jun-06 10:42 PM
One more time..

Here's a good summation of the last three days in Iraq:

Borzou Daragahi in Baghdad, June 19, 2006

THE Iraqi Government has crafted a far-reaching amnesty plan for insurgents, even as at least 43 people died and 100 were injured in a string of bomb and rocket attacks in the capital and the US military hunted for two missing American soldiers.


The amnesty plan includes people who allegedly staged attacks against Americans and Iraqis, and calls for the creation of a national committee and local subcommittees to "welcome insurgents" and begin a "truthful national dialogue", said a version in an Iraqi newspaper. It would be the Iraqi Government's most comprehensive attempt to engage insurgents.

"The main thing is that there are no clear red lines for the participation of the bloody-handed people in the political process," said Haidar Abadi, a leader of Mr Maliki's Dawa party, a big part of the dominant Shiite political coalition.

The plan, mysteriously released then rescinded by the Prime Minister's office last week, calls for a prisoner release and pardons for those "not proven guilty in crimes and clear terrorist activities".

So our allies, the Iraqis, are going to PARDON the insurgents that killed Americans? Oh, so what else is new?

Casey Sheehan and his friends killed and wounded in the same action, were killed by the militia of Muktar al Sadar, the Mad Mullah that controls probably the largest Shiite Militia. Dont see him or any of his men brought to justice for those deaths. Guess we just have to suck it up , you know, due to political expediency?

And now, we have 2 POWs. But, like Tony Snow says, those are just numbers.

You know, those numbers have parents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, and friends.

And uncaring attitudes like that by republicans is why 2 out of 3 americans think Bush and the repubs have messed up the Iraq war and it is time to come home.

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